Phendimetrazine tartrate (phendimetrazine tartrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Phendimetrazine tartrate (phendimetrazine tartrate)

Positive !! Better sleep motivation, happier, more social, energy, more like my original self.

Generally more of my original self.

Very dry mouth. Blurred vision

Dry mouth, exhaustion from not sleeping, zero motivation, depression, suicidal thoughts

This little yellow pill turned me into a complete psycho maniac. I have never in my life behaved the way I did when I was on this pill. When I got so depressed I actually started thinking about suicide I knew something major was wrong. I started reading more about the medication and realized that's exactly what it was. Once I stopped taking them everything changed and I went back to normal. I look back now and cannot believe how much those pills took over my life and could have eventually ended it.

More energy, insomnia the first 3 days. After that, no problems with sleeping. I had to force myself to eat. 15lb weight loss first month. General feeling of well being.

This little yellow pill is AWESOME!! I have tried many diets and nothing worked. 1st week ate only protein, 2nd week added in veggies. Eat some fruit, but not much. I feel like my old self again!! Can't wait to buy a new wardrobe!

Side Effects forphendimetrazine tartrate (phendimetrazine tartrate) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

I take it a few minutes before bed and sleep very well. Take it on and off for few years....mostly off.

Severe Hives, itchy throat (roof of mouth), heart palputations, some upper back pain

DO NOT take this fluconazole/diflucan. It is a dangerous drug and will mess you up.

Extremely bad brain fog the next day. I am currently 29 hours post dosage and still feel horrible.

Went off because it stopped working. I got brain zaps, felt tired and unhappy.

Please be careful about this drug! I honestly do not consider this a medication. My doctors told me it was a antidepressant to help with my other medications. But it was an antipsychotic! I was told not to pay attention to any side effects because they are rare and that all of these medications work the same. THEY DO NOT! BEWARE! Since I was told that I never thought of consulting with a pharmacist. Now I have researched and found out that pharmacists know more about psychotherapy meds than doctors. I wish I would have known that. At first, I lost jobs because of my behaviors. I started loosing friends because of irritability and I no longer felt like myself. Then I lost my family because I started stealing their money to go on spending sprees on EBay. It got so bad that my family no longer wanted to have anything to do with me. I also had a lot of weight gain. I was 130 pounds and blew up to 200 pounds. So I started having severe problems because of low self esteem. I told my doctor all this and he just said I needed it and he was overweight himself so why worry? I thought maybe he was right because members of my family started gaining weight as they got older. Finally I got so frustrated about the weight gain that I thought I'd try to stop taking the pill myself. So I took half a pill for awhile and then I took 1/4 of it. I thought it would just decrease my weight. It did that and more! I started eating small meals and was no longer as hungry. Plus, I

None, save perhaps for slight drowsyness but I always need to sleep after recovery usually.

birth control, regulate period

·Dizziness ·Nausea ·Acting wierd

It did not seem to improve my urine flow problem. I could not notice dramatic improvement that others have reported. I was not diagnosed with enlarged prostrate, simply complained of reduced urine flow at about the same time cyst appeared in my testicle. I am planning to return to my Dr. for followup in two weeks.