Alprazolam (alprazolam) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Alprazolam (alprazolam)

ALPRAZOLAM (ALPRAZOLAM): Alprazolam is used to treat anxiety and panic disorders. It belongs to a class of medications called benzodiazepines which act on the brain and nerves (central nervous system) to produce a calming effect. It works by enhancing the effects of a certain natural chemical in the body (GABA). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

I only took one dose but will not take another. It has been almost one month and the symptoms have yet to subside.

After being on the pill for total of 9 years, I've made the difficult decision to stop. My doctor told me I have a hormonal imbalance off it, but now I feel like I have a hormonal imbalance ON it! I've been symptom-free until about a year ago, when I began experiencing cramps in the middle of my cycle. Now I have constant headaches, anxiety, no energy. I've almost passed out a bunch of times and frequently feel light-headed. I only feel like having sex 1 or 2 days a month. I just don't feel right about feeding my body synthetic hormones anymore, and I think it's time to stop the pill for good. I feel like my body has figured out that it's been tricked into thinking it's pregnant, and is now rejecting the chemicals. I'm going to miss the larger breasts, but I am tired of feeling terrible all the time.

At first I felt slight nausea, but after a week, there were no side effects at all. No weight gain, my skin cleared up, my periods were very regular (up to the day and the time of day). Great, low hormone pill. Highly reommended.

emotional mood swings, hives, headaches, increased anxiety, irritability, hostility, insomnia, crying, suicidal ideation, weight loss, hunger but idea of food is offputting, increased sweating, dizziness and vertigo

Severe nausea and stomach pain.Sulfur smelling burps.Super drained and exhausted.

Annoying messy discharge within 24 to 48 hours of use. Hair loss. Loss of libido. All now reversed since I stopped using this product two months ago.

Sciatica, back pain, migraines

suicidal idealization, depression, no energy, weight gain, sexual dysfunction, loss of pleasure, I experienced all this from Risperdal Consta too, Invega is a metabolite of that, I noticed no difference between the medications apart from injection site bruising and swelling, and the great bonus that it is given monthly (so that I can get on with my attempt to lead a normal life)

This drug is the DEVIL. DO NOT TAKE IT. I have severe side effects that hit me like a landslide. No libido, brain zaps, sweating, my deodorant stopped working so I moved to clinical strength kind and that is starting not to work, my EYE SIGHT got WORSE to the point that I have to get new glasses and contacts because my prescription changed so drastically. i have gained 15lbs in 2 months. This has increased my anxiety, like making things even worse. The side effects are WORSE than my PTSD could ever be. My ears ring all the time, i get dizzy and have vertigo. I want to get off of this drug. I have tried to cold turkey and I have to take it to stop the horrible withdrawl symptoms. I cry, panic, and feel like I want to rip my skin off in rage. I plan on asking the doctor about taking prozac to help me get this devil POISON out of my system.

severe dizziness, light-headedness, drowsiness. The closest I've ever come to losing consciousness in my life! I took the first 3 doses and tolerated them ok- but on the third day, I became extremely light-headed and disoriented within an hour of taking the drug. This progressed until I almost passed out- had to sit down with my head between my knees until the episode passed. Fortunately, I knew this was a common side effect, so didn't panic. I then went home and crashed for a couple of hours, after which I felt better.