Nitro-dur (nitroglycerin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Nitro-dur (nitroglycerin)

severe headaches, skin burns, sores (from removing the patch)

THe patch will take your skin off if you don't remove it carefully

NITRO-DUR (NITROGLYCERIN): This medication is used to prevent chest pain (angina) in people with a certain heart condition (coronary artery disease). Nitroglycerin belongs to a class of drugs known as nitrates. Angina occurs when the heart muscle is not getting enough blood. This drug works by relaxing and widening blood vessels so blood can flow more easily to the heart. This medication will not relieve chest pain once it occurs. It is also not intended to be used just before physical activities (such as exercise, sexual activity) to prevent chest pain. Other medications may be needed in these situations. Consult your doctor for more details. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I feel happy and have a lot of energy. My allergy symptoms are gone. I am taking the 12 hour Allegra. I have so much energy I am running out of chores to do. I had to take valium to calm down enough to sleep at night. I think I am only going to take it in the AM and see how that goes.

Positive: No bloating, no pregnancy. Clear skin.Negative: Heart palpations, even after stopping Yasmin. Loss of sleep due to frequent urination. Neuropathy in hands and feet.

weight gain, vaginal dryness, MAJOR yeast infections and skin sensitivities, bloating

Never experienced such terrible side effects from any drug. Indescribable pain as if a pipe rammed down my throat, muscle tightness and pain in chest near heart, congestion and trouble pulling a deep breath, swelling of fingers and puffiness in face, and STILL had occasional arrythmias. Off drug for two days and still in pain. If you get any of this with first dose, don't continue. Disastrous for me. Poison.

The main and more noticeable side effects were frequent urination, mild ringing in ears, drowsiness (obviously), heart fluttering and strange feelings.

With my first son, I noticed that he only got in trouble at pre-school on the days I remembered to give him his zyrtec. We had to choose between good behavior and runny nose. Now my two year old has been taking zyrtec for a year and a half. I am considering taking him off the medication because his behavior is awful. I had no idea so many other parents have had the same problems.

was a healthy college kid and did large doses of lsd&mdma several times in a week(not the appropriate way to do them, if there is an appropriate way to do them), followed by continual partying and completely lost my shit and ended up hospitalized on 3mg.have since had to do the ring around with psychiatric care providers who want to keep me on medication.risperdal doesn't make me feel like myself. a general feeling of lethargy. the medication has some psychotic properties in of its self. the shutting off the dopamine and serotonin in the front of your brain is a contributor in the paranoid creations of the mind in rebound from the heavy use of cocaine, risperdal acts as a continual block on these receptors.also, halperdoal has been shown in one study to increase the number of dopamine receptors in the front of the brain, a marker of the schizophrenic brain. could this also be the case with risperdal?...drug companies will stop at nothing to turn a buck, and medical providers are complicit to a disgusting degree.i no longer have any psychotic symptoms(had a brief lapse from excessive cannabis use), but have gone to a minimal dosage(<.5mg), well below the(and my) prescribed therapeutic doses and plan to continue tapering myself off.

Bactrim (SMZ/TMP DS 800-160 mg.) - I had tiredness, muscle weakness, headache, frequent urination, very slight dizziness, nausea, indigestion. I took five (5) pills over 2 1/2 days and these side effects never went away, so the doctor told me to stop taking it. I was being given it for a Urinary Tract Infection.

Nausea, disorientation, throwing up, dizziness

It smells so bad it helped make the smell not as bad but never left.The smell that lights up a hole room. Soon as the medicine would come out onto the pantie liner it was back. Lower stomach pain I just wish they would make someting that got ride of the smell all together and not mask it is no fun.The pills where even worse I could not even function on taking those.