Niravam (alprazolam) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Niravam (alprazolam)

I have taken generic Xanax and it tastes horrible when I put it under my tongue and last up to a few hours that nasty after taste. Brand Xanax won't melt until a good 5 minutes. Plus both brand and generic Xanax gave me anxiety before the medication kicked in up to 30 to 45 minutes later. Niravam what a different animal all together!! I love this Xanax!! Tastes awesome, melts in 5 seconds and works so damn fast! Kicks panic to the curb unlike the other XanaxNo wonder this drug is so expensive but worth it believe me. Never again will I go back to regular Xanax brand or not.

NIRAVAM (ALPRAZOLAM): This medication is used to treat the panic and anxiety symptoms associated with panic disorder. Alprazolam belongs to a class of medications called benzodiazepines which act on the brain and nerves (central nervous system) to produce a calming effect. It works by enhancing the effects of a certain natural chemical in the body (GABA). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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small nerve PN in hands and feet totall debilitation,NEVER take this drug

Has helped tremendously with my migraines. Not so much with my tremors. The tingling comes and goes so it is not too bad. My appetite has decreased and I have lost abt 5lbs. Hopefully I will lose more as I can stand to shed abt 20 lbs. I sleep better at night and recommend taking this at bedtime as it knocks me out cold.

I am one of those people that has struggled with severe side effects with almost every type of hormonal BC. The worst one that I have tried was Depo Provera (I had almost every side effect possible). I had the most success in the past with Lunelle (no longer available in the US) and the Nuvaring (which had minimal side effects). I will continue to take this for the next 3 months to see if things level out and I will report back.

I am only into taking this 1 1/2 weeks now and I am so itchy I feel like I am going to crawl out of my skin!! I hope its working...sounds like everyone has the same effects. You can soak with Domeboros....its over the counter and relieves some discomfort.

I had allergic reaction after taking one dose of Avelox, Welts increase all over upper body area, burning feeling face,swelling face,eyelids, mouth lips tongue and throat and hands. Very scary feeling I was lucky that I had caring employee's until my husband and first reponders arrive.

I was sentenced to slow death by a team of psychiatrists. This stuff is chemical lobotomy and castration, with death by organ failure. Plus I have some cute little titties now, so when I get lonely because I have no friends, I can feel myself up.

I took 1 each day for about 8 days with no problems. on the 9th day I took one and started having severely itching hands and wrist about an hour later. Swelling and hives developed on wrists and arms - VERY uncomfortable. I didn't connect that this reaction was to Aleve until the next day the exact same thing happened, but much more severe - fluid filled very large hives up to elbows and also beginning on inside of both knees. I took 2 Benedryl and then 1 more about 7 hours later. This gave good relief, however some swelling remained for about 24 hours.

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Headache, nausea, unclear thinking, rash and shaking all over on the 2ndday..almost went to ER but took benadryl to help with reaction.