Tepanil ten-tab (diethylpropion hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Tepanil ten-tab (diethylpropion hydrochloride)

Side Effects fortepanil ten-tab (diethylpropion hydrochloride) - User Comments


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I've lost so much of my hair, it's continuing to fall out now and I'm getting to the point where I don't know if I'm going to end up needing a wig or not, I don't recommend these to anyone!!

Because of my endometriosis and retrograde menustration my ob/gyn determined that it was probably best off to find a way to stop my periods. Due to various reasons Depo and many other things were out of the question. It was then determined that the best form of action was a pill. After already having an allergic reation to one contraceptive pill he decided to try me on a lower estrogen pill. I was on Ortho Tri-Cyclen for about three and a half months. The first three months I had "breakthough" bleeding every day, though this breakthrough bleeding was more like a full-blown period. After three months of getting irriated at this my ob/gyn told me to start taking two of them a day instead of one, this finally managed to stop the bleeding but it was irritating having to take the pills so often. Within a half month I was switched to another birth control pill.

The only drug that has ever relieved my muscle & nerve pain without mental confusion or inability to function!!!Plus, no side effects & no withdrawal symptoms. .. other than going back to the constant pain,muscles contractions, nerve pain, etc. that I had before ever taking Soma!

dark urine, major itching, chills, red eyes, dry mouth

Weight gain (14 pounds), migraines, decreased sex drive

Extreme fatigue, dizzy, lightheaded, feeling of being somewhat off balance, feeling like ears are stopped up, nausea, weird dreams, not sleeping well, joint/muscle aches.

Took the pill in AM by that evening severe pain in sternum and right rib cage. Then head ache. Thought I was having a heart attack. Pain increased to upper right side front to back. Then legs got shakey and painful to walk, stayed in bed. Called regular Doctor for appointment. I am usually very active. Horses care. Home and pets, etc., No more. Never had a broken bone I didn't earn. Doctor said stay home and rest for a couple of weeks.

Upon using nuvaring, (as well as yaz,which is even worse), I have experienced TERRIBLE moods. Mostly irritability, getting upset and annoyed at everybody, which led me to be a judgmental and mean person.Noticed an incredible change in my mood about a month after stopping birth control. My nipples were ALWAYS sore, and I just couldn't be happy. I would go days without smiling. When I went off of birth control, I felt like I had wasted 2 years of my life by being a b*tch and crying about everything. I'm so afraid to go back on birth control!! Nuvaring wasnt as bad as Yaz, but the sore nipples and irritability really depleted my everyday quality of life and level of happiness.

I had no idea a ppi could make you feel this way. I hope since I only took it for a short while that these symptoms subside. I can’t work. I can barely eat. It’s awful. Please tell me this goes away.

This drug is BAD BAD BAD!!! My grandmother was in an assisted living facility and the facility's doctor prescribed her this drug...and then doubled the dosage two weeks later, all without our knowledge or permission. We knew nothing about her taking it until I got the bill a month later. In the meantime, my grandmother went insane!!! She was always a sweet loving lady who played the organ in her church. With Aricept, she changed into a screaming lunatic!!! She screamed at her room-mate. She dragged all of her belongings down to the lobby and told the staff that her family was picking her up - we knew nothing about it until the staff called us. She talked about going down to the river and throwing herself in. She was a total NUTCASE!!! Everyone in the building saw the change. We were considering putting her in to the Alzheimer wing because she was acting so crazy. Then I get the bill, read up on the drug, had her old doctor cancel the prescription and, within a few days, she was back t