Phentermine hydrochloride (phentermine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Phentermine hydrochloride (phentermine hydrochloride)

Loss 9 the first week, insomnia, no appetite. Week 2 sleeping like a baby and starving all the time....Help!

Dry mouth, very weird, feeling a bit jittery, not a nice feeling

Dry mouth, slight headache if I forget to eat, always thirsty

I love it. I have lost 9 lbs in 6 days. I work for 12 hrs a day and then still have the energy to come home and work out for an hour! It's amazing

Insomnia, moodiness, headache, dry mouth, neuropathy

Very effective weight loss drug. This drug is not intended for long term use, however I have been on it for 2 years. It definitely gives me energy and starts my day off right. I'm tired by the end of the day and can't sleep at night. I would still recommend for weight loss and energy.

Good: some days I have more energy. Never hungry. First round I only lost a few lbs bc I was only taking half. Had crazy side effects but was also started on Chantix at the same time. First day I took a whole dose I thought I was going to bust through the wall like the kool aid man. Second time around I started a full dose immediately and while I have energy its not unbearable like the first time. Now the bad: I have extreme dry mouth with no relief. Sometimes jitters, muscles tense up. Legs and arms feel heavy at times. More agitated than usual. Jaw clenching.

Be careful with this medicine. They say you dont go through withdraws but I had extreme headaches and tiredness coming off it for about a week or two.

Insomnia. Jaw clenching. Increased energy. Calmer. More focussed. Loss of appetite. Dry mouth.

In the past caused dehydration which led to constipation.

Extremely tired, mild headaches, irritability, depression, loss of appetite and pain in my shoulders and neck area

The very first time I took phentermine was about 3 years ago and I loved it. It gave me so much energy and I was comfortable with socializing. This time is the complete opposite. I feel tired all the time, angry for no reason at all, depressed and I have no reason to be. The tightness in my neck and shoulders are very painful to the point I had my daughter put the heel of her foot in the muscle part of it. Im not sure if I am going to continue with this pill because of the depressed feeling, it has frightened me to the point of questioning my sanity. Be careful with this pill...may work wonders for some but the weight loss is not worth your joy and sanity

Jaw/teeth clenching, dry mouth, energy increase, some tingling in arms and legs

Insomnia. Fatigue. Hyperactive feeling the first few hours.

It works for weight loss. I don’t like how I feel on it.

Muscle weakness, no energy and constant hunger

From the very first day of taking this I have never had any energy boosts like others. I can barely walk. I stay hungry. I'll eat a meal and before I even get up to put away my dishes, my stomach is growling. Now when my Dr. Prescribed it she told me to cut all carbs from my diet and only eat veggies, eggs, handful of almonds every now and then and cheese for protein. I lost 6 lbs in 3 days and sure that's great but I'm miserable!!!! Help!!!!! My Dr said to just keep taking it. I'm 4'10", and started out at 140 lbs. and was told to consume between 900 and 1000 calories a day. No more.

Back ache and dry mouth no weight loss at all tired hungry all the time can't focus

it started with mild headaches but eventually went away. Dry mouth, could not focus as well, forgetful, normal energy level did not notice the difference in energy. I feel faster without it. the stair master is my favorite I can't use that machine anymore my heart feels like its going to explode on it. my heart beats so loud I wake up at night and sleep on my back so I won't hear it. the most important part it made me extremely angry. nothing bugs me because I usually don't care but my feeling was worse than being on your period and having anger issues.

in a day I lost 5 pounds. the headaches stopped because I eat more food. I started drinking the pill after work so I would be focussed at work, for my energy level I just began to drink coffee two cups a day keeps the doctor away. I had to do more cardio and watch over my eat which helped.for my anger I'm just going to start taking a cross fit class so I could put my anger on something else. overall I've lost 18 pounds in a month but I didn't feel that great but it's not the pills fault its mine because I should have taken into consideration my carbs intake. IF YOU FEEL TIRED EAT. your doctor should have given you a pill for you to sleep. Think about it he's heard the complaints before why would he not prescribe a low mg sleeping pill.

the tablets make my mouth super dry, little jittery and talk fast

if I take a whole one in the morning it will come on pretty strong and last all day, it took a little work to find the exact right time to take so it would last all day but not prevent me from sleeping. After about 10 days I started taking a half around noon. it seems to work ok but I do find myself getting hungry again later at night. overall I'm happy with it.

