Lupron depot (leuprolide acetate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Lupron depot (leuprolide acetate)

LUPRON DEPOT (LEUPROLIDE ACETATE): Leuprolide is used to treat advanced prostate cancer in men. It is not a cure. Most types of prostate cancer need the male hormone testosterone to grow and spread. Leuprolide works by reducing the amount of testosterone that the body makes. This helps slow or stop the growth of cancer cells and helps relieve symptoms such as painful/difficult urination. Talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of treatment. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Horrible cramping and diarrhea all night into next day. Joint pain. Flu like symptoms. Terrible chest pains... like running in very cold weather, actually burning cold. Headaches, weakness. I had read about Boniva and side effects but thought I would take a chance. Like others have commented, I feel like I have been poisoned!!!

I'm only taking 250mg at night but I don't notice any side effects. I think it has helped reduce the severity/frequency of some of my migraines. I still have menstrual migraines that are hard to control. I should be taking 500 mg a day but I just get worried about side effects.

probably worse symptoms sooner than the statins I tried.

I experience constipation and senses are not quick.Sometimes I can be moody,also.Kadian does take the pain edge off.

Fatigue, anxiety, dry, painful intercourse, lack of sex drive

weight gain- 20 lbs, hot flashes, night sweats and then in just the past 1 1/2 months muscle and joint pain

This has been very helpful for arm/hand muscle pain caused by repetitive stress through typing, sports, etc. I typically have profound effects within 20 minutes of taking it. I can see how addiction can occur for chronic pain sufferers: You're either in physical pain or you take Soma. I take it for a few months and then get off of it by using other pain treatments. It is, however, the most effective pain treatment for me. I will chop it up into 1/4 pills and take every hour as needed, but no more than 2 a day total.

I have been having a lot of little infections. Then this past month I couldn't breathe and found out that I had several large masses in my lungs. I got a life threatening strep infection in the lungs. I then pushed the docs to look at my port and that had a staf infection. Both almost killed me. Watch the Humira commercials and really listen to the side effects. I had to be in the Hosptial for 2 months getting high powered antibiotics so we could stop the infections. If I didn't push the docs and nurses they were never going to test for the staf. I actually tested positive for the staf back in April of 2008 when I had to go to the ER with a 105 temp. Make sure you question your treatment and always review your medical records. According to several docs, this medicine is poison.

helped the muscle spasm, side effects are badglad i read comments of others on this site, thought i was going crazy

Prescribed for Hot Tub Folliculitis (a skin rash caused by topical contact with contaminated hot tub water). During treatment, I had severe lack of appetite (not lack of hunger, just recoil at the thought of eating no matter how hungry), and various symptoms that would be presumptuous to blame on the meds. Since stopping Cipro (2 days), I’ve had severe GI tract inflammation to the point it’s painful to lie on my stomach to sleep (I can’t sleep on my back; no sleep either) and a dull ache/burning sensation in the kidneys similar to that I get when I drink too much soda, but not in that it sometimes gets worse (presumably dependent on what I’ve consumed). After 1 day of self-treatment with acidophilus and magnesium, I’ve finally had a day of loose bowel movements after at least two with none and my appetite is back, but I still can’t eat much because the GI tract inflammation is still in full force and I’m afraid to go back to any ignoramus that would prescribe this for a SKIN RASH! I didn’t know what it was until now, but even my friend’s husband said “CIPRO? OMG, that’s for life or death treatment!” I hope and pray I don’t develop the long term effects some have posted here, but even if I don’t, what I’ve already experienced is completely unacceptable results for having been treated for a skin rash!! I should have been prescribed a topical antibiotic, not this horror!