Diazepam (diazepam) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Diazepam (diazepam)

DIAZEPAM (DIAZEPAM): Diazepam is used to treat anxiety, alcohol withdrawal, and seizures. It is also used to relieve muscle spasms and to provide sedation before medical procedures. This medication works by calming the brain and nerves. Diazepam belongs to a class of drugs known as benzodiazepines. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

I visited the doctor this week with numerous troubling symptoms. He scheduled me for a barrage of tests. It suddenly dawned on me that my symptoms began about the time I began using Nasonex. In researching the drug, I found this website. I was amazed to see the number of people whose symptoms were just like mine. I quit using Nasonex two days ago and I am already feeling much better. I'll go ahead with the tests just in case, but I'm convinced that Nasonex was the cause of my problems.

This pill cause me to have mood swings depression, angers and anxiety. It worsened my heart arrhythmia and made my poor circular in my legs worse. It caused more acne. It made me constantly tired, week, hot and hard to breathe. It cause my hair to break. The only good thing is it worked to prevent pregnancy and by skipping the brown pills and continue taking the regular pills it stopped my period.

Agitation, dread, fear, horrible panic ... I wanted to rip out IV and leave urgent care right away. I didn't even care if my headache wasn't gone. I was given benadryl which immediately took the edge off but I felt uncomfortable and anxious for the next 24 hours. I never want to feel like that again. It was horrible!. I will definitely add it to my list of drug allergies.

Hard time getting up in the morning, depression, head movements, memory loss, lack of motivation, tiredness, loss of excitement, absent mind, not so happy, and dont feel my age anymore, nor myself anymore.

Like others here, I too have a severe cough associated with allergies, asthma, bronchitis, which I go through like clockwork about once a year. Tussionex is the only cough med so far that helps me stop coughing and sleep through the night. I am very aware of the dependency risk due to the fact that it does contain narcotic ingredients, so I only take it at night. Tried other OTC meds for a few days between refills, they didn't work, but I didn't find myself "jonesing" for Tussionex

Overall, this drug helped me. In fact it may have helped too much as I became extremely unconcerned about things that used to worry me. I was reminded that a little worry can be a good thing. It did help my seasonal depression, though. I would have continued it but the heart palpitations were a little scary. Also, I became an extreme alcoholic while on it. I drank every night and really enjoyed it. As soon as I went off this drug I returned to my old moderately drinking self. Withdrawal was weird but nothing compared to coming off pain pills.

This has been a good med for me regarding insomnia. The side effects that are problematic are weight gain and grogginess upon waking.

Got out of bed to use bathroom and nearly fell - complete loss of balance and extremely woozy from taking only one pill.

Lost appetite completely while on it, hallucinated a bit, cut down to 5mg, felt much better, but the stroke like symptoms of loss use of the left hand made me discontinue it. I am 58 years old. Do not recommend.

Does relieve the TN SHOCK WAVES in my face. Still has some stings and "jolts" at times, but not severe. This is why I have continued the drug this long. I have an appointment with my current nurologist in 3 weeks. Will talk to him about this drug. I have no idea what COULD work. Trileptal had ingredients I was allergic to. Any suggestions would be appreciated.