Calan (verapamil hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Calan (verapamil hydrochloride)

Lucid Dreams, broken sleep patterns, anziety

More palpitations. Dizziness. Bad anxiety and panic attacks. Made everything worse. I could feel my heart speed up and slow down. Cant workout anymore. Did nothing for my blood pressure

Stomach pain, nausea,lots of gas, belly bloat ( like 9 mths.preg).constipation. weight gain..Gastrointestinal Dr. Wants me to get off this med ASAP.

Worked ok for BP but not worth making me sick.

This made my Wolff-Parkinson-White episodes decrease substantially, though it did not eliminate episodes altogether. I got off of it because I got a catheter ablation and am currently considered cured.

Fluid Retention whole body beyond unbearable. Told could not be from this but was only drug on. Migraines became more frequent.

Constipation; gas pains; abdominal pains (usually upper left, under rib cage, sometimes elsewhere, ranging from sharp to dull); heartburn; bloating stomach; hard stools

Worked wonders for getting rid of PVCs, but now the gas pain and digestive issues are really getting to me (about 2 years into taking drug). I've been to a gastroenterologist and have confirmed GERD. I suspect it's mainly from the Verapamil, but I can't be sure. Only had occasional heartburn before going on this drug, with the exception of when I was pregnant.

shortness of breath, headaches, muscle aches

I took this to control a minor afi. It did not contriol it. The side effects were so bad that I could not function.I do not recommend it.

stubborn high blood pressure prob

blurred vision-shortness of breath-tightness of chest-muscular cramps and spasums-ears ringing-excessive dehydration- heavy eye lids -hives - itching skin- swelling ankles and feet.

long term use of this drug should not be tollerated! max 2 to3 years at most useage by mfg! long term side effects of symptoms of hypoglycemia happen. headaches and tiredness! helps palpations stop in most cases ,but long term can reverse it ! not good for blood pressure lowering all the time ! no sleep off and on and NIghtmares and stress dreams that cause spikes in blood pressure to happen upon wake up! unsafe drug to use long term !!

Constipation, Upset Stomach, Diarrhea, Sleep Disturbances, Insomnia at times. Awaking at night led to slight panic attacks where heart would race which would bring on heart palpitations. One night I woke up and swear that my heart was beating so fast that i couldn't even count, but who knows. Generally a healthy 32 old here without any problems up until now. I have been off of Verapamil for a week now and the sleep disturbances continue. Hopefully this will taper off the longer I am off it. UGH!

I wish I had never met this drug. Not a fan! I found that I could completely control my heart palpitations by cutting back on my carb and sugar intake. Try this if you have my condition. You might be pleasantly surprised.

Constipation. Poop comes out small and hard. Possibly compounds sleep issues.

It's a lifesaver for me. Cluster headaches feel like a baseball bat to the head. Haven't had one for a year and a half.

tired sleepy lazy wondering mind eye lids heavy sticking closedbelly aches pukey feeling lighthead dizzyness dry mouth in morringcramping in chest area ! gas bloating heartburn and reflux

I can't see how anyone could stand this drug!im a young womanin good health and in good shape!I work out daily now I can not!as I get out of breath and my ankles swell up ? I gained about 6pounds already! does anyone get chest pains while on this med ?I get cramping first then it goes into slight pin point pains !got checked ekg normal and no signs of angina? doctor thinks im nuts ! this stuff is driving me crazy im going to stop it and get on something new and diffrent !

headaches cramping tiredness depression internal shakes dry mouthdryness in eyes throat closeing hard cough jitters nose runningbelly swelling hard ness in belly waight gain by 8lbs in 1weekrear end pluged up sexual problems due to this gas build up

long term use of this drug over 6years started to get hypoglycemiadrop in blood sugar off and on -a known long term side effect fromthese drugs!this drug also effects your nervious system and screwsit up!I have short term memory loss due to this drug. thinking process is messed up while on this medication! im weening off it now - and taking orosine and res q 1250 and res q 105 for theblood sugar drop outs ! My doctor never told me about this andthinks its all in my head! dont take these drugs! ccb's or beta blockers ! they can harm you and will kill people !

headaches,lightheaded ness-shortness of breath,congrestion, coughing, dry mouth and eyes at night,ringing in ears,cramping inlegs and arms and shoulders upper back, stomach bloating,aches pains under rib cage at times, vision blurred, sensative to lightgas pains,bloating after eating anything! tired all the time !

Lets talk about Sex drive and sex being Im a normal male mid 40supon taking this drug,my sex life has gone to heck! I have no drive at all,as well I dont go as long and get tired and get cramps when well feel like crap the whole time, whenended if I dare to sleep I get massive tremmers,internal shakeingand rapid heart beats going on, I dehydrate fast and just feellike junk when waking about a train wreck! I had somewhat of the same happen on beta blockers as well - this is what they call sexual side effects? oh yeah it took longer for choo choo train to go up !alot longer ! these are not good drugs to take !

swollen ankles - dizzyness -headaches- aches and pains in backand shoulders - vision slightly blurred at times - left eye waters.

calan verapamil -ccb worked good on me, but the side effects did more harm than good, such as ankles swelling up -and headaches and aches everywhere coughing at times! congestionand a few other unwanted effects! im back on a beta blockerdue to palps that stopped but returned ,cardiologest changed meds for me ! said ccbs are not good for palps ! I think alot of doctors today do the ginny pig process on everyone ! try this or that ! pushing drugs like candy! when each person should be fully tested to see if they can tollerate them first !and what side effects happen ? but not in this world !!medical system is broken !

