Ionamin (phentermine resin complex) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Ionamin (phentermine resin complex)

Extremely happy, tons of energy, problems sleeping.

The first day I took this I was so full of energy I couldn't contain myself. I literally wanted to run up to everyone I saw and yell " Good morning " to them. I felt like an over excited puppy. Which isnt such a bad thing considering im usually very shy and anti social.I have not lost weight on it because I am not longer taking it. However when I was I lost about 8 pounds in that month.I've always had issues sleeping so the lack of sleep wasn't too much for me considering I barely sleep as is.I loved the energy it gave me, it made me feel very out going. But unfortunately I have an addictive personality and I knew I was enjoying it too much which is why I stopped taken it to keep from substance abuse. I would recommend to those who have tons of self control. An addict of any sort should stay away though

couldn't sleep,emotional,excessive thirst, headache

DO NOT TAKE! This is a pill from the devil. I've done all sorts of weight loss pills & this is bad. I couldn't sleep for about 2 weeks. Had severe unquenchable thirst, slight shakiness & slight rapid heart beat. Became extremely depressed & sad, crying about anything. Cried cause the wind blew my hair into my eyes, & cause I dropped my pencil-seriously. I became very easily annoyed,aggravated & angry over the most petty things. I wasn't hungry & barely ate which was good. I only lost 3lbs in a week, so I made myself eat a bit more & started exercising. I lost 8 lbs in 3wks, but was miserable from the other side effects. I'm normally a fun joking person, but became horrifically upset over everything & my crying was out of control,so I decided to quit taking. This pill is difficult to come off of, so I took 1/2 pill/day to wean off. It took me OVER a year to rid my body of all the side effects. I would NOT recommend this pill to anyone & also told my Dr.

appetite suppression moderateslight agitation first week or so THEN came the crushing depression. Horrible. please warn people of this possibility esp. if you previously suffered bouts of depression.

dry mouth, funny taste in my mouth, sore tongue, chewing lip, gas

i really cannot say that i have lost a lost of weight with this. i have taken it for over a year and since then have lost 9-10 pounds. however, i have some type of problem being able to stay awake in the daytime. after starting this med the dr. told me to stay on it since it was keeping me from being so fatigued and wanting to just lie around. that is one thing i can say, it really gives you enery and i can't say that it makes me have heart flutters or anything like that and i REALLY have to be careful about anything that does make my heart flutter, but so far, no problems. Just hope I see more weight coming off!

insomnia, anxiety, mood swings, complete loss of appitite, thirsty all the time,constant need to chew(make sure that you have plenty of chewing gum)

this drug is very effective in assisting with weight loss but i urge you to be very careful that you are not replacing one addiction with another. I found it extremly difficult to stop taking this drug because it is just so much easier to take one pill every day than it is to find the time to excersise reguarly along with having to cook and plan a healthy diet also this drug works almost instantly and has amazing results diet and excersise takes time. Once you stop taking this drug you will most likely find that you are stacking on the pounds at a rapid speed. It does the job as i have lost half of my body weight but be very, very careful as it IS also an addictive drug!!

in the beginning, maybe 2-3 wks my sleeping was worse than usual. took a really long time to fall asleep & then woke up about every 2 hrs the rest of the night. Dry mouth & shakiness if taken too much to start until you get used to it.

Really like it. Has helped me loose 42 lbs but after taking it for almost two years, with little breaks of my own choosing - say 1-4 days w/out about every 4-5 wks, I have finally gotten to the point where it is no longer effective. Too bad. I have switched to Tenuate for the next month or so to see if that will work as well but if not then my doc will give me the Ionamin (phentermine) again. I took 1/2 tablet at first (don't recommend the time released capsules as you can not control them as well as the tablets), maybe 6 mos, then 1 full tab, then 1.5. When I had to take 2 to still get any effect my doc & I decided to switch for a bit. I have taken the Tenuate for about 2 weeks and it is, for me, inferior to the Phentermine.

I took Ionamin on and off for several years. It is incredible. Unfortunately my current doctor will not prescribe it to me. I definitely recommend it to anyone with weight to lose - in combination with reducing your caloric intake and increasing your exercise. This medication increases your energy so you're wanting to do more.

Duromine - occasion dry mouth when stressed, gassy

I took duromine for 3 mths, had 1 mth break and now am back on it. The first 3 mths I lost over 15 kgs, gained 3 on the break (my own error) and have now lost 6 kgs after 3 weeks of being back on the pills which is a total weight loss of 18 kgs. I have had weight problems since I hit puberty and this is the only thing besides killing myself with over-exercising that works. The first night I had problems sleeping but only because I read too much about the problems that I may have. The best thing to do is just to tell yourself you don't have sleep problems and close your eyes (this worked for me, but it's a case by case thing). I can manage to eat two pieces of fruit and dinner in a day and weigh myself twice a day as the weight differs morning and night - it's a good guide to know what does and doesn't make you lose weight each day. The first week I stayed off the scales and thought I had gained weight as I didn't know what time of day I am at my lightest.. I feel much more confident, h

very speedy, chewing on inside of cheeks, sore, raw, under the tongue.short temper. unquenshable thirst. no sleep at all. super irritable and impatient. can't focus well,can't do math,or think properly at times.very powerful mood altering drug.

works for surpressing the appitite, but the side effects are just too severe. dry mouth is so uncomfortable, and cheek chewing really bad. nerves are shot!! would compare it to 50 cups of strong coffee!!Be carefull!! Only try a few days first for sure.

Increased heart beat, increased alterness and agitation, appetite almost disappeared but when I forgot to eat anything, I felt dizzy & weak. Recommend eating eggs or tin of tuna every few hours. Day 4 - bad stomach cramps!!

