Albenza (albendazole) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Albenza (albendazole)

Ravenous appetite, couldn't stop thinking about food, craving fatty/rich foods, out of it, not fully cognitive.

I actually believe that my symptoms were from die off (Herxheimer) and not side effects of the medication. You are killing bugs which release toxins into your blood stream when they die so you may feel badly for a while.

I took this medication while I had Giardia - I had to finish it before I could take the Giardia medication so I'm not sure I had any side effects from Albenza

After 3 days I have headaches and subtle hand tremor. Slw thinking as well.

ALBENZA (ALBENDAZOLE): This medication is used to treat certain tapeworm infections (such as neurocysticercosis and hydatid disease). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Initially,I did get a reduction of the tingling and mild pain, but I have recently noticed a sudden onset of severe deep aching and occassionally shooting pain in the side of one leg upon arising.Sometimes the Lyrica helps, and sometimes it doesn't. I do not like the mental side effects and the balance issues. I am VERY sensnitive to all drugs that effect the nervous system. I got off of Neurontin becuase although I was pain and "tingle" -free, I was so sleepy I wold sometimes lose alertness while driving. (Scary)I do not like the mental confusion. I have always been a "chatterbox" and a little disorganized, but I am so constantly losing things, am unable to focus on the most pressing issue, and continously procrastinating that I really do not know if I will stay on this drug. It is affecting my job performance and ability to perform daily household tasks.I am a type 1 diabetic for 40 years, have used an Insulin pump for 4 years, and I am in good contr

Extreme aggressive behaviour, hitting, kicking, yelling. Turned a wonderful little boy into someone we didn't know. His preschool teachers reported having to segregate him from the other kids because of his hitting all day. Normally a very loveable and affectionate child. Always high energy but while on medication unable to shut him down. Constant night terrors, wouldn't sleep for 9 nights in a row. Out of three physicians nobody informed us of these possible side effects. After weeks of no sleep and inability to calm him down we researched it on the internet only to discover that everyone else had experienced what we were dealing with. We are kicking ourselves for letting this go on for five weeks before we asked why he was like this. We thought it was the trying three's. He complained of a sore penis as well as a "belly ache" every night within an hour of taking the medication. He cried all the time and needed constant reassurance and wanted us with him all the ti

This is just about the only pain medication I have found that I do not build a tolerance to. I take for two weeks then suffer for two weeks to keep from forming addiction.