Xanax (alprazolam) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Xanax (alprazolam)

Minor memory loss, emotional instability

Xanax helps my anxiety and panic attacks. When I get really aggressive, I take one or max 2 pills and it calms me down after 30 minutes. The problem is that the benefits are short. After a few days, I built a tolerance and somewhat an addiction, but when I cut in half for 2 days and then stop, I have withdrawal symptoms for 24-48 hours (insomnia, anxiety) but after that, I feel ok. If it would cause brain damage that bad, I don't think I could be a part time student and work full time like I do as a pharmacy lab technician. If I take 2 mg, I feel bad the next day, tired, foggy, and I have concentration problems and feel a little depress. If I take 0.5 mg to 1 mg, I feel ok the next day and it has a slight antidepressant effect.

Disabled physically brain damage neurological damage I have Bind and akathesia.. Herenda's experience side effects are very real. Even after discontinuation.. It's been 6 years and I'm still suffering I'm still disabled.

Is not meant to be taken for more than 2 weeks... Will destroy you physically and mentally

Sedating at .50mgCan't sleep more than 5 hours on it.

Very addictive. Ran out before prescription refill and started having horrible withdrawal symptoms. So I decided to quit. This was in April 2021. 30 days free finally.

Doctor never mentioned it was addictive and would always increase my dosage whenever I asked. Benzos are terrible to get off of them.

Xanax (Alprazolam) has worked phenomenally well for me to help bring down my anxiety. If I know I'm going to be in an anxiety provoking situation, I'll take my 2-3 pills 1-2 hours in advance and I know I'll be ready to deal with whatever is coming. I'm not someone who has ever experienced dependency on a medicine, but I make sure to limit my intake to around 2 times a week at most and I've gone years without using it. I'm giving it a 4/5 despite being 5/5 in efficacy at temporarily removing my anxiety, just because it's a medication that does hold the risk of dependency/withdrawal and that limits how often I take it. Never use it just to fall sleep or feel good and take the smallest working dose as infrequently as possible.

Calmed the anxiety to a point I could work and interact with people.Tinnitus, pins and needles sensation, tingling lips

The last few months the ringing in my ears is almost intolerable. My hands, feet and lips are like pins and needles, horrible crawling sensations. I keep telling my doctors about this and they send me to more doctors. Just read on the drug insert that with these side effects you should go right to ER. Do the docs not know this? And how do I stop after all these years ?


None bad, only positive calmness, and good sleep!

I suffered from ANXIETY for 20 years that causes my depression. Dr. for 5 years was killing me with SSRI and other antidepressants, none of them help with ANXIETY or depression, So told that I am very sick and can't function I need something ASAP to save me, so dr prescribed 0.5x2 times a day but I only took 0.25 in the morning in about 45 minmy ANXIETY went from 10 to 0 my depression was gone at the same time. After 6 months I decided to see if I can get off it, so I quit cold turkey, first 3 days were a choppy sleeping pattern, but that was it, Currently, I am not taking anything at all for a month now and I am feeling normal. I strongly suggest you force your Dr. to give you a sample and see how you respond. Ask for XANAX only, NOT any other benzo like Klonopin etc.my last 5 years were hell on earth. Ty GOD that he gives wisdom for someone to create this med.

It's great for anxiety, it literally saved my life

This drug worked perfectly for my GAD and anxiety attacks. Improved the quality of my life 100 percent. Now doctors refuse to prescribe it. (Because of opioid epidemic). I never had any problem with it. Have not found anything that works half as well.

Not a wonder drug for me, stops working after awhile, i went thru a bad time last year my father died suddenly of cancer ,it helped a lot when i took it for the 1 st 6 months, now i take it with Lamictal,

Anxiety, insomnia due to stress

Memory loss, lack of sexual desire

It's been a life saver for my anxiety. Some days I get away with only 0.5 mg other days I need 2 mg. After all these years it still works and with less side effects then Klonopin.

Some grogginess when I wake up. I take Gabapentin also. A little slow to get moving. As long as I've been taking this, the low dosage still works.

I think its an effective drug for many people. Use the lower dosage necessary.

Weight gain,Dizziness,Body aches,dependency...Not sure if the anxiety causes the side effects or the medication. I take this for my pretty severe anxiety.

I am worried about more severe side effects if I get off the meds. I was taking 1 mg four times a day; then in 10/2019, I asked for it to be decreased, been at .5 since, thinking of going lower to eventually wean off. 1 mg/.5 mg seem to have same effect on me.

