Meridia (sibutramine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Meridia (sibutramine hydrochloride)

Side Effects formeridia (sibutramine hydrochloride) - User Comments


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My name is Devin. After sleep driving and crashing on Ambien, I was given a DUI.

Severe Depression/Anxiety Attacks

My 7 year old has been taking drug on and off since she has been 2. She has suffered on and off from bouts of crying, unexplained fears and SEVERE seperation anxiety that started out of nowhere. We were never able to pinpoint a reason until reading experiences of others. I mentioned this to her doctor when it all began and the idea of this med causing anxiety was dismissed. I feel so guilty for not checking into this sooner, and especially for not persuing it further. She asks way too many questions about death, dying and cemetaries and we could never figure out why. She cries when happy, sad, scared for just about anything at all. Always intermittently, never consistently. When you ask her why, all she can say is I can't help it. We could never figure what the trigger would be, now I have finally have a place to start. She is off the med for 10 days now, and hopefully it will work it's way out of her system sooner rather than later.

started taking on 12/14/10 day 1 was ok by day 2 i started feeling edgey and didnt attribute it to that. thurs 12/16 went to dentist and the edgeyness was worse. i was getting numb andtake shots with no ephinephrine and went into a full panic attack. had to go to my doc and bc my bp went up heartrate was up was shaey inside and out. ekg good. came home husband reminded me that about 8 months ago i was on zpac and became paranoid felt ill had anxiety. didnt think of it again. noticed zpac is no longer light pink but bright red bc of changes to manufacturing. never had a prob on the old ones. remembered last time saying felt weird. going to call dentist today and doc bc neither thought of this. i asked my pharmacist who confirmed that this med can raise bp which eleevates anxiety. now im scared and afraid to be alone for fear of these attacks. ive ben feeling great for many many months and didnt think about the past affect before starting it the other day. will not take again.

no side effects, works brilliantly for me.

I started feeling much better within the first 24 hours - It really knocked out the pneumonia.

Well I tried this med at 100mg Wellbutrin SR per day and felt results right away first few days. Was more focused, happier, more confident etc.. However By day 5 I started having Drastic Mood Swings and a Mini Panic Attack First time in my Life!Now I realize that for Wellbutrin SR to work properly it needs to be combined with an SSRI. If you take Wellbutrin SR by itself it'll be good at first but eventually it's going to cause massive anxiety and panic attacks, insomnia. HOWEVER when you combine it with an SSRI like Prozac YOU GET MAGIC.Wellbutrin SR Prozac you get MAGIC! All the side effects of wellbutrin are cured by Prozac and all side effects of Prozac are cured by Wellbutrin. PURE MAGIC. NEVER TAKE IT ALONE never take prozac or wellbutrin alone. Always combine them(Serotonin - Dopamine and Epinephrine) You need ALL 3 not 1 and not 2. ALL 3 OR NONE.

it slowed down my heart rate dramatically (i recently gave blood and my pulse was 54 when they checked it), but all in all it is very effective.

I have been happy with this medication so far. The side effects aren't fun, but overall my quality of life and modivation for life has increased- which I think is worth it!

I was taking it for a problem with Blood Pressure regulation that would cause me to pass out. Don't know if Zoloft would help, because I wasn't on it long enough to find out.