Lialda ( mesalamine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Lialda ( mesalamine)

Terrible gas, abdominal bloating and water retention, gained 13 pounds with a modified diet of healthy snacks and one meal a day

Controls UC flare but side effects are awful

Hair loss, acid reflux and gas.

Was taking 4 per day down to two however side effects continued. Lialda stopped my UC flare within days after being diagnosed however hard to cope with the hair loss.

Start med: severe pounding headaches, stiff neck, tinnitus, dizzy, fatigue, hair loss, runny nose6months in: anxiety, waking up a lot at night, urinating more frequently, flank pain five days straight (pretty bad), emotional, depressed

Spoke to doc, he doesnt think its med - going to stop a week or so and see of symptoms get better

Took it and it worked great went on vacation forgot to take medicine then it didn't work

Water retention, fatigue, quivering sometimes and chills--but Lialda gave me back my life and side effects are minor compared to what I was going through.

The cost of Lialda is so prohibitive that without insurance nobody but the rich can afford--meaning the poor will suffer without. That's an ethical decision the company made.

dry throat occasionally, some gas pains, and constipation. I take Miralax regularly to deal with constipation.

Lialda has been a miracle drug for me. I was on asacol, mesalasine, bedtime suppositories--tried it all. Lialda gave me immediate relief and I can't remember when I had my last flare. It's wonderful, but expensive. Thank God for insurance.

Some gas, but its a blessing... Colon was so bad before in last flare I was afraid to try to fart for three months without an accident

Lialda has been a miracle drug for me. I began taking it with Imuran but after 6 months was able to go off the Imuran. Since then I have not had any symptoms or flares.

My stool is like "dog food". I am in a flare-up right now, so its been a disaster for a month. I sometimes don't even make it to the bathroom on time. If I go to lunch with a friend, I spend most of my time in the bathroom

Its very expensive, but I have been getting samples from my Dr. It may be working, I don't know, I was on Asacol before and things were worse. I have been on this drug for a long time. I have to have a colonoscopy every year, but if keeps me cancer free, its worth it.

This drug has been a miracle (I hate drugs and don't even take aspirin so this was a tough sell). I had to change my diet (trigger foods mostly elimitated) as well for full relief but I took it for 1.5 years mainly symptom free and decided to go off. 1 month off and my symptoms came back reminding me of the horror I experienced before I was diagnosed. Went back on Lialda and have not experienced a flare in over 2 yrs. All bloodwork, testing, etc comes back normal. Have never felt any side effects but elation and gratitude for giving me my life back.

lots of gas...abdominal pain and more frequent stools

EXTREMELY high triglycerides...went from normal to 796...asacol had the same effect; caused breathing problems

I have been on different sulfur type medication for many years (diagnosed nearly 20 years ago). this medication is WONDERFUL! I take two pills once a day and I am done. No more 2 pills 3x a day. I have not had any flareups since starting these meds.

No side effects whatsoever. I love this medication and along with dietary changes all my symptoms were quickly brought under control.

My doctor asked me to try Lialda after a couple of years on Asacol (mesalamine). Both worked very well, but Lialda is REALLY expensive. I've benefited from the drug company's discount card, which reduces my cost from hundreds of dollars a month to about $10.

My lips swelled, found out that is one of the serious side effects, had double and blurred vision minor side effect(bu) not when you are driving) Started wheezing, this all started on day 5. If you look up he fda studies you will find these reactions, my dr told me it was not the lialda, he was fired

I told the dr I was not comfortable, as I am allergic to sula anti-inflammitories and asprin and he told me it would be fine even though the insert says no! He lied

Take along with Azathioprine -UC in remission past 2 years. Doing regular white blood count tests. UC for 15 years.

LIALDA ( MESALAMINE): This medication is used to treat a certain bowel disease (ulcerative colitis). It helps to reduce symptoms of ulcerative colitis such as diarrhea, rectal bleeding, and stomach pain. Mesalamine belongs to a class of drugs known as aminosalicylates. It works by decreasing swelling in the colon. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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While on Compazine, the ER doctor recommended I stay overnight in the hospital, as I had severe head injuries and I was at risk for more fainting episodes. However, all I wanted to do was get out of there. I was completely out of my mind. My service dog was with me and alerting left and right, probably because of the effects of the Compazine. I left against medical advice and it was the worst week of my life.

Vision loss,muscle /strength loss,weight loss,pain in back/shoulders,numbness on r/h side (arm/hand),leg weakness,slowed thought process,anxiety,apathy,dizziness.

Lethargy, foggy brain, unable to focus, palpitations, extremely dry mouth, nosebleeds, loss of appetite, low pulse/bradycardia (<50 bpm), headache, tremors.

Soreness at injection site for under 24 hours, tiredness and mild headache for under 12 hours.

Can also cause menstrual cycle problems including fibroid tumors. Make sure you read all the warnings for this drug!!!!