Dexedrine (dextroamphetamine sulfate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Dexedrine (dextroamphetamine sulfate)

I'm still taking this medication. Raises blood pressure and heart rate. My teeth are really get bad. I had 13 cavities I have deal with.

But it's a game changer. I can't work or have any kind of life without it.

Don't listen to the negative comments if the medication works for you and you being monitored by a doctor is what matters. My ADD is so severe its a disability I also have c PTSD and chronic pain. I don't take any other meds except this because it's a tool that allows me to manage my life. Take it how it's prescribed take weekend breaks to cut out building a tolerance and you should not have any problems. If it doesn't help you don't take it find something that does. It is hard to find and get because it's a older medication and Adderall has taken over but Adderall did not work for me. Also be mindful if start this medication already underweight or low weight to be careful. I am curious about the comments on here saying it ruin there life and they went to jail lost a husband???? Are you saying you developed a addiction and abused it? Cause that is not the medications fault be mindful of that from the start and be honest and open with your doctor and that won't happen. Never ever take more then prescribed and take the extended release instead.

Heart palpitations, brain fog, shakiness, numbness in arm, irritability, unable to motivate myself to do anything but read.

Dry mouth, insomnia when I first started (about a month)

It has really helped me start making the changes I wanted to. I've got the incentive to have a productive day, instead of lying in my bed all day. The only reason I didn't give it a 5 is because of the dry mouth and I already have weak teeth so be mindful of your oral health drink lots of water .

ADHD/Borderline Personality (BPD)

Elevated heart rate, Excess thirst, Supressed appetitive, Weight loss

I was diagnosed with ADHD and borderline personality disorder roughly 4 months ago (Jun 2021) and have been on Dexamphetamine since then. The biggest difference it has made besides improving concentration and energy levels, is the weight loss. I was 144kg when I started on this medication 4 months ago. This morning I weighed in at 120kg. Thats 24kg down in only 4 months, with almost no exercise or changes my lifestyle. It has a strong appetite suppression effect, which I use to my advantage to stop the binge eating that caused my obesity in the first place. (Probably due to my lack of dopamine because of ADHD.)I have never felt better in my life than I do with my Dexamphetamine, and I will continue taking it as long as I can. I honestly havent yet noticed any negative side effects from the drug besides needing to drink more water than usual.Just want to say as a disclaimer that this is my personal experience. It might be different for others, so it pays to have realistic expectations. (And yes its easily possible to overcome the appetite suppression effect and eat what you like. I just choose to embrace it to help me with my goals).

IF it is by the Manufacturer, Mallinckrodt? No side effects what so ever. Life is PERFECT!!!!IF it is by the Manufacturer, Actavis? HORRIBLE. Absolutely horrible. The side affects are awful. I think this drug BY THIS MANUFACTURER could send a room full of Pastors, Priests, Nun's, Church Choir into full blown road rage.You want to be employee of them month? Take Mallinckrodt's drug. If you want to get Fired take Actavis's drug. Plain and simple. Actavis should not be allowed to sell this drug. FDA should pull it from them. Serious.

Dexedrine is fine. Been taking it for 35 years BUT, Not all manufacturer's are created equal.Mallinckrodt is THE BEST. Should be THE ONLY!

Does exactly what its supposed to do with no side effects. Have been taking for about 20 years and it still works very well. It has definitely changed my life for the better.It was primarily prescribed for ADD and partially prescribed off-label for depression. It has always worked well for both and still does. It also seems to help with anxiety.I've always used the generic as the brand name is ridiculously expensive (the generic is also but not as bad).If you are or were a Navy or AF pilot you probably have experience with this medication as they were given out like candy (and were sometimes the reason for shortages), although I believe they switched to Adderal a few years ago.

Tachycardia, emotional numbness, not falling asleep randomly, lower appetite, elevated blood pressure, excessive thirst and dryness, changes in libido both higher and lower

I've been on it since 3rd grade. Lately it hasn't helped me focus much. I don't like taking it or the way it feels but I wouldn't be even this low level of functional without another option that actually works.

