Tranxene (clorazepate dipotassium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Tranxene (clorazepate dipotassium)

ZERO side effects. Saved me when had stressful corporate job. Then I was taking 2-3 3.75 pills daily - no side effects.

Since I left corporate I take 150mg of Zoloft and 3.75mg of Tranxene as my cocktail. I am now 74 and when I wake up at night "wide awake" I take a tranxene, catch up on the news on computer and 30 minutes later get a very restful sleep. This simple tranquilizer has been a life saver for 40 years.

Why are they going to stop the manufacturing of a drug that has proven itself over time with NO adverse social effects and it works.Doctors speak up and listen to your patients.

have taken this drug for 35 years with no problems

This pill was prescribed for me, as a possible replacement for Xanax. First off, I took this pill after eating food, to avoid possible stomach upset. However, immediately after I took it I began to experience stomach pains, so I called up the doctor who prescribed it to me to tell her about such side effects that I had gotten after only taking one pill. She ended up prescribing something else for me that was of no help to me either. This stuff, while it was in my system did absolutely nothing to help with anxiety.

If you are someone that is suffering with severe, recurring anxiety, please don't let the doctor prescribe this stuff to you, as it does nothing!

None unlike Xanax xr or klonopin, this med works so well and a lot easier to get off then others,boggles my mind why more docs wont use it

RATE OLDER DRUG A FIVE THE NEW ONE THAT IS SUPPOSE TO BE THE SAME 0!!!!!!!!!!! I have taken tranxene for years. Last Friday my pharmacist told me the people they normally get it from quit making it and there is another company that makes it and it is supposed to be the same med. BE WARNED IT IS NOT!!!!! I have had harsh drug withdrawals. Last night it ended me up in the ER. EVERYONE NEEDS TO KNOW THIS. I AM HAVING SERIOUS DRUG WITHDRAWALS LIKE WORSE PANIC ATTACKS EVER, SWEATING, SHAKING, MY EMOTIONS INSIDE MY HEART HURT...SUICIDAL?? MAYBE IF I DIDN'T HAVE GOOD SUPPORT AROUND ME. BEWARE THIS IS NOT THE TRANXENE AND THAT COMPANY HAS QUIT MAKING OUR ORIGINAL. THE NEW ONE DOES NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mentally out of it a bit. I feel unmotivated and just not all there

It absolutely is helping. I am taking it temporarily while hopefully we find a better way to deal with the problems. But still, I am very thankful to have this available to me

why don't doctors still prescribe this miracle drug?

became quite sedate, and felt hung over the next day...

I originally posted my experience on 3/17/07 so you can see my comments there....and I wanted to add this. In April of 07, I went off of Prozac, by June, I had weaned myself off Tranxene very slowly over a 2-3 month period. I was FINE! I started having panic attacks again in Dec of 07/Jan of 08, so I went back on a VERY low dose of tranxene (7.5 mg every other night), and I can function. In retrospect, it wasn't the lack of tranxene that caused the panic was all the sweet tea from McDonald's! (NO JOKE!), I found out I can't tolerate caffeine *AT ALL*. I have recently been prescribed generic xanax for travel anxiety since tranxene doesn't really work for me in that way (not fast acting), but I haven't taken it yet so don't know how it compares. NOTE-- I do not drink alcohol and have never taken recreational drugs.

Almost so side effects, some mild sedation but nothing too bad

Unfortunately the benefit was about as strong as the side effects, almost nothing.This is really the only benzo that just did not work for me.

I take the generic,clorazepate, 3.75mg 2x's day as a result of the anxiety inflicted upon me by the statin drug, Crestor. I had previously taken Xanax & Serax but find that this older drug works much better with no side effects. It is a shame that Dr's do not prescribe it vs the other anxiety medicines as it really works well. My guess it that the drug sales people push the newer drugs harder to the Dr's who should listen more to their patients than the salesmen.

Anxiety Attacks/Free Floating Anxie

None other than a mildly relaxed feeling or calmness.

I take the generic 7.5 The generic tablets are scored. I normally take one half tablet a day. This drug controls my anxiety attacks. I do not feel drugged or disoriented. Only calm. After antidepressents (can't stand them), Valium (too strong for me), and other "trial" remedies, this drug was the magic bullet for me. My quality of life is greatly improved with Tranxene.

no side effects like i use to get with xanax (too many ups and downs) kolonopin made me depressed

this is the best medicine I have ever taken and I've tried alot of them including xanax, klonopin, serax, neurontin, and vistaril and alot of ssri's. I also take a small dose of remerom and elavil. I developed anxiety after losing alot of hair from low iron. I have tried for 2 years to find the right medicine and tranxene is hands down the best so far.

Only have drowsiness if I take it less than 5 hours before time to wake up.

Started taking this drug right before my periods when I was in my thirties, so I could sleep. Continue to take it from time to time if I'm anxious, before bed. Better than any sleep aid, including Lunesta. It really works. I recommend it. No drowsiness if you take it before 7-8 hours of sleep.

Epilepsy (night time seizures)

When I first started some anti-seizure meds for nighttime seizures, my neurologist put me on this. It was only temporary though, as she increased my anti-seizure meds, she discontinued this after my anti-seizure meds were high enough.Until my bottle ran out, though, I occasionally took it when I needed to get to sleep early, and it knocked me out right away, and I would wake up feeling great the next morning, not too drowsy or anything.

TRANXENE SD (CLORAZEPATE DIPOTASSIUM): Clorazepate is used to treat anxiety, acute alcohol withdrawal, and seizures. This medication belongs to a class of drugs called benzodiazepines which act on the brain and nerves (central nervous system) to produce a calming effect. It works by enhancing the effects of a certain natural chemical in the body (GABA). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Day 2 terrible headaches, neck pain and diarrhea start. Can't sleep. Called Dr and got a different med. Been miserable. Will never take again!

This drug is poison. I was on the drug for 18 months when the symptoms started. I've spent two months on prednisone and still take ibruprophen daily to deal with the pain - and I haven't taken Boniva for two months. Doctors are resistant to believing symptoms could be caused by this drug so I've spent thousands on blood tests, x-rays and scans. If you develop symptoms - stop taking the drug immediately in spite of what your doctor says.

I would be careful with this drug

Cymbalta did not work for me. It raised my liver enzymes. The FDA has issued a black box warning for this. This happened to me. I hope that you and your Dr. are careful and monitor your liver enzymes.

Unless you are very dark skinned, use sunscreen and avoid the sun.

Flovent, when taken regularly almost totally knocks out my need for ventolin. However, I'm looking for an alternative to see if the puffy steroid look goes away.I was told by my initial dr. who put me on Flovent years ago that the systemic affect was just about zero, since it really only goes to your lungs. I don't buy that anymore.

After I first take it, I feel strange. It's a feeling similar to an adrenaline rush that, when over, leaves me feeling weak, tired, and shaky. I also get an unpleasant tingling sensation in my jaws when I bite into food, but this only lasts through the first several bites. The good news is that once the side effects are gone (within an hour) the headache is too. Sometimes the headache comes back; I don't know if that would be classified as a rebound headache, or if it's a particularly stubborn headache that would have lasted a few days anyway.