Xanax xr (alprazolam) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Xanax xr (alprazolam)

I was on regular Xanax and it helped, but did not last long, so was put on Valium that lasts longer and after tolerance had built up from being on benzos for years now, which apparently is my fault. I even tell my doctors that I want off my medication, but now have been given Xanax xr and it seemed to help at first and was on 1mg 2/day, but now I am on 2mg 2/day and it just takes longer to even start to help and does not even help much for my panic and anxiety I am having in the moment, with breathing and distracting myself too and if I take it too early in the day I do not sleep well even with Belsomra for sleep!! The Doctor that I really liked left the practice and am now seeing a new one and not happy at all and just put me on antidepressant and antipsychotic and upped the dose of them and does nothing for my anxiety and the antidepressant and antipsychotic really make me feel worse!!

When opiates were the great idea for pain and before it became an epidemic they would give you a long lasting pain med and something for immediate or break through pain. Feel like for some the XR and some IR would be the answer, but doctors are so scared of losing their license and the DEA and the pharmacy guidelines it is just a mess and not fair to the ones suffering out here. Such a messed up system and so wrong.

Love that I don't have to take the immediate release as often. Feel calmer all day.

I do take 0.5mg IR occasionally when needed.

I've tried most medications and have only had negative side effects to my mental health. This lead to alcohol and nicotine. Since Xanax my life and all my relationships have changed drastically. I no longer feel socially awkward or not good enough. I have more drive to better myself for myself and for my loved ones. I no longer drink or use vaporizers. I don't really have a withdrawal but rather I go back to how I felt before the canal started working. This medication was a life saver for me. I've never abused it or taken more than 4mg is day and it is still as effective.

Life saving medication. Prefer XR over immediate release. Seems stronger for longer periods of relief.

Horrible. Would not recommend to my worst enemy

Yeah like I said it's horrible.

I was on 0.5 mg (1/2 milligram) 2x daily of regular Xanax for 15 years for panic attacks and anxiety disorder. It worked wonderfully and I had a very good quality of life with it. I had a job, got out of the house daily and lived my life much more normally. Suddenly last month, my psychiatrist of 20 years decided he no longer likes to prescribe regular xanax anymore. Well I had a very bad anxiety relapse when he prescribed me Xanax Extended Release 1 mg one time per day instead. It was horrible!! It felt like I didn't even take my xanax and I had waves of normalcy mixed with horrendous rolling anxiety and intermittent panic attacks daily, noon and nightly.What I didn't know was that it was only giving me .25 mg at a time 4 times per day. Well I was used to the 1/2 of a milligram 2 times per day which was much stronger. People with anxiety or panic disorder notice every subtle detail and bodily change, so I started panicking when I felt like they weren't working. My anticipatory anx

Not nearly as effective as the regular immediate release xanax. If you took that before taking xr, get ready for horrible panic attacks again unless they put you on double your old xanax dose.

Found myself a little drowsy during the day for the first 2 weeks of starting this medication. I still have some anxiety but I haven’t had one panic attack since starting the medication.

I am a nurse and was very reluctant to taking any medications. ( I know I feel like a walking contradiction)I have been managing my anxiety through diet, exercise and therapy. I do worry about withdrawal symptoms but for now I believe the med is alleviating the panic, of course with therapy and exercise but sometimes that just doesn’t cut it. ASMR, meditation and Reiki also and highly recommend practicing.

Decline in memory as I get older seems to be exacerbated by all forms of Xanax.

SSRIs failed me. When I really needed it, this drug was a lifesaver. After my Psych. added Depakote to my regimen last year, I cut down from 2mg to 1mg per day and have reduced PRN Xanax IR .5mg to 1 or 2 a month. Memory improved. I may try cutting to .5mg XR, but weaning off is a slow process.

I never feel tired or have any anxiety, just normal.

Lowered anxiety significantly, however the XR made me feel foggy the first few days I took it even though before I had been taking .25mg of regular Xanax 4x day, the same dosage. I can feel it begin to taper off right at about the 12hr mark, but not to the point where I feel like I need to take more. I sleep like a baby, no more restless tossing and kicking around. I feel a little groggy when I wake up but it's an easy side effect to deal with in exchange for the benefit I receive.

