Equanil (meprobamate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Equanil (meprobamate)

it was less than 20 dollars.now over one hundread dollars??cannot afford it now...live on fixd income...i'm talking about gernic.....'meprobamate'???...only side effect? cannot afford it now!!...

EQUANIL (MEPROBAMATE): This medication is used short-term to treat symptoms of anxiety and nervousness. It acts on certain centers of the brain to help calm your nervous system. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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All of us are unique just as our body chemistry is unique within us. All of the horrible side effects I'm reading here I began experiencing within 1 dose of omeprazole, another PPI, along with a weird odor like a musty incense was stuck in my nostril. I couldn't sleep, I had anxiety, I was severely constipated for 3 days & I had severe muscle pain, especially in my arms. At one point my chest got so heavy I thought I was having a heart attack. THAT WAS AFTER ONLY ONE DOSE of Omeprazole. I just began Protonix 2 weeks ago, but had previously taken it for 1 full year w/out complications. This time around I do have a slight lump in my throat, which seems to be subsiding. Other than that, I feel like I'm starving to death all the time. It's wonderful! I don't care if I gain 20 pounds. After being nauseous for so long 24 hours a day, day in and day out, with severe stomach pain every time I ate, I love being able to actually eat a meal and not feel sick. The bottom line is, if you have severe symptoms that can cause problems like bleeding ulcers or cancer from chronic inflammation and one PPI don't work for you, you should try another. Also, if you notice severe onset of new or worsening symptoms, it's more likely related to your newest medicine. As soon as I noticed the horrible symptoms after one dose of omeprazole I stopped taking it immediately and my doctor prescribed the Protonix again. Some of us have no choice but to take these medications. I have no stomach linin

I also remembered something I heard a long time ago on the Peoples’ Pharmacy about eating Archway macaroon cookies to stop diarrhea. So I bought some cookies and some coconut milk since the coconut oil was suppose to help. It did not work right away, however after 3 days of macaroons, I am seeing some relief. The relief could also be due to the duration of the date since I took Boniva. I WILL CONTINUE TO TELL WOMEN TO STAY AWAY FROM BONIVA!!!

Became very addicted to it, mild hallucinations if you try to stay awake after the medicine begins to take effect

I dont have any problem falling asleep, just staying asleep I would wake up after about 1 1/2 hour of sleep and flip flop the rest of the night with my brain running at 60mph thinking of all kinds of things one right after another then going back to the original thougt and starting over again. Started taking lunesta to stay asleep started with 1 mg, then 2mg now I take 3mg and it works the best. I can get a solid 7 hours of sleep now. Metallic taste in the morning is the worst side effect, but thats not everyday. If I sleep less than 7 hours a little grogy/ foggy in the head when I first get up, but that stops after a bit.Vivid dreams (3) to date at random times. First dream aprox a month after starting Lunesta. Dream I was walking down a city street seemed like NYC, but I have never been to NYC walking on the sidewalk by a city trash can with some guy (looked dirty or homeless) digging in the trash can he had his hand in the trash can like he was hiding something and he was looking at me as I past him he had a broken beer bottle in his hand and stabbed me in the right rib cage it seemed so real that I could feel the glass scrape my rib bones, intense pain and a warm feeling like I was bleeding, jumped out of bed and stumbled into the bathroom while holding my right side turned on the light looked in the mirror and was shocked to see no blood, lifted my shirt and no cut I really cant explain how real it seemed it was crazy .

I was wondering if other people had these type of effects from taking seroquel. I'm talking about the overwhelming irritability.

Fatigue, loss of libido, intense feeling of warmth in extremities

I did feel a dulling to my consciousness and loss of energy. i started taking lithium again after a year hiatus.

This is a very effective painkiller. My only complaint is that it doesn't last through the night -- I wake up around 4 AM every morning in extremely intense pain and have to take a new one, which takes 10 or more minutes to take effect.

Horrendous dry hacking cough that would not stop. After 1 week on pill, cough started, lasted for one month until doctor took me off. Stated, cough is a common side effect--guess they left that out earlier!!! Type of cough that makes your boss want you to stay home, keeps you up all night long and no cough medicine subsides it.

In the three years I've been on this medication, I've put on 70 pounds. I'm not a regular exerciser so some of this is on my part, but I'd say probably about 40 or 50 pounds is the fault of Seroquel. I don't eat alot or eat foods high in fat, so I know it's not just me or my metabolism crapped out. I'm planning to get off Seroquel soon. I use it mainly now to go to sleep.