Dex ruined my life! Cannot begin to explain what the drug did to me but I lost my husband in the process, my family, friends and job and even went to prison. Before taking the drug, although I was constantly tired I was generally a happy person, a law abiding citizen. I became self destructive after only a few months of taking the drug. No one talks to me anymore, I have a criminal record so it’s hard to find work now. So much more to my story but I’ll be here for days writing ✍️

Dry mouth. When it wears off anxiety increases, get overwhelmed and feel kinda down, sad like I didn’t get enough done that day. Of course I’m going through a lot too so it’s probably got to do with that. Reduces appetite, but if you eat you feel like eating, you just gotta eat. Sides are worth the good effects. It just sucks balls when it wears off and you crash. Learn to accept the crash and avoid communicating about important stuff with people. And absolutely don’t do “work” during the crashes - it’ll be a waste of effort, unless it’s just rite work, but even then you’re just exhausting yourself. Gotta learn to self care during all times, but especially during the end of day crash. Get outside!

Perfect for calming me down, less distractibility, less afraid, less confused, less overwhelm, focused more. But you also realize how bad your ADHD is without it lol so that realization sucks and is good too cuz it explains your life lol.

After 13 plus years of use, my teeth are now rotting and falling out. Usual side effects were insomnia, anxiety, anger and irritability.

Would not recommend taking. I am going to have a bill of over $10,000 CDN to repair my teeth, and that's with insurance covering a lot of it. I basically have meth teeth. :-(

I have experienced no side effects.

I would be sleeping all day everyday without dexedrine.My MS has greatly improved.

This drug should be illegal. It feels on top of the world the first few times you use it and then damages your brain for life. Look up amphetamine neurotoxicity if you dont believe me. Permanent brain damage, Caused me permanent parkinsons disease Permanent destruction of my prefrontal cortex and dopamine neurons PET imaging has confirmed the damage to my dopamine reward system and my brain. Lost my girlfriend and all friends. Became permanently aggressive violent agitated and extremely irritable. Lost ability to enjoy music or feel ANY emotions. Used to laugh all the time now my eyes look Dead and my whole face looks completely different. I have no personality anymore I am dead inside since taking this neurotoxin for only two months. I will make it my life goal to get this poison banned. Giving speed, a potent neurotoxin, to children is criminal. The psychopathic kriminals at the FDA will pay one day for what they have done.

DO NOT take this neurotoxin under any circumstances!Type in "Amphetamine: a singel dose model of parkinsons disease" on google to learn more.And run from any psychopathic doctor who ever tried to prescribe you this poison!

I took the pill Dexedrine for:30 years they stopped making it .so I have to take the generic spa cil D-Amphetamine we I wish I could take Dexadrine pill don't like generic drugs it doesn't last as long half time no side effects.

If not taken early enough or in correct dosage, I may experience insomnia. Too much caffeine and/or any other adrenaline agonist (decongestants, etc) may cause jitters, pressured speech, increased heart beat, etc.

Taking more does not make the performance better (in fact it can worsen it). I have taken Dexedrine long term as a direct dopamine agonist following a severe neurotoxic injury from SSRIs and the trauma that followed. It changed my life overnight. I take a very low dose before 7:30AM (2.5-5mg), It is a clean, direct, straight forward drug and subtly clears my perspective in about an hour. The spansule did not work for me.The pure, old fashioned straight Dexedrine is quite different that any of the other stimulants (that often include adrenergic agonists and other additives). Be attentive to generics because they can cause strange side effects. Ask for the name brand or Mallinckrodt; also Zenzedi by TEVA has been good for me. Check prices,they vary greatly. Have had zero problem with dependence or addictive behaviour. Has allowed me to overcome the crippling morning avoidance anxiety that kept me housebound for 18 years. Be smart, take it early, eat right (even if at first you think you don't want to...have a whey shake or meal bar), drink water, get some fresh air-all things good to do anyway-and it can support optimal brain function. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, adrenergic agonists (pseudoephedrine in decongestants, neurotropics, methylated supplements) or other drugs (prescription or otherwise) unless your doctor directs you to.Adrenaline can make you jumpy and wired, dopamine can clear your thinking and allow you to focus; they are NOT the same thing.

