Didrex (benzphetamine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Didrex (benzphetamine hydrochloride)

I am morbidly obese over 50 and losing to the battle of the bulge. Taking Didres late in the evening may prevent you from getting a good nights sleep.

I've taking didrex for 19 days and I've lost 31 pounds. At 334 pounds I was starting to feel the effects of obesity in the worse way. I'm fortunate enough to have discovered Didrex.

Elevated mood approximately 30 minutes after taking a pill (not a bad thing). I have much more energy, therefore I'm more active.

This worked well for a short period of time, but worked much better (and longer) when used with the

Side Effects fordidrex (benzphetamine hydrochloride) - User Comments


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At first it seemed like a miracle. My cholesterol levels were well within normal limits within three months. However, over the last couple of months I have noticed pain similar to what I had from taking statins. Now experiencing lower back and hip pain, muscle aches, cramping in my hands, fatigue with the added dizziness, anxiety, depression, inability to stay asleep, stiff neck, daily headache, stuffy nose, easier brusing and very little stamina.

It cleared up my ear proble, but I really don't want to take it again if, in fact, it was the cause of my depression. It affected my job, my workout regimen, my school, sleep patterns, etc.

I've had migraines of varying intensities for 25 years. Neurogologist started me on this after I experienced a transitional migraine which lasted 3 weeks. The inderal has reduced my average number of migraines per month from 10 to 2 and they are very manageable so the drug has really helped with the headaches.

At first very very tired and now very vivid anoying dreams

Lotrel has may blood pressure at or close to normal. My doctor just love it when I go in for my three month check and my blood pressure is great!

Dry mouth, diarheea, nausea, weight gain and suicidal feelings, but they all passed in a couple of weeks and at 300 mg I was doing OK. But then the withdrawal came?????

Lowered my pulse to <58, difficulty falling asleep (took 1.5 to 2 hrs. and woke up after only 3-4 hours of sleep), had immediate allergic reactions (swelling, urticaria) on face surrounding eyes and couldn't walk with pain in lower back and hips making movement difficult. The worse symptom was the vertigo - spinning whether I was prone or upright. Stopped after one week and now after 72 hours vertigo is gone; swelling/rash has subsided and pulse is gradually climbing. Didn't work for me and official FDA side effects indicates that may be a problem for those who experience anaphylactic reactions.

I have Clonazepam at such as high dose because I have a rare Neurological Movement disorder called 'Myoclonic-Dystonia'. Sure, Clonazepam alleviates the twitching and muscle spasms... until I get more tolerance and have to take more. Started taking Clonazepam about a year and a half ago- initially I started on 2 mg a day :/ If anybody is offered this drug should really question it, especially it is being indicated for long-term use. I didn't question enough and now I have such a strong dependence and ever increasing tolerance, there are plans to up me to the max dose (20 mg). This drug has made me an addict, I sometimes try to try to take less but the withdrawal is HELL. Stevie Nicks said in an interview it was easier to give up heroin and crack than this drug :/

Severe insomnia since 8 years.A lot of stress with anxiety-related symptoms such as pulse racing and muscles cramping;a highly sensitive personality but not bipolar.Prescr 25 mg before sleeping,and 25 mg on waking up after 5 hrs if needed (always).I've been able to catch up with myself a bit, calm down, and although I sleep 10 hrs and it's hard to wake up I feel more positive now because I've slept a bit better than previously.More than 50 mg makes me too zombie-like.I'm trying to cut down on all medecines but I don't think I can live without sleeping pills (benzo and seroquel, or something else).I'm distressed about what it can do to you, and about developing tolerance.

Never ever ever take a fluoroquinolone antibiotic. This stuff is handy out like candy for minor infections when it should be reserved for life or death situations. Fluoroquinolones destroy mitochondrial DNA, they cause multi-systemic shut down and many people never recover.