Norditropin (somatropin recombinant) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Norditropin (somatropin recombinant)

I had no energy at all before the drug.After the second day on the drug I got out of my chair and went with wife shopping. I never want to be without this drug.

Side Effects fornorditropin (somatropin recombinant) - User Comments


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Hyperplasia/ extremely heavy bleedi

insomnia, night sweats, vivid dreams, harder to orgasm, constant yawning, tired a lot (probably from the insomnia), nausea the first week

took 3 hours to take effect. It was the unflavored Colyte. First 1/3 of the jug was ok, then started gag reflex each gulp. A straw helped with that. but 3/4 done and no results. After laying down a bit things started. The last 4 cups were ok.

Great pain med. Hard on stomach, but for short term use is much better than vicodin or darvocet for pain relief and swelling associated with my RTC tendonitis flare ups.

This is a horrible medication and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone!

High blood pressure,leg swelling

The only thing I have noticed since I have been using Xalatan is the redness around my eyes now, that I did not have before. Not sure if that caused from the drops or something else.

less libido but did not eliminate it completely (Viagra can offset)

didnt help me at all i did is cry on this med

I was on lorazepam for 5 years for sleeping aid and prn for anxiety, and on propranolol for panic attacks for same length of time. My doc and I talked about a switch cause lorazepam just wasn't cutting it in terms of anxiety down at work. I switched to klonipin and it's been fine. I no longer need propranolol cause the klonipin taken at night lasts throughout the next day. To all who push the panic button about addiction, well, think of your quality of life without it. I know I'm addicted to klonipin, but the alternative is endless anxiety which started when I was around 9. I came to the realization that I have a very highly reactive nervous system and school and work was a nightmare to get though on a daily basis, and on klonipin it isn't. It's a quality of life issue for me. I know and understand it is a drug, it can be addictive, but if it improves my quality of life immensely at work, with family and in my relationship with friends and my girlfriend, well - seems like a no brainer to me. If some day I have to cease taking it for some reason - I'll deal with it. For now I choose to live in the present time and function at a high level as a worker, parent, friend and partner to my girlfriend.