Atarax (hydroxyzine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Atarax (hydroxyzine hydrochloride)

Decreased anxiety but did not help as much as a benzo would. Was prescribed this after a toxic reaction to flagyl causing central nervous system damage. If you have high anxiety/panic this won't do much to help but it is good for mild everyday anxiety. It made my eyes play tricks on me at times like objects moving when they are not but I would just take a break for a day or two and it would go back to normal. Wish it did more to help the anxiety to be honest but better than risking addiction to a benzo, I guess. Also didn't notice it help at all with my sinus allergies even though it's an antihistamine.

Nowadays I just take as needed.

Miserable. Could not sleep or concentrate. Buzzing noises in my head.

It does nothing for me. It doesn't help with my anxiety at all and makes me sleepy at first but I don't stay at sleep so it doesn't help with insomnia either. Total waste of time.

Heavy Metal Poisoned from titanium Dioxide and Iron oxide (opadry is the company that big pharma usesSolution:-Copious amounts of vitamin C (liposomal is best) combined with MSM (2,000mg)-Drink tons of water and exercise to sweat to excrete wastes-Sauna or steam room or sweat toxins-Dr. Christopher’s blood stream formula (first school of natural medicine in the western United States) used to treat for heavy metal poisoning.-Dr. Schulze potent detox herbs-frequent Epsom salt baths in distilled water-Cilantro and Chlorella (very powerful removing heavy metal poisoning) concentrated tincture-Vitamin B12, Vitamin B1, folic acidic. Neuroprotective. Chia seeds, hemp seeds, flax oil, neuro nourishing.-Vitamin C injection if severe-Eat only organic foods, lots of vegetables, fruits. Organic blueberries are high in anti-oxidants.-Eat balance amount of fats. Fats are important for brain health

Developed schizophrenia after 1 month of use

Does not help my anxiety at all! My Dr. doesn’t seem to believe me but most of the time I don’t even take it as it’s basically pointless unless I want to feel like a zombie all day long.

Not effective for my anxiety. Wake up feeling exhausted.

I've been prescribed this med a few times. No one seems to believe me, but it does absolutely nothing to me. It's like taking sugar pills.

Took one to help me sleep - slept ok but felt utterly terrible the next day - could have slept for a week on just one tablet. No energy whatsoever. Wouldn't take it again

Sever allergic react.,hives,puritis

Had a severe allergic reaction w/hives & rashes all over stomach & back.Took the inside itch away by day 3 but noticed lucid nightmares, shaking hands & muscle aches

Dr said I had puritis once I still had itchyness once rash was gone so these pills helped tremendously but the side effects are real but the hives & inside itchyness is worse to deal with.

It has stopped my itching witch was driving me mad so 10 out 10

Axiety, bad sleeping, itching.

It's difficult to get out of bed in the morning, I feel very tired, lost the strenth and will for exercising. Sometimes my eyes are dry when waking up.

But, it really works for the issues I'm dealing with. I wasn't getting a good sleep, waking up at 3am and not being able to fall asleep again, or intermitent sleeping during all night. Feeling anxious and stressed and moody all day long and suddenly the itching problem; first just the hands, next day both hands an feet, and as sudden as the itching appeared it suddenly stopped. The very first night I took Atarax all went to normal: sleeping 7-8 hours, feeling relaxed, and no more itching or red spots on my skin. But then I noticed it was getting really hard to get me out of bed every morning and didn't even want to think about exercising; I'm a morning person, and doing exercise is part of my nature, it feeds me and energizes me.....but now, I'm draging myself out of bed. I'm also experiencing the need for more sweet things: sugar in tea, bread and marmelade. I've tried quitting Atarax, but itching starts again at the second day after doing so. The problem behind that itching is not known in my case, my dermatologist sugests is just an urticary problem wich can stop as sudden as it began. I'm going to cut my dosage to 5mg and see if it still works helping with a good sleep, the anxiety and the itching, but without dragging me so down.

My whole body is aching and I don't know what can I do know ?if I am not take then too much ich

Can some one help me to get out this frustrating condition

Anxiety, OCD, allergies, asthma.

* Sedation (mild-moderate)* Dry Mouth (mild)* Increased mucous viscosity (mild-moderate)

This has been an almost perfect medication for me. It works with my Allegra to knock my allergies out, it can stop panic attacks and ruminative episodes cold, it increases my peak flow meter readings, and it gives me amazing dreams. Furthermore, it reduces my chronic nocturnal asthma symptoms and boosts my mood, which is a little odd since this medicine is supposed to worsen these condition, but I'm not complaining.

I also have took myself off and I am now itching ALL OVER ..anyone know how long it takes to get out of your system??

This medicine did help me initially but I found I was getting clumsy ...angry and putting on weight .I have enough problems with hypothyroidism… gaining weight feeling as if I have dementia because my brain doesn't function !!! I read that Atarax can also exacerbate these symptoms and that it's not meant long term usage so I've weaned myself off it .

Chronic hives, anxiety, not sleepin

It works, meaning it takes away hives and anxiety and sleeping well. But, I'm tired AlL the the time and feel nauseous for about 2 or 3 hours a day and I cano think. Sleep most of day.

I cut the pill in half, but I get hives. It makes me feel nauseus more of the day too.still, it's good for anxiety- I went to the store and did not have a panic attack!

So far I could no feel any side effect but I feel inconvenient when I have not sufficien sleep.If I stop again alergy will start.

I am worried side effects in future.

Extremely sleepy fatigue weight gain sugar cravings

Hard to wake up headach didn't talk to anyone so I just quit talking it what can happen to me

Side Effects foratarax (hydroxyzine hydrochloride) - User Comments


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Very calm, although more ready to speak my mind instead of bottling it all up! Cigarettes tasted nasty after 10 days, although if they are there I still want to smoke them - otherwise really not bothered about them anymore. Itching started 3 days ago, more in the early evening when the heating is on. Not stopping me sleeping in fact getting best sleep for years. The itching is really troublesome, but I still would rather this than any mroe cigarettes, so I will go with it - using Eurax lotion. Itching seems to move around my body, one place one moment, another the next. Warning - make sure you leave 8 hours between pills - I made the mistake of taking 2 together the first time I doubled up - I felt absolutely awful and took 2 days to settle down again - entirely my fault for not reading the packet.

Crushing fatigue, sour taste in mouth, nausea, muscle twitch in right forearm.

Extremely tired; flushed face, blood shot eyes

Sudden onset of severe joint and muscle pain. Two weeks after ceasing medication, I still have soreness. Internet search shows this is very common. I would not take this or a fluoroquinolone unless I was near death with massive bacterial infection; certainly not for minor sinusitis.

Didn't have any at all.Have been on it for 6 years.

gain 30 pounds in less than a year. became "numb"

i was taking lo-ovral. i experienced continuous yeast infection symptoms, extreme depression, feelings of rage and irrationality, acne, 10 pound weight gain, constant irregular discharge, urinary tract discomfort, change in urine production

indigestion and gas very uncomfortable. drowsiness. no ejaculate. back pain. abdominal discomfort. diarrhea. partial erections. stuffy/runny nose

yes it is a dangerous drug, but I get tired of seeing people blame the pharmacist, if you have questions then ask. The physicians are the ones prescribing it and the drug company is making it. there are hundreds of dangerous drugs on the market, do these people expect the pharmacist to refuse to fill every one of these prescriptions? and why are these drugs being approved so fast without furthur testing? I'll tell you why: politicians on both sides of the aisle are receiving millions form the drug co lobbyists -thats why.

Painful brittle, yellow nails; mild neuropathy in fingers, tired