Amiodarone hydrochloride (amiodarone hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Amiodarone hydrochloride (amiodarone hydrochloride)

Hand tremors, extreme fatigue, weight loss, leg weakness, lack of balance

Side effects feel debilitated. Difficulty walking, complete lack of balance.

Dyspnea, weight loss, Elevated TSH

It is Toxic has a Black Box warning! Been off of it now for 1 month Takes months to leave the body due to it's very prolonged half life. SE can still occur even after it is stopped!

Side Effects foramiodarone hydrochloride (amiodarone hydrochloride) - User Comments


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leg cramps at 40mg......went away at 20mg......ldl stayed lower.....just reduce your dosage to retain benifits and stop side effects

Thought this medicine was a God send until the second day when I could no longer urinate beyond a dribble at a time. That scared me because I drink up to 11 glasses of water a day. My urethra and bladder have been hurting since I began taking this.I decided to look up the side effects and lo and behold painful urination is a side effect. I took my last pill the night before and today I am up and walking around, I had previously lain in bed for 5 days in agony after the doctor told me there's nothing wrong. I'd also like to know if these urinary problems are reversible? Be VERY careful with this medicine.

Have stopped medication on doctors orders.Got previcid samples. He said in 10 days I would feel like a miracle has happened. I truly hope he is right. As it has been 15 months of hell. Have taken previcid ,aciphex had to change due to insurance carrier no longer paid for it. Well now I have paid a severe price in my health and daily function for their changes in my plan.

I was the picture of health before wellbutrin, not sure if coincidence but my problems started while on wellbutrin. I was the picture of health and am now on disability. I have severe memory problems, muscle twitching, weakness and muscle loss. Has anyone else developed long term severe problems after wellbutrin. Please contact me.

Occasional, mild joint pain--enough to be notable, but not enough to prevent me doing my normal daily activities with ease. Hard to decide if it was due to Forteo or previous day's activities.

some bleeding but not alot. fluctuating INR

Beware when taking this medication!!I had extreme depression for days. Felt hopelessness and despair. I stopped taking it and felt fine. I would never recommend this medication to anyone.

worked after first day treatment. had fishy smell and creamy discharge. thought it was a yeast infection but dr gave me diflucan pill amd symptoms did not go away. I'm on my 4th day and all symptoms are gone. no fishy smell or discharge. the only thing I don't like is the discharge from the medicine coming out. very creamy and clumpy kinda like wet tissue paper or glue from a glue stick. can't wait till it all comes out. other than that it works great!

So far, Wellbutrin has helped my depression a great deal. I am more active, ambitious confident than I have felt in years. The hives were a little alarming at first, and were certainly uncomfortable, but they're not dangerous and antihistamines took care of them completely.

Best not to use alcohol with this. I am not alcoholic, only a low to moderate drinker, but I have blackouts more easily now and once I start drinking sometimes I don't want to stop. I never crave alcohol. Just that the shut off valve isn't as accessible, and I attribute this in part to Lunesta and alcohol sharing the same GABA receptor sites. If you have a propensity toward alcoholism, I think this drug could make you alcoholic... Other than that, it works. May worsen depression but-- so does insomnia, of course.