The first month I got headaches. They went away.Severe constipation. Started on Citrocel. That cured the constipation.

I take this along with 2 other BP meds. I have no complaints.

Constipation that was worse the first month or so. Easily controlled by eating high fiber diet. Two apples a day did the trick. Also, verapamil seemed to cause some insomnia. Made it difficult to tolerate coffee (not much of a problem).

The first month it reduced migraines and daily headache greatly. Then it seemed to stop working as well. At three months I was only a little better off than without verapamil.

alot ! shortness of breath - b.p not going down as it should !no get up and go! bloating belly conditions! trapped gas! excessive shoulder pains and cramping upper body, numbness in hands and feet off and on ! throat closeing when eatting !

took this crap for about 6months - couldnt put up with the b/sside effects it has! I think the maxzide caused most to increasewith verapamil together. also can not be in the direct sunlightand heat ! you can get symptoms of heart failure ! such as rapid heart beats ! palps and shortness of breath gasping for air !! lightheadness to the extream - I ended up in the E.R due to this ! only to find it was verapamil max causing the problemand heat!! heart was fine ! darn drugs!now I was put on coreg cr 20mg I cant wait to try it !!wonder what bonus the doctor gets perscribing it !!

excessive bloating belly! stomach sick upset feeling, ankles swelling,dry mouth,headaches,vision problems off and on, ears ring off and on, hair thinning out! racing heart beats off and on ! nasty stuff !

I dont like it! never could take a channel blocker med before !Docturd put me on it,insisted it was good! b/s its not! its junkand im sick from it -he knows it! wont do a thing about it! im seeking alterntive medications now and getting myself off this nasty medication! Im sick of idiot Docturds in california !iv only found pill pushers here! that dont bother to read the side effects or test a person if they are allergic to the medsit sucks all around !

Since the age of fifteen I had severe cluster headaches that often lasted for several days and tried many types of medications that didn't help at all. A doctor suggested I try Calan and it worked right away. I take one every morning. Whenever I have an occasional headache it is generally relieved after taking two regular aspirin.

upset stomach- back pains- vision problems - light headed feelings- ankles swelling up -throat closes -out of breath no power! tired all the time - b.p dropped but not enough !

over the past few months,I have had vision blurring and my left eye has gotten swollen and drys out at night! I just read online that this is a side effect from verapamil and any diretic you take! the doctor never told me this.. nor did he care when I told of the problem! clearly im allergic to themedication or can not take it ! simple as that !! anyone had this happen. I also get bloated belly conditions and pains !massive back cramping! its not a good drug to take. im breathlesss at times !! as it effects the breathing!

CALAN (VERAPAMIL HYDROCHLORIDE): Verapamil is used to treat high blood pressure. Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. Verapamil belongs to a class of drugs known as calcium channel blockers. It works by relaxing blood vessels so blood can flow more easily. Verapamil is also used to prevent chest pain (angina). It may help to increase your ability to exercise and decrease how often you may get angina attacks. Verapamil is also used to control your heart rate if you have a fast/irregular heartbeat (such as atrial fibrillation). It helps to lower the heart rate, helping you to feel more comfortable and increase your ability to exercise. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA) Download our Free Resource Guide:


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I have not been able to get rid of all the side effects, such as itchy skin on my scalp, chest, back, and ears.

worst experience with an anti depressant I have ever had. It has not not really helped my depression at all and if anything has decreased my rational thinking and made me feel sick all day long every day.

tiredness, vivid unpleasant dreams, restless sleep, mild weight gain

I cant quite be sure whether the drug is actually decreasing my suicidal thoughts or just rendering me unable to act upon them by making me so damned tired and lethargic. I think 'zombie' is an adequate enough term.

I have never experienced such awful side effects from an OTC medication! The fatigue lasted 24 hrs and I could not stay awake. I'm usually a very light sleeper and I was knocked out. This was stronger than Xanax. The next day I had anxiety, heart palpitations and irritability. I would never use again. Ruined my day.

I recently switched onto Ortho-Cept from Loestrin 24 Fe. Since the switch, I've felt great and have lost 5 pounds. The weight loss seems to be an unintended side effect since I wasn't trying to lose weight. My doctor warned me that there is a slightly increased risk of blood clots on Ortho-Cept, but I take a baby aspirin every other day (I'm 40 years-old) and am not particularly worried.

Fibro. & Chronic Lofgren's Syndrome

I feel like there is no one to help me. I am going to stop taking the lithium. I don't know why they - whoever they are - have stopped manufacturing Eskalith CR but I would rather fade away than struggle with this. It is just too hard.

I took Flonase on and off for about 2 years. When I started taking it consistently, I noticed my anxiety getting to unmanageable levels. In late July 2023, one night completely at random, the symptoms above started. It was so bad I had convinced myself I was going crazy. I couldn't function. It's now Jan 2023, about to be 6 months since I've stopped Flonase. Things have gotten better but I'm still far from "normal". Dp/dr still affect me, heightened anxiety still affects me, crying spells and intrusive thoughts come less often now. Things DO get better. The first two months were hell for me. Now I'm hoping I continue to get better with time.

Nil - perhaps a lttile more tired. Havent had the full effect of Luvox as yet hence only a rating of 3.