Miltown (meprobamate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Miltown (meprobamate)

I have tried several medications for my severe insomnia and all have had severe side effects. Miltown is very old and not often prescribed any longer which is sad as patients do not have to suffer to get the required results. It has helped to restore my sleep tremendously which has helped my quality of life.

No side effects. I use it to help me sleep. Felt wide awake in the morning with no side effects. Works beautifully as a sleep aid. Can be addictive, so I am careful to take it only when I need help sleeping (about twice a week).

This medication is rarely prescribed any longer; I don't know why because there are so few, if any, unwanted side effects, especially at night, which is the only time I take it. It can be addictive if abused; maybe that's why it isn't prescribed as much. It has been a real help for me in sleeping.

makes me be able to function normally very good drug

i took very low doses for about 5 or 6 years. stopped taking it because i did not seem to need it any more. lately for the last couple of years i have been bothered with r.l.s. and thought i woclapareuld like to take it aagain.

MILTOWN (MEPROBAMATE): This medication is used short-term to treat symptoms of anxiety and nervousness. It acts on certain centers of the brain to help calm your nervous system. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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