If your GAD is affecting your quality of life, take it. Stay on the smallest dosage that is most effective for you, and just because you stop feeling side effects doesn't mean it isn't still working in the background, so don't be quick to assume you need a higher dosage.

Sleep, confusion, too much of a good thing.

Avoid it if possible. Try to find other ways of reducing your anxiety. This drug is highly addictive and in the long run doesn't help.

I have suffered with chronic anxiety..PTSD..depression and agoraphobia for years. My psychiatrist prescribed xanax 2mg xr when trauma hit that regular dose of .05 four times a day couldn't touch situationally. Had no knowledge that this form of xanax existed. Was a bit Leery..but tried. Not only did it completely/slowly prevent hospitalization, but noted my agoraphobia was eased to point where health issues such as failing sight I was addressing where normally it would result in a number of cancelled appts. Too fearful to follow thru on. I had quality of life for a short time before my insurance took it off their formulary and my Dr. Abruptly ceased prescribing. What in the world could cause such a reaction? Is the extended dangerous for some reason unspecified? Why did my Medicare part D take this out of their formulary at the beginning of year? I caught a glimpse of quality of life..what happened?

I have suffered with chronic anxiety..PTSD..depression and agoraphobia for years. My psychiatrist prescribed xanax 2mg xr when trauma hit that regular dose of .05 four times a day couldn't touch situationally. Had no knowledge that this form of xanax existed. Was a bit Leary..but tried. Not only did it completely/slowly prevent hospitalization, but noted my agoraphobia was eased to point where health issues such as failing sight I was addressing where normally it would result in a number of cancelled appts. too fearful to follow thru on. I had quality of life for a short time before my insurance took it off their formulary and my Dr. Abruptly ceased prescribing. What in the world could cause such a reaction? Is the extended dangerous for some reason unspecified? Why did my Medicare part D take this out of their formulary at the beginning of year? I caught a glimpse of quality of life..what happened?

Not satisfied with the XR. Preferred just Xanax. It worked faster and I didn't need it as often. Prescribed three times daily as needed. In a panic attack I need the immediate relief Xanax offered. Taking this doesn't help. It doesn't even help me sleep at night.

Panic Attacks,anxiety attacks, Nausea,Constipation,Jitters, sleeplessness, even on sleeping meds!

PTSD, anxiety, social withdrawal

I had previously used Xanax .05 4x day for twenty-six years.

Chronic Panic anxiety djsorder

Brilliant! My heart is CALM AND MY BRAIN IS UNCLUTTERED WITH THOUGHTS OF PANIC FEAR ' COMPLETE TERROR due to Custody battle with Psycho Dad Stealung my precious Boy! He has BIG $ LAWYER.. im stay home MOM W LOW INCOME & USA Doesng seen to care about Kids...just $$$$!!! So Xanax has Basically kept me from FULL HEART ATTAXK AND MENTAL SIEZURE FROM EMMENSE STRESS! i Can Sleep Eat NO NAUSIA & NO HEADACHE! ITS LIFE OR DEATH FOR me & it doesnt make u feel too drowsy to drive ... Just MELLOW!!! i can Xcersize on it too! Have a cup of coffee if u need a little boost without raising the heartrate to PANIC LEVEL! All Around LUFESAVER! When its Tapered off tgat will be a lucky day cuz it Means im NIT IN TOTAL CRISES ANYMORE BUT RIGHT NOW ITS A DREAM MED TO KEEP ME FROM LOSING MY MIND!!!Ladts ALL DAY! XR IS THE WAY TO GO ! Not too Xpensive either

XANAX XR (ALPRAZOLAM): This medication is used to treat the panic and anxiety symptoms associated with panic disorder. Alprazolam belongs to a class of medications called benzodiazepines which act on the brain and nerves (central nervous system) to produce a calming effect. It works by enhancing the effects of a certain natural chemical in the body (GABA). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Anxiety. Agitation. Nausea. Lack of appetite to no appetite. Mostly in morning early afternoon. Mid upper Chest pressure. Tingling left arm...pins and needles sensation.

So far none at all! And I am a migraine sufferer with Fibromyalgia & hypothyroid..........so I was very scared of this causing migraines or new problems. So far so good!

At first, I had some appetite suppression and diarrhea but those have gone away. I still have some dizziness and sleep issues but not nearly as bad as they were before. I do get a bit of a racing heartbeat for a good chunk of the day but I am able to sit still.