H.p. acthar gel (corticotropin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for H.p. acthar gel (corticotropin)

No real side effects except insomnia night of injection and mild stomach upset.

I love this medicine it gives me energy and I am starting to feel better everyday

Side Effects forh.p. acthar gel (corticotropin) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

I took one pill on a Saturday and soon felt stoned out of my mind. Had no strength to get up or do anything but sleep. I very nearly slept an entire weekend away. My knees and hip both hurt afterward. These plagued me until Monday afternoon.Sticking with ativan as needed and seeing a therapist. Will never touch that medicine again.

Tics/jumping and or kicking in my sleep which disrupts my sleep, kills my sex drive, harder to get an erection, homocidal & suicidal thoughts/feelings if I miss a dose or in the 2 times I've missed two doses.

Severe nausea, stomach cramps, bad headache, severe constipation, bad gas, very tired, lethargy, loss of appetite and aversion to food, didn't eat much at all for 6 days, slight itchy bumps/rash on leg, racing pulse, general unwell feeling all over.

I thought I was going crazy inside my body, I thought I wanted and needed to die. I felt like my insides were moving constantly, while my outsides were sitting still. It was the craziest time of my life and I didn't know it was the medicine until I saw a commercial about a class action suit for people taking Reglan. I stopped taking and it took several weeks before I could go back to normal

As far as helping with my depression there was very little difference.

Low back pain, sciatica & spasms

long term anxiety and insomnia

I seem to have difficulty maintaining my proper glucose levels with Toujeo. Its supposed to be better and longer acting than Lantus, I had no trouble maintaining glucose levels with Lantus. As soon as I get rid of the Toujeo I have, I am returning to Lantus

After my second pill I experienced Dizziness, palpitations, anxiety, drowsiness, shortness of breath and nausea.

I started taking this back in late April 2010 for bipolar depression/OCD/anxiety after years of painkiller addiction. My doctor says I have some weird mix of bipolar depression, mania, obsessions, and anxiety as well as severe mood-swings as a result of years of painkiller abuse. He says that Depakote has been extensively-studied in numerous cases like mine and that it will take months for the brain to heal and that Depakote can speed up this process. Along with Neurontin and Zoloft I feel we were making progress and he added this medication back in late April 2010. Since then I go through periods of way up and way down, usually lasting about 2-3 days each respectively; the lows are the worst, feeling like I've got a pallet of bricks on top of me and way way beyond just being "bummed out". Additionally I am EXTREMELY agitated, annoyed, short-tempored, over almost anything, as well as overwhelming feelings of paranoia and dread. The smallest things can send me into a whirlwind of obscenities and four-letter words; additionally whenever someone at work or out in public or on the highway cuts me off or gives me lip suddenly I want to take out their kneecaps or run them off the road. My doctor seems "surprised" somewhat by this series of behavioral changes but says that it is all part of my condition and part of the process of my brain healing and that it will take time to improve. Anyone else have their own experiences like this with Depakote? Any lig