Chorionic gonadotropin (gonadotropin, chorionic) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Chorionic gonadotropin (gonadotropin, chorionic)

initially there was a "speedy" effect, usually subsided the day after the injection. 2 injections per week. switched to daily injections (20cc) and side effects were gone.

Not sleepy during the day, waning libido has returned to normal. better memory. normal strength during workouts.

fatigue, low test, muscle mass gain

initially there was a "speedy" effect, usually subsided the day after the injection. 2 injections per week. switched to daily injections (20cc) and side effects were gone.

Not sleepy during the day, waning libido has returned to normal. better memory. normal strength during workouts.

CHORIONIC GONADOTROPIN (GONADOTROPIN, CHORIONIC): This medication is a hormone used in boys (before puberty) to cause the normal dropping of the testicles into the scrotum. It is also used in certain boys to help with normal sexual development. It works by causing the testes to release male sex hormones (e.g., testosterone). This medication is also used in women to treat fertility problems. It is given after finishing another medication (menotropins) to cause the release of an egg (ovulation). It should not be used in women whose ovaries no longer make eggs properly (primary ovarian failure). This medication has not been shown to be effective for weight loss and should not be used for this purpose due to risk of serious side effects. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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