Imdur (isosorbide mononitrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Imdur (isosorbide mononitrate)

This drug was absolutely a nightmare. My left arm and neck were so painful the headache was nonstop. Shortness of breath and depression. I felt like crying for days

CAD, severe shortness of breath

Extreme feeling of pressure in my head. Mainly the base of the skull and forehead.Gums started bleeding out of nowhere off and on throughout the day. I've NEVER had this happen.Nausea then vomiting.Extremely low blood pressure. 84/46.ConfusionSlurred speechWasn't using words properly/trouble finding the right words to use.

I called my cardiologist after hrs and they just said don't take it again and if I lose consciousness to go to the hospital.Because obviously it's always a good idea to wait until I'm not able to call amed to go. (sarcasm)I thought I was going to die for sure but once it wore off about 10 hrs total, I felt normal again.

Decrease in body movement, back pain, bleeding gums, blurred vision, crawling itching prickling or tingling feelings, chest pain or discomfort, chills, cold sweats, confusion, hoarseness, diarrhea, dry mouth, increased sweating, loss of voice, pain tension and weakness upon walking, nasal congestion, shivering, sneezing, sore on the leg, sore throat, trouble sleeping, hearing loss, inability to have or keep an erection

Have had a very sore and stiff neck on left side right under the occipital lobe. I didn't connect that it could be a side effect of isosorbide. I finally thought I'd check here and saw that q high percentage of people say this is a side effect.

I feel better, not so out of breath, a little more energy. Does anyone know if this aching neck will eventually stop?

Took it at 2 and was in the hospital at 3:30 w severe symptoms of heart attack

Migraine, vertigo, stiff neck, nausea

Chest and back pain. Shortness of breath. Confusion, Dizziness, Anxiety. General sick feeling.

It did relieve angina, but at terrible cost. The side effects are horrendous.

Stiff neck and neck pain, long lasting headach

Severe headache with nausea and vomiting everyday. General I'll feeling after taking this med.

The side effects are worse the higher dose.

Nothing significant. Slight dizziness when bending over

Very bad & constant pain in back of neck for hours, starting shortly after taking a pill.

Occasional low BP, but nothing dangerous. Occasional headache. Occasional Dizziness.

Does what it is supposed to do. Side effects minimal and tolerable.

Some headache in the beginning but that subsided. Ankles seem to fill up a bit more. Sometimes get dizzy when leaning over to pick something up. Seem to be more tired but the tightness is gone.

I didn't like having to add another prescription to what I already take.

Switched to Imdur after Nitro did not stop chest pain. MI 12/2006. Cannot seem to get used to this drug. Very stiff neck after taking pill. Now taking in late afternoon so I feel better during the day and can work. Headaches in the beginning are no longer occurring, but neck pain and stiffness is a big problem. Also taking Plavix & Cardizem.

The pain is gone, but I find myself sitting, staring aimlessly into space for long periods of time.

Blood pressure very low for several hours after taking; dizziness; lethargy; depression; occasional upset stomach.

IMDUR (ISOSORBIDE MONONITRATE): Isosorbide mononitrate is used to prevent chest pain (angina) in patients with a certain heart condition (coronary artery disease). This medication belongs to a class of drugs known as nitrates. It works by relaxing and widening blood vessels so blood can flow more easily to the heart. This medication will not relieve chest pain once it occurs. Also, it is not intended to be taken just before physical activities (such as exercise or sexual intercourse) to prevent chest pain. Other medications may be prescribed by your doctor for these conditions. Consult your doctor for more details. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I have asthma and this drug prevented me from bringing up ANY mucous, to the point I felt like I was suffocating/drowning. That never happened with codeine cough syrup, which is what I will be demanding going forward. Doctors are now expected to consider what's better for society rather than what's right for the patient in front of them. Ridiculous!

Light headed, headache, pain in arms shortness of breath.