Nice uplifting feeling and euphoria slightly, but it reminds me of Dexedrine slightly.

I can focus on the tasks at hand and this stuff helps me to do my weight regimen like it was nothing. Crank up some music and you feel invisible while doing anything physical. It doesn't get your heart racing like Adderal did for me and once again it's very close to Dexedrine in it's effects.If I get to speedy, I just eat something, or even drink a beer in the evening to mellow out. I sleep great after a couple beers. Like 6-10 hours straight. Great medication if you have motivational issues like I do with my adhd.

I cannot deal with the migraine this med is giving me

Dry mouth, loss of sleep, jittery at times but mostly just during the first few weeks

Lost 37 plus, had more energy.

Headache; elevated blood pressure. AND no impact on appetite.

A very low dosage of this drug did nothing for my appetite but did have bad side effects. Won't take it again.

Positive: Euphoria, Energy, ConcentrationNegative: Bad breath, Anxiety, Insomnia, Flushed skin, and irregular heartbeat

Phentermine is just like adderall. Except Adderall has more of a euphoric mood to the high.

I have been taking phentermine for 2days and I feel terrible. I feel like Iam high and Iam only on 15mg. I hate the feeling that's why I don't do drugs. I have a really low tolerance. Iam going to maybe try every other day or once a week. I really hope this helps with the side effects. Can anyone off some help??

Side effects: GREATLY curbs my appetite, creates inability to sleep at night, gives me energy throughout the day, heightens libido

I was 140 lbs. and desire to lose 20 lbs. I was advised by dr. to take 1/2 a tablet in morning & other 1/2 midday. After a wk., I knew this was an overdose for my body size. I decided to take only 1/2 a pill each morning. This dosage works perfectly for me. I am seldom hungry, have great energy, and I love my SKY HIGH sex drive. I am worried that my sex drive will diminish over time with cintinued use of this drug. My husband is elated with my constant desire for sex. I have lost 10 lbs. in 3 weeks and feel quite sexy. I feel like I can reach my goal while taking this drug. It will be a challenge, once I have reached my goal and discontinue use of this drug, to keep my weight down, I fear. I also want to keep my high sex drive. But I feel pretty sure I shouldn't take this drug for a long duration. It can't be good for your heart.

Side Effects forphentermine hydrochloride (phentermine hydrochloride) - User Comments


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I have only been on this for 4 days.... will this belching stop? I am beginning to tire of it. I am pooped from the constant belching.

I read side effects that include non hodgkins but I thought..."not me." This medication changed my life and the way I think about doctors and what medications they push.

This is the first birth control pill i've been on, and I don't know if these side effects are normal with any pill but this one makes me feel like a crazy person! I'm not sexually active, but I can't stand it when my fiance wants to kiss or even just give me a hug. I feel so mean, but I can't help it!!

I have had two bone scans....over two years but have not had one since on Actonel. I tried fosomax first, but irritated my stomach too much to continue. I have been on actonel for only a month, so do not know if it is helping build bone. I also take calcium, Vitamin D, work out 3 x a week, and walk.

Within the past 3 days I have had pretty severe breast pain and tenderness. It is pretty constant. No other side effects and I am disappointed this is happening now. It feels like when I was breastfeeding and had mastitis, except without the nausea and feeling unwell.

high triglycerides, unsidedown HDL

depression, increased appetite, moodiness, bloating, lack of energy

Shoulder pain - could not lift arms above head. Pain would shock me awake at night. Stopped at Dr's direction - pain left in 2 days.

Hydea ia the best choice I guess for my treatment. I tolerate it well except for the extreme fatigue. Not sure how much the disease itself plays into this as well as the Hydrea.

I would not recommend this stuff to anyone! Other than very occasional acid reflux and seasonal allergies, I am a very, very healthy individual who has not had any family history of heart problems, mental disorders or depression. The panic/anxiety attacks I suffered were extremely frightening, extremely real, and on a level of intensity that landed me several times in emergency rooms! I thought I was having heart attacks and on the verge of death. I definitely take the time now to Research and Read all available literature before taking any medications which, fortunately, is not often.