Serax (oxazepam) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Serax (oxazepam)

Worked to help me get to sleep but I feel more anxious the day after, like really nervous and more self doubting about my ability to do things, and more worried of what others think. Not good if I am working.

I don't think the side effects are worth it for me. I am going to look at other methods (sleep meditations, exercise) to improve sleep.

Moody into the next day. Despite its supposedly short duration, I just didn't feel right the next day.

I'd take it at night and it helps somewhat, but it takes a long time to be felt, is rather mild compared to other benzos, and the side-effects would bother me into the next day. It's better than nothing though, better than feeling bad and staying awake the whole night. Also helps a bit with pms symptoms. Not too bad, but given the option, would go for something else.

Very mild sleepiness ... no other side effects what so ever. After multiple visits to the ER, ekg's, blood work and a ct scan of heart and lungs. My primary care physician determined my condition was anxiety... finally prescribed Serax and after only one pill I finally feel normal again. The past two weeks has been a living nightmare and thank to Serax I feel like I have my life back! This medicine is amazing!

good sleep for about 3 to 4 days then the insomnia got worse and couldn't sleep even with taking 30mg before bedtime.

I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and had surgery. I was looking up the web for answers for the cause of this cancer since there is no cancer history in my family. Serax (oxazepam) is a carcinogen and is very hard on the liver. It has caused cancer in mice (lab tests). My family doctor does not believe Serax does but my friend who is a pharmacist had recommended that it can be habit forming and that maximum 3 times per week should be maximum for sleeping and yes it is carcinogenic (meaning that it can cause cancer).

Following day results in unbearable depression.

Occasional Ativan for the condition is okay. This "pam" works great as a sleeping pill, but the following day's cost in mental negativity isn't worth it. There's got to be something better.


very very many. I got dependent on 30mg/day for two years and developed alot of symptoms without lower the dose. the worst were depersonalization derealisation, panic attacks, very severe anxiety. I was only leaving my bed to eat and go to the toilet for over a month and it took a year(in hell) from the moment i started taper to the time i could return to work at part time. Now i so much better.

Dont use benzo regulary! It is not worth the risk! The first time i was on them i could quit without problems, the second time the problems came after about a year but it took another 6 months for someone to realise that it was the drugs that made me worse! in my opinion this drugs shall only be used in very acute situations and never for longer time than a coulple of weeks!

Sudden anxiety attacks since child.

Mild tiredness for first few weeks.

Has stopped anxiety attacks almost completely. They come back still if I quit taking the medication. Obviously there is a withdrawl period for a week or two after stopping. Have tried many other medications and none have worked, so I return to Serax. No change in effectiveness after many years. I take 30 mg 4 times a day. Same dose for 36 years.

general moodiness, very grouchy; stopped when I stopped taking it.incontenence; also stopped when i stopped taking serax.very diminished libido; also stopped when I quit taking the drug

did help me sleep better. 30mg nightly as needed. I took it about 4-5 nights a week for about 2 months. I don't feel its worth the side effects.

relaxed me,no side affects that hurt me that i know of

dizziness, vertigo, stomach pains

My anxiety has decrease since I started taking this. Use to take 15mg daily and 45mg at night. Now I only take it (25mg)when needed or when my other sleeping meds (rivotril & desyrel) aren't enough to help me sleep.

anxiety over husband's Alzheimer's

none, other than slight drowsiness at times.

I wasn't told it might be habit forming until I had been taking two pills per day for about a year. I stopped cold turkey with no problems. Now I only take it as needed, but to my surprise, I found it helps my Restless Legs problem. When I feel it coming on, I take a Serax and a Flexerel and I go to sleep and the problem ends. I only take one during the day if I feel myself becoming anxious, and it helps me to stay calm.

I do seem to have headaches the day after I take a serax. Not sure if it is related to serax tho.

I try to only take them 3 times a week because of the addiction possibility. I take one 15 mg capsule. They help me to get a great night's sleep.

this stuff is weak and worthless.

I take 3 15mg capsules before bedtime to sleep. My sleep disturbance is caused by Effexor. Serax works. I've stopped the drug abruptly for over a week with no side effects.

Marginal effectiveness.I have Migraines and Prostate problems (BPH and difficulty urinating) and I do NOT know if Serax has been a contributing factor as I found out only today, looking for info on the medication.

I have decided to seek broader information on the product as I feel it is not meeting my objectives; sleeping and a normal sleeping pattern. (I sleep days and cannot sleep nights).Also, I believe that I am encountering a tolerance problem, requiring more to obtain the previous effect.Also, I am deeply concerned about developing a dependence, both physical and psychological. I tried to wean myself from the medication and found sleep very difficult to impossible. I maintained a 'no Serax' regime for nearly a month. Things did not improve. If anything, they worsened.

See for a complete description of my experiences.

The withdrawal effects can last for months.

The withdrawal effects can last for months.

The only side effect I've experienced was mild tiredness. I take a 15mg in the morning, and this help my anxiety tremendously. I occassionally take another one at bedtime for help me sleep. Addiction likely, but so far it's been great for me.

SERAX (OXAZEPAM): Oxazepam is used to treat anxiety and also acute alcohol withdrawal. This medication belongs to a class of drugs called benzodiazepines which act on the brain and nerves (central nervous system) to produce a calming and an anti-seizure effect. It works by enhancing the effects of a certain natural substance in the body (GABA). This medication may also be used for sleep (insomnia) (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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It worked for nausea at the time I used it, but not willing to take the chance since there are many new meds that work better without the side effects now....especially for cancer patients on chemo.

Please do not take this drug!! It will ruin your health!

sedation. once it kicked in my appetite went down.

Dizziness, palpitations, extreme indigestion, excessive gas, nausea, decreased appetite, numbness on face, headaches, high BP. Had to rush to ER due to chest tightness and increased heart rate.

Intense dreams, nervousness, and this strange up and down feeling. Giddy then upset.

My 16 month old daughter was given tamiflu without being tested for H1N1. We got the RX in suspension and gave her a total of 3 doses over 2 days. She had unsettled sleeping the first night, waking and having trouble returning to sleep (not usual for her). The following day she came up with a hive-like rash on her legs and arms. Decided to stop the meds and let the flu run it's course. We are currently on day 3 of flu...and hope it can clear up on it's own with out the use of this drug.

nausea, vomiting, excessive thirst, memory loss

Terrible overall joint/muscle stiffness and pain-feet, arms,legs, back, even jaw! 2 weeks ago weaned to 12.5 and no abating of symptoms, even worse-maybe due to withdrawal starting? Will continue to eliminate altogether. This bone pain came on gradually weeks into taking it. Was not sure if it was the drug but after reading up on it, discovering others experiencing pain as well. Hopefully I will see it end after drug completely leaves body. My sleep is so far not been affected adversely with reduction to 12.5 MG. Getting 6 to 7 hours solid. Has anyone seen bone/joint pain go away after stopping drug? If so how long does it take.

I think it's appalling that physicians will let us experience this much pain, but blow it off because they've erased our memory. I'm certain that part of us does remember, and is affected by the experience. Wasn't a form of this drug originally called "twilight sleep," promoted to "help" women through childbirth? Some help! All it did was impair maternal-infant bonding. I NEVER want to be given Versed again.

With the exception of the cost (from $10 to $40 per mth co-pay), I've been happy on this pill regimen. Previously when on Kariva, during my period, I was getting severe headaches that were not helped by over-the-counter meds. The headaches have stopped. I'm 3 days from the start of my 'period week' and I'm having heavier spotting then previous months, but I can handle this better than the headaches.