Danazol (danazol) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Danazol (danazol)

I have gained weight, mood swings and depression. I started 3 weeks ago. I once used it about 3years ago to treat cysts weight shot up from 64 to 82kgs and it has been a battle to go lower than 75kgs even after i have stopped. What i would like to really know is what are the most effective weight loss regimen whilst on Danazol

Prescribed to reduce heavy periods which did not cease until about the 3 month point. I've definately gained weight, which started after 2 months. Improved libido. Some stomach upset, not severe, just feels like slowed digestion.

Because my right ovary has a cyst

Stomach, headache, body musles, nauses ect.ifeel symptoms of pregnancy but stripes result negative

Ihave a surgery my cyst size 7cm after surgery again develop cyst before one month but now my cyst size 3cm. I use danazol 200 mg 10th of August.this month no periods .I am very disheart I concieve baby plzzz help me

no menstruation, occasional to frequent spotting, occasional random cramps, possible slight weight gain in midsection (or am i just getting older?)

I am also on Yaz, where I take only the pills with the hormones (pink pills) and just throw away the placebos (white pills) and start the next month's pack. I started this at the same time as Danazol, so it is difficult to decipher what effects are from which drug... but overall I am very happy with my current drug situation. I was on Lupron for a year after my initial diagnosis and first surgery - it was HORRIBLE. I gained almost 20 lbs and had crazy hot flashes all the time. Went off Lupron, was not on anything for 3 years, and my periods were much shorter than they had been before, and I'd usually only have cramps for 1 day, managable through advil. Then they found an 8 cm mass doing an mri for something else, and I had surgery to remove the mass and my left ovary, which had been consumed by endometrial tissue. I am taking Danazol and Yaz now - *the spotting is better/less frequent if I take the drugs at almost exactly the same time every day and night. I might have had a sl

No more periods, MAJOR mood swings, some acne, water retention, weight gain

Helps with swelling in my hands and feet. Doesn't help with my stomach swelling. Still getting weekly stomach attacks on 200mg daily.

cannot stop menstrating, oily skin, weight gain, leg swelling, blurred vision, and tiredness.

i have not had an attack!! yipee! but i am blind, fat, greasy, and bloody. boo!!

Excessive hair growth in unwanted parts, shrinkage in breast size.

I have taken 100mg og Danazol almost everyday for 15 years (well over the recomended time) but I couldn't live without it.My breast pain was so severe I couldn't roll over in bed or even walk around without being in agony, so the good things far out way the bad, it changed my life !!

Oily skin, acne, voice change, increased "bad cholesterol" & decreased "good cholesterol", muscle cramps.

It worked wonders for the endometriosis pain without causing any really bothersome side effects (except for debilitating muscle cramps during the first 4 months of use). No mood swings or sleep disturbances as with many other hormonal treatments. If my voice hadn't started to sound like a man's and my cholesterol levels hadn't become unhealthy I would most definetely have continued taking it. Bit of a bummer: pain returned almost immediately after discontinuing use. I was using a very low dose: 300 mg per day.

Just started taking this a couple of days ago. Not sure if it's helped. Just nasea mainly.

If anyone else has any comments, I'd love to see them.

DANAZOL (DANAZOL): This medication is used in women to treat pelvic pain and infertility due to a certain uterus disorder (endometriosis) and also to treat breast pain/tenderness/nodules due to a certain breast condition (fibrocystic breast disease). It is also used in both men and women to prevent swelling of the abdomen/arms/legs/face/airway due to a certain congenital disease (hereditary angioedema). Danazol is an androgen similar to testosterone. For the treatment of endometriosis and fibrocystic breast disease, it works by decreasing the amount of hormones made by the ovaries. These hormones usually make the conditions worse. For the treatment of angioedema, danazol helps to increase the amount of a certain protein in your body's defense system (immune system). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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i took 100 mg for 12 days to stop my period that had started 45 days before and wouldnt stop. about day 7 or 8 i had a really heavy flow like had to change my tampon every 30 mins but by day 12 the bleeding stopped so no matter the side effects i was happy although now i havent had my period in over 35 days and just started spotting so i think ill take it again i recomend for sure

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My Grandson is one of the children who has experienced these horrible side effects. In the two months that he has been taking singulair, I have watched my daughter and her husband become increasingly terrified at the changes in our happy loving little boy. I am urging each and everyone of you to contact Merck and the FDA and file a complaint in order to stop this drug from being used in children. It is one thing as an informed adult to take a medication with potential side effects, it is a totally different thing for a parent to give a medication that they have been led to "Believe" to be safe to their child. There is strength in numbers and if we all contact the news, Merck, FDA, any one we can think of and inform them about what is happening to our children on this drug, we will be able to stop other potential victims from experiencing what our families are going thru....Please I urge you to continue to spread the word about this drug - tell everyone you know. Remember, Mer

nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss, muscle weakness, dry itchy skin, dry patches, red bumps, chapped lips, dry eyes, dry nose, dry mouth, bowel shut down, loss of hair (mainly shedding) loss in nape area. Headaches, hot flashes, vaginal dryness, bruising easily, dizziness, fatigue, tooth pain.

Best med I've ever taken - has anti-depressant quality and cured me of endo symptoms, which were ruining life. I had to take Ambien to sleep but now I sleep and have balanced mood. Give it a couple of months before you decide. It has been great benefit to me and I don't even need it for birth control.