Valium (diazepam) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Valium (diazepam)

I started taking flexeril for sciatica but had to stop after 6 days due to awful side effects. But valium (diazepam) is completely taking care of my symptoms.

Alcohol withdrawal/Insomnia/Anxiety

Minor memory loss, concentration problems, mood fluctuations (euphoria and dysphoria)

I was able to come off alcohol easily. It helps with insomnia and anxiety. I'm functional at work. It works better than Ativan, Klonopin, Lectopam, Serax and Restoril. Xanax works also well, but I built a tolerance and I became addicted. I was able to stop Xanax with the help of Valium. The only thing I dont like is sometimes I feel down for 30 minutes 1 hour after I take it, but sometimes I feel great.

Works great for benign prostate hyperplasia. Much better than flomax.

Valium did the opposite of what it was supposed to do. I was hyper, blood pressure through the roof, could not sit still.

After reading all of the glowing reviews, I feel like the odd one out. This drug is not for me.

has anyone out there used the Herb Kratom capsules for anxiety / depression and for chronic fatigue. Please let me know.

My back pain that I suffered with for years is almost completely gone. It radiated from mid-back to lower back to hips. Now it's only occasionally sore first thing in the morning but pain-free after moving around a bit.

Better outlook on life. I'm easier to get along with.

I had suffered migraines for decades. Nothing was effective for the range of symptoms (from prodrome to aura to splitting headache.). I have been taking valium daily for almost 3 years now and have had ZERO migraines. It's a life changer.

The gold standard of anti-anxiety medication. But take a crumb, if you can. And only when needed. Nothing works better. Resets everything: From scary stomach twitching, to dizziness, to rapid heartbeats, muscle tightness and doom. One of the best drugs ever invented. Take a crumb! 2.5 mg MAX. Breathing exercises and a bit of Valium, along with moderate exercise. Total relief

None so far that I can tell have not used it very long yet

Trying to use valium to withdraw from klonopin can anyone please let me know if you have used valium to ease off of klonopin Please email me and let me know

Has any one used valium to get off of klonopin if so could you please email me and let me know.

Lowers systolic by over 30 points and diastolic by over 10 points.

None at all. Worked well for me.

Brilliant drug I used on and off for more than 50 years whenever my GAD played up, which wasn't continual, so my use was not long term, months rather than years over several periods. Can't get it now in UK, apparently because of certain side effects, none of which I ever experienced, no withdrawal symptoms or anything else they now tell me will happen if I take it and sadly nothing else works for me. I appreciate that reactions to drugs vary for different people but valium worked so well for me. New drugs I have tried gave me terrible side effects, worse anxiety and really bad depression, so couldn't take them and CBT was useless, so no help for me from anyone and now I have lots of physical symptoms they tell me are stress related. If what is prescribed now doesn't work, it seems it's a case of live with it. Thank goodness doctors were kinder in years gone by. I hate to think my whole life might have been like it is now but for their care and understanding.

The tinnitus is greatly reduced, almost goes away completely. Anxiety decreased and world view enhanced.

Everyone should take this while going through trials and bad times. You (and others) come out better at the end.

My work requires sea time and this medication works far better than any other sea sickness remedy I have tried.

Side effects was head or brain zaps, vision problems and dizziness. Also caused constipation and headaches.

I'm considering tapering off and finding an alternative. The head zaps are very scary to experience.

Take these when migraine is going to start and it usually curtails the symptoms and headache within 25 minutes.

Muscle spasms, stress, insomnia

No side effects feeling great. Getting the best sleep I ever had in my life.

I have had a lot of spine surgeries. A lot of muscle spasms, twitching, and jerking which kept me awake all night. Taking this medicine is a god send.

Taken this drug on and off since I was a teenager more than 50 years ago for an anxiety disorder. It has always worked brilliantly for me and enabled me to live a normal life. I had no side effects at all and experienced no withdrawal problems when stopping it. Like most drugs it depends on the person's tolerance of different substances. Doctors are reluctant to prescribe it these days and I cannot take the new drugs offered as I suffer really bad side effects from them, so left more or less alone to get by now, However I am grateful for the years It was available.

VALIUM (DIAZEPAM): Diazepam is used to treat anxiety, alcohol withdrawal, and seizures. It is also used to relieve muscle spasms and to provide sedation before medical procedures. This medication works by calming the brain and nerves. Diazepam belongs to a class of drugs known as benzodiazepines. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

Despite all the side effects this medicine has been a blessing for me! My issues were first detected through an eye scan, then confirmed with MRI & lumbar puncture. I have had severe migraines, neck pain and tinnitus since I was a child. Never given any answers or relief till now. As long as i take my medication on schedule my migraines and other symptoms just about disappear. Also my side effects are not as bad as long i keep on schedule and don't miss a dose.

At first a month ago nurse said to take 2 pills a day of5mg because they didn't have the 10mg but they didn't say to change i was taking 20mg.then two or 3 weeks later. My hair started falling out badly.i went back to 10mg its still coming out. Plus my leg has beeb swollen for 2 months and i have to wear a leg wrap something like a castand wrap. I talked both doctors and they say its the type2 diabete and arthritis.

DO NOT TAKE THIS DRUG!!! Side effects from this drug can remain with you after discontinued use. YOU ARE TAKING A HUGE RISK!!! I took this drug over 4 years ago for a very short period of time and still battle the majority of these effects. I experienced none of these things prior to taking this drug. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE DO NOT TAKE THIS DRUG!!! Most physicians will not believe this. Mine didn't. I'M AN RN AND I AM PLEADING WITH YOU TO BE YOUR OWN ADVOCATE!!! LISTEN TO YOUR BODY!!!

I've taken these pills on and off for 15 years. I began taking them at my jerk doctor's advice when I was 21 years old. A short time later I ended up with bulimia. This drug taught me to like hunger pangs. This drug caused mood swings that worsen as I stopped then began taking it, pain and swelling down my left arm, confusion, mild hallucinations (corner of your eye phenomenon), depression, anxiety, and more recently heart palpitations that can last for months. I am not a fan of doctors who so eagerly give these drugs to patients. The weight loss is temporary. The eating disorders are longer lasting and potentially more dangerous to your health.

LACK OF SEX DRIVE (NONE AT ALL!!), couldn't sleep, emotional wreck...

A few nights of discomfort - hot flushes, restlessness, insomnia got worse

i took it since i was 13 yrs old and it has gotten worse around 18 yrs old. Now I take this and lamictal and phenobarbitol and feel much better

Tinnitus (ringing in ears), muscle cramping/fatigue, erectile dysfunction

MY miracle! I was in so much pain with my TMJ and headaches stiff neck and jaw my head literally felt like it was ggonna explode from all the pressure. i take it every night, the first morning i already felt the difference, and with a nightgaurd and physical therapy i am finally almost pain free! its awesome

Tried 4-5 different tablets before having these as a last resort...Been on them 3months now and i feel so nuch better than i did. Like any tablet it has unwanted side effects but i overcame them. They appear to be working well for me and i can get back to a normal way of life again.