Inability to concentrate for long periods of time, slight memory loss, slurred speech, decreased sex drive, decreased creativity, occasional nightmares

The side effects of xanax can sound off-putting, but my state of mind/body prior to taking this drug was no great thing either so I decided to try it. The prescribed .25mg was far too powerful and would sometimes cause slurred speech, shortness of breath and excessive production of saliva. These effects would subside after an hour or so and then I was able to get on with my life. My real concern was the inability to concentrate for long periods of time and experiencing some memory loss. I also had a couple of intense nightmares that ranked somewhere on my top 10 list. I reduced the dosage by half and then a quarter and this has allowed me to focus again on family/work and I still get to sleep at night without the bad dreams.The good:Able to relax/sleepAnxiety reducedGenerally happierThe Bad:Highly addictive/Habit formingLack of concentrationDecrease in sex drivePossible night terrorsIn many ways Xanax (in very small doses) has made my quality of life better, but this can't be a long term solution.

Panic attacks,GAD, Night Terrors

Most effective at doses of at least 2mg

Mum took Xanax for her insomnia

Mum became suicidal. The pills did not help her to calm down and sleep - instead, she experienced edginess, high anxiety and became like a person possessed. Her voice changed, she wanted to die - she began trying to bite herself...she pulled out her IV drip. She became feral!

Because she couldn't sleep, she started yelling through the night - 6 hours of non-stop yelling. It was really traumatising.Fortunately, the doctors convened and changed her meds. She's back to normal now. At one stage, the heart specialist even made us sign a DNR form - to cover himself no doubt.

Extreme addiction. It will destroy you life if you ever stop taking it.

Works great ,BUT after a very short time you will not be able to come off of it. It’s more addictive than almost any drug. Avoid at all costs.

Drowzy, Tired, but more at peace and happy.

It is fantastic for quick relief of anxiety, but it is addictive. physically and psychologically addictive.

XANAX (ALPRAZOLAM): Alprazolam is used to treat anxiety and panic disorders. It belongs to a class of medications called benzodiazepines which act on the brain and nerves (central nervous system) to produce a calming effect. It works by enhancing the effects of a certain natural chemical in the body (GABA). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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For about 15 months I experienced SEVERE fatigue, and initially for about three months very bad headaches which diminished in intensity but never completely went away. Insomnia, I would wake up at 3:00 am and be unable to go back to sleep. Difficulty in swallowing and constipation.

Fatigue, cluster headaches, concentration problems, weight gain, moodiness, leg cramps. Worked well for reducing asthma symptons.

Lightheadness, dizziness, very agitated, jittery, sleep problems (very sleepy during the day but can't stay asleep at night), feel disconnected, can't put together a complete sentence without one or two words being wrong

Awesome drug! I haven't felt this good in years. I felt "normal" for the first time in a LONG time. I took every psy drug on the planet. Dextroamphetamine is the best! HOWEVER, withdraw effects are HORRIFIC to say the least. Severity depends on how much and how long you took the drug for. I had been on Dextro for 6-8 months and final dose was 30mg once a day. I had to stop suddenly for a week and for 2-3 days I had severe depression, anxeity, mood swings, felt suicidal. Once I found out why I felt so bad that changed my thinking so I lost the suicidal thoughts. Now I know why people who are severly depressed kill themselves. If I had to live with how I felt for 2-3 days due to Dextro withdraw every day I would kill myself for sure. No doubt about it. Pure HELL...

falling, hallucinations, depression, screaming at night, hands shaking and eventually death.

I just took it for the first and after it was absorbed I got a cold sweat and a headache. An hour later I got a foggy feeling and slight dizziness

Extreme drowsiness, hungover effect, sedation, impaired concentration, restlessness, feeling overwhelmed from lack of accomplishing anything on this med

Well, It didn't work for me- I feel more in control taking Humolog & Lantus.

Very ill with severe case of flu and have autoimmune disease, doc gave me RX for tamiflu on second day. First dose caused SEVERE headache, thought I was having a stoke, temp rose quickly to 102.3 after taking it then severe vomiting and heaving, After I threw up fever went down and headache resolved, I will never take this medicine again, horrible side effects worse than having the flu even a severe case. This is the fifth day of having flu, 102.8 temp today, still coughing and runny nose, headache.

severe back pain extending into butt and thighs, severe metalic burning taste in mouth, lack of ability to taste, shakey feeling, tired, dizzy, soreness in abdominal area and sides