Procardia (nifedipine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Procardia (nifedipine)

reflex tachycardia (high pulse rate--up to 115) but no rise in blood pressure and general feeling of being not well (probably due to the tachycardia)

I wouldn't recommend for Raynaud's. I don't know about other uses.

A few hours after taking it I felt like my brain had been novacained and had trouble functioning. I also had severe short term memory loss and extreme dizziness. I'd go into a room and forget what I went there for.

I quit after one day and it took at least a week for my brain functioning and memory to recover.

PROCARDIA (NIFEDIPINE): This medication is used to prevent certain types of chest pain (angina). It may allow you to exercise more and decrease the frequency of angina attacks. Nifedipine belongs to a class of medications known as calcium channel blockers. It works by relaxing blood vessels so blood can flow more easily. This medication must be taken regularly to be effective. It should not be used to treat attacks of chest pain when they occur. Use other medications (such as sublingual nitroglycerin) to relieve attacks of chest pain as directed by your doctor. Consult your doctor or pharmacist for details. Older adults should discuss the risks and benefits of this medication with their doctor or pharmacist, as well as other possibly safer forms of nifedipine (such as the long-acting tablets). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Mental fog, balance/coordination problems,feels like you are under the influence(that slow visual response feeling. Bad taste in mouth, thrush

I also experienced memory loss and extreme tiredness. I might also mention that I started on 10mg and experienced really no side effects.. but when I was up'd to 20 mg it all started to go downhill.

It's an awful medicine. It makes your calves swell and legs heavy.I have awful nightmares,sob,sleeplessness,fatigue.My heart sometimes skips beats. It is a nightmare medicine. Kathy

I was diagnosed with stage 3/4 endo during lap. I have multiple IUI and 1 IVF failure. The doc suggested lupron depot for 3 months before next IVF suggesting it will quieten the endo and help in mt next ivf cycle. I have just finished my 3rd shot and my IVF starts in 2 weeks. I was on add back with oestrogen pills and progesterone, so I had periods every month but the pain got lesser each month. I could not function before my periods earlier and used to have horrible clotting and headaches. Now I do not need painkillers, atleast for the past 2 cycles. I do not know if it will help with my IVF. I will find out in a month. But I had none of the side effects I was scared about. I have felt totally normal while on lupron, probably a little better in terms of my energy level and mood. I wish I had not been so scared of this medicine. Also- to add, I was also on calcium supplements.

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