Protropin (somatrem) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Protropin (somatrem)

Side Effects forprotropin (somatrem) - User Comments


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I tired natural remedies, then Humatin (which was unavailable this time around and did not work for the same problem), and now generic Flagyl. My doc didn't consider Flagyl ideal, but wrote the script for 250MG pills and said I should go down from 500mg to 250 mg if I felt weird and experienced any mild side effects, but to stop and call him if the side effects were really bad. I did not have the other problems others experienced, thank goodness. I have another day to go on this and hope it works and does not work me over.

none - some shock due to the cost of this drug!!! They need to come up with a generic for the long acting Ambien!

Severe headaches if I miss a dose, but no side effects when I take it consistently.

I was first diagnosed with Chron's disease when I was about 19 years old; however, I had symptoms since I was 13. In those

5 yrs ago I started taking allegra &shortly after my life started to fall apart.was getting very confused, couldn't multi-task let alone focus on one job.Intense back pain, went to a chiropractor.used to walk all the time, after starting couldn't walk across a parking lot w/o legs spasming.just stretching &walking 10 mins, i tore a leg muscle.Saw 8 docs over 5 yrs who told me they couldn't figure out why I was feeling the way I was feeling, symptoms DEFINITELY would not be caused by my meds, maybe a shrink could help.Jun07 began to have musty smelling urine, body swelling& in Dec07, intense pain under the right rib cage.tried new doc in Jan08 who ordered blood tests.stopped meds& by coincidence started feeling results last wk, 1 test showed liver function problem prob. caused by drug toxicity (indicated by the symptoms disappearing when I stopped taking drug).It's been 2months off drug &I am walking 3.5miles a day, no problems or pain.

I have tried celexa and paxil. I like the slow release -one pill a day Wellbutrin XL. I've taken it with adderall and the combination worked. The side effects I listed are new. I've just started drinking coffee which must be a factor based on what I've seen people posting here. This seems to be working and am considering the 300xl; however, the side effects are concerning. I'm figuring out what to do next... Its only been a month.

I switched insurance plans and was given a new doctor who informed me that she doesn't believe in Xanax and refused to prescribe it, even though I had been using Xanax with great results for a few years. I never abused a matter of fact I always had pills left over when my Dr would refill. Took vistaril for 2 nights. I had the most horrible dreams imaginable. Very vivid..very real...scared me half to death. Was afraid to take it during the day. I have been living with this horrible anxiety untreated for 2 years now. I don't understand how insurance companies can dictate what Dr you can see, or how a Dr can take you off a drug that has made your life livable.

Doesn't hold a candle to Afrin.

Headache, Eye pain, Spaced out, Nausea, Tremors, Hallucinating(Like hearing things inside of your head and ears pounding, Thinking that the neighbor's tree was a person in white standing there looking at me), Dizziness, Couldnt function well, It is like an empty feeling(Apathetic), Lethargic, Weight gain(Probably due to increased appetite), Urination increase,

12 years ago I was given Viocodin for a back injury by Workman Comp Dr. I became dependent very fast, and the Dr gave me more and more pills 15-17 per day. I did not drink, then one day went to a BBQ had one margarita and woke up in an ER. The level was so high I was immediately put in detox. It was awful. I stayed clean until 3 months ago when my Dr prescribed Vicodin for Restless Leg Syndrome. I told her of my history, which she basically blew off. I am now hooked again, getting 100 a month from her and taking my Dad's 100 a month plus getting them on internet. I have tried to cut back but can not, I know it is only a matter of time before this will all come to a head.