Headaches (probably from lach of sleep thought due to the drug) stomache aches, dufficutly sleeping

Lots of energy, great if you want to lose 5-10 kilos with in a week to two weeks

VERY dry mouth..when i DID exersise my heart would beat faster than usual, nothing serious though..not hungry AT mood body was craving water but when i drank it i really didnt want it anymore ..wierd?..thatss it

this works reallyyyyy good..but i guess it works for me beacuse im 16 years (yea im young)old, but i've been on it for 1 1/2 months and lost 24 pounds!!!!

dry mouth,at first few days hard to sleep,sometimes feel unwell.

really works n control my eatings.

dry mouth,at first few days hard to sleep,sometimes feel unwell.

really works n control my eatings.Arite lost 10kg.

I swear this pill is awesome i used it for two months and lost alot of weight its great if it werent for the side effects

at first alot of energy, but after awhile it stop working. i still felt hungry.

the nanme was duromine 30 mg.good weight loss,but bery dry mouth,bad temper,found hard to sleep

i kept the weight off,i had will power!!!if very over weight i would recomend this,as old fat hard to shift??

I tend to get a little ill (hateful) at times, my family say its due to the ionamin.

I enjoyed losing the weight. It has been the only thing that has really helped me out.

Side Effects forionamin (phentermine resin complex) - User Comments


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Has stabilised my moods for the most part. I used to be an ulta rapid cycler. Doesn't do much for my anxiety (I also take quetiapine IR 25mgx4 a day for that, but it doesn't do much except improve sleep). Practically eliminated by paranoia, but not all abnormal thoughts. Blocks out my soul, which I do not like.

I went on the patch 4 years ago when I met my boyfriend after trying the pill and injection. It was only when I came off the patch I realised the damage it has done to my body physically AND mentally. I was severely depressed, when asked my doctors if it could be related to evra they laughed, i've been off the patch for 9 months now and i am happier (mentally) than ever! A major problem I've had since I cam off the patch in January is severe abdominal pain on the left hand side near my hip, and severe pain in my left thigh and lower back. The doctors dont seem to take me seriously, but my life has been hurrendously compromised by this. I've been to gynae-nothing, internal and external ultrasounds which found small fibroids, but nothing that would cause me this pain. I have missed university because of it and was nearly thrown off my course, I have been to see 12 different doctors, none of which can figure out what is wrong with me because this is a relatively new drug. So, if anyone ha

My son is 5yrs old. He had asthmas as a toddler and used Flovent then. It helped. We had some behaviour issues, but thought that it was because of his age and did not consider that it might have been because of the medication. Recently, unfortunately, the astma has returned--likely due to allergies. He was put on Flovent two separate times and both times after a couple days we saw past behaviour issues return. The night terrors caused us to wonder if it wasn't linked to the Flovent. As soon as we stopped the medication, the night terrors stopped as well.

occasional fatigue or rebound headache,constipation,upset stomach if taken on an empty stomach

My 12 yr old daughter was diagnosed with the flu and was given tamiflu and the rest(5) of the family was lo given it for preventin. My daughter had a temp of 102 and ws very very sick. This morning within the first 24 hrs her temp was and ha ben around 97.6.It ws a miracle for her. On the other hand with the rest of us i cant say the same. My 18 yr old was vomiting.My husbnd felt like he was in a tunnel and felt weird all day today. And as for me it was the worst night of my life.No sleep.I awakend at 3am with the shakes,scred for no reaon,sweats,seeing things that were no there(rats) anxious and feeling out of my mind.I took my seond dose today 4 hrs ago and am feeling pretty weird again. I don't ever want to take his again.I'm sitting here in somewhaat a panic.God just hlp me make it until tomorrow and i'll never take i again..I hate this drug.

i had every side affect,that has been written,i wound up in a coma for 15 days on life support they said i had died several times,they wanted to pull the plug thank god i did not have a living will, or the plug would have been pulled, it has lrft me with brain damage,more pain than ever,blurred vision,unstable walking i can go on for ever,i thank god every day for giving a second chance att life and believe i am here to warn you abvout neurontin and other drugs please lok into everything u are taking some of the drugs that are prescribed has not been approved by the FDA for the purpose that you need it but the script companys wine and dine are doctors to push trhese drugs on us. please do your research DO NOT TAKE THIS DRUG or anyother till you have read avbout it PHIFZERis one of the company to be really concerned with i hope u don t mind my bad writting but it take it all out of me t have even written this but when i saw it i had to resond if u need to speak with

White clumpy discharge. But I think it's normal what goes up must come down, I think the white clumpy discharge is the gel coming out in that form. I have experience it after 48 hrs of using the gel my sent was gone just after 1 day of using this.

I have recently taken my 2nd shot of a 6 month dose of Lupron. I have found my symptoms for endometriosis have not subsided much at all if not have gotten worse. I had surgery 2 1/2 months ago due to two cyst on my right ovary. One being an endometrioma. My doctor put me on Lupron for 6 months, but have stated that some people could only take it for 3 months due to side effects. He has also put me on Northindrone to relieve some of the hot flashes. I have feel like a different person since I been taken Lupron. My aggrivation and loss of patience in handling things is very short. I feel as though it has not helped with any of my symptoms at all. I have read that it does take 6 weeks before your symptoms get any better. I hope this is the case for me because taking this med is for the birds! I do not have kids and would like some one day, however feeling this pain I would rather him take everything out and i try adopting! Not sure if I would be able to handle 6 months of this medicine!!

try it if you want a low dose pill

Sharp stomach cramps, sore eyes, insomnia, depression, anxiety, paranoia, headaches, dark urine, loss of appetite