Adalat (nifedipine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Adalat (nifedipine)

has been the best so far after all the punishment I took with Inhibace and metropolol

ADALAT (NIFEDIPINE): Nifedipine is used alone or in combination with other drugs to treat high blood pressure (hypertension). Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. This medication is also used for certain types of chest pain (angina). It may help increase your ability to exercise and decrease the frequency of chest pain attacks. It should not be used to treat chest pain when it occurs. Use other medications (e.g., sublingual nitroglycerin) to relieve attacks of chest pain as directed by your doctor. Consult your doctor or pharmacist for more details. This medication is known as a calcium channel blocker. It works by relaxing and widening blood vessels so blood can flow more easily. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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My son has been taking Claritin for a month now and we've been shocked by his behavior. He's been defiant, refusing to do the simplest tasks. He will have emotional meltdowns over the smallest things (not turning the fireplace on in the middle of summer). He's been struggling to fall asleep at night. He's been complaining of headaches and sore throats off and on. We thought he was going through a phase and chalked it up to him being 3 years old. Thank goodness I found this website today. I threw the box away and we will NEVER take Claritin again!

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I have been taking medication for epilepsy for 48 years and this is the best drug for controlling my petit mal and grand mal seizures - it has the least side effects of any drug I have taken in the past.

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I have been on BC for about 10 years, and switched to Loestrin about three months ago. I immediately became very low feeling, started experiencing anxiety and felt like I could cry at any moment (and did a few times). I also gained about 5LBs (despite my increase in workouts) and missed my period (which can really freak you out). I went to a doctor about my low moods and b/c I thought something was actually wrong with me...he prescribed an anti-anxiety med....I said - no way- and stopped the pill that day. Soon after I was back to my happy self! Still waiting for my period though....This pill is not worth the upset and confusion it can cause yourself and your family!

My daughter is doing EXTREMELY well on Abilify. Her rapid cycling is nearly zero. Her psychosis is also tremendously better. The change is almost as if she is a different kid. She went from extreme mania episodes that cycled at times within minutes. To near stable in her moods in just days after beginning this medication. Her doctor wants to change her to Geodon due to the weight gain. Weight was never an issue for her until she started taking Abilify. But I think with the improvement in her mental stability a little weight gain is not that significant. I love this medication. She was on 5mg per day up to 7.5 per day after 2 months. It's effectiveness wore off at about 2 months in. No problems since upped to 7.5mg a day. She has no trouble sleeping. I didnt realize how her mania was affecting her sleep until starting this medicine and she is actually tired when it's time for bed. No complaints from me.

Severe abdominal pain/cramps. Diarrhea within couple hours of taking 1st dose.Was told to eat something along with it to help prevent side effects and I did.

Rapid heart rate. 145 beats per minute, increased my blood pressure to 140/100.

stopped a fib, lowered blood pressure, feel tired a lot. only real draw back for me is 45lb weight gain. now i am fat.

I started taking Lexapro about a month and the side effects have lessened for me. I feel more relaxed and less sad but it is addictive.