Isordil (isosorbide dinitrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Isordil (isosorbide dinitrate)

Heart pounding,weakness fatigue

It does lower my pressure but too many side effects.

Nausea, vomiting, extreme headache

headache becoming less as taken more. dizziness, lightheadedness, rapid heart beat

seems to be working chest pains are more manageable making life a little better

ISORDIL (ISOSORBIDE DINITRATE): Isosorbide dinitrate is used to prevent chest pain (angina) in patients with a certain heart condition (coronary artery disease). This medication belongs to a class of drugs known as nitrates. It works by relaxing and widening blood vessels so blood can flow more easily to the heart. This medication will not relieve chest pain once it occurs. It is also not intended to be taken just before physical activities (such as exercise, sexual activity) to prevent chest pain. Other medications may be needed in these situations. Consult your doctor for more details. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Ok, what the heck did they do to the Excedrin?? I never use to feel like this and have taken it for years until they took it off the market. The taste of it is even different then it use to be and im so unhappy with it now. Bring back the old Excedrin's as most of us don't like the new one at all.

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In the begining I thought it was wonderful. but slowly but surely my son began to suffer in school. unable to focus or complete tasks. He just became irritable and extra hyper. His grades began to suffer Especially in the area of mathematics. It works because he never had to use an inhaler. The problem is the side effects. So I took him and his sister off the meds and am TRUSTING GOD for their complete healing. I'll point out my son has not had to use an inhaler since being off the meds for almost a month. My daughter ,5, has been extremely irritable and angry. that why I took my daughter off the meds. She had only been on them maybe 1 and 1/2 year give or take a few months.

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The medication was administered via IV after surgery because the nurse suggested a "new" medication for nausea.I think she gave me too much medication. I could not keep my eyes open and several times I would wake up from sleep feeling like I would stop breathing. I could hear people talking but I could not open my eyes. I couldn't even nurse my baby because I had no use of my arms. I told my mother several times I was afraid to truly go to sleep because I felt I would never wake up! It took 12 to 15 hours to wear off and I still felt groggy for another day. I would definitely NOT recommend to take this medication! I would have much rather been vomiting than feel like I was about to die.