If you don't get the right manufacturer there could possibly be some bad side effect, but with the Mallinckrodt brand it's smooth sailing.

This has been the only medicine I can handle since I have a bad reaction to levoamphetamine drugs like Adderal. Dextroamphetamine has none of that since they remove it completely. The instant release is the one that works for me also. Greatly improving my life, I sleep better, I can control my impulses. I can control my temper and I can quit it anytime without any withdrawals or feelings of needing it in some panicked state like opiates and cannabis can do to me. Don't get me wrong here every drug has it's place, especially cannabis, but I'm just saying that there's no physical or mental dependency to this drug for me at all. It's nice and I take it every day a total of 30MG. 20MG when I wake up and 10MG around noon to 3pm. This has stopped all my urges to do other drugs and self medicate. ADHD is real simple to understand, not enough dopamine receptors and not many people have it, so the medication should not be as difficult to get as some doctors can make it. Fuck the DEA also. Peace.

dry mouth, trouble sleeping, headaches - that went away

I think that some people's extremely bad reactions to this drug are largely from taking far too high of a dose.There is no one size fits all - start at the absolute lowest possible dose and you an always go up.Don't let a dr tell you low doses do not work - no dr. will know which dose is best for you, and the lowest amount of medication is always the safest, and has the fewest side fx.

The only side effect is dry mouth. always keep water handy.

I also lost weight. size 12 to size 4

My dr. started me on the generic adderal extended release ten days ago. All I feel is slrepy/foggy. It gives me headaches, drymouth, sore eyes, cold hands/feet actally whole body is cold. All I want to do is get warm and go to sleep. I have no drive at all. My fingers sometimes hurt too. This is not making me worse not better. I have bo desire to do anything but sleep and try to get warm. Hate it.

I'll be going back to the Dr. in a few days; hope she listens to me.

This drug steals your soul. It makes you an efficient yet emotionless drone. Love ceases to matter. You become arrogant. You become increasingly suspicious and aggressive. It has been repeatedly proven that dexedrine (speed) destroys your dopamine neurons.Once you stop taking it, you become withdrawn, depressed and apathetic. This doesn’t go away for many people and they are left with varying degrees of neurotoxicity (brain damage) for life. For any user of this poison, I urge you to stop taking the drug for two weeks so you can really see what this drug has done to your brain.

The sad thing is that most users will not consider that the amphetamine has change their personality or is negatively effecting them in any way even though family members and friends notice the personality change

DEXEDRINE (DEXTROAMPHETAMINE SULFATE): This medication is used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - ADHD. It works by changing the amounts of certain natural substances in the brain. Dextroamphetamine belongs to a class of drugs known as stimulants. It can help increase your ability to pay attention, stay focused on an activity, and control behavior problems. It may also help you to organize your tasks and improve listening skills. This drug is also used to treat a certain sleeping disorder (narcolepsy) to help you stay awake during the day. It should not be used to treat tiredness or to hold off sleep in people who do not have a sleep disorder. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Do not take this stuff unless you want to feel like an emotionless zombie floating thru life and never really enjoying it. I'm trying to convince my psychiatrist to take me off of this medication cause I really want to feel like 'myself' again. My outgoing personality has vanished and I have no motivation or anything that makes me feel 'truly' happy anymore. Even sex has lost my excitement. I can't wait to get off this stuff and get my personality back!!!

Usually I am exhausted by 2 or 3 in the afternoon. This drug has helped be stay awake and alert with few side effects. I am a medical biller/accountant and I need to be able to concentrate. This drug has helped immensely. I used to take Provigil but stopped because it didn't work at all for my symptoms. The only thing I would do is cut the dosage in half because for me 150mg is a little too much.

Anger, moodiness, nightmares, hallucinations, confusion, drowsiness, loss of appetite, decreased urine output, rash, flushing, and the worst was stuttering and apraxia of speech. He went from advanced talking to not able to form words or speak with out severe stutter.

worst drug ever, avoid it, it will ruin your life.

This has really helped me. I've had insomnia - mostly severe night waking - for 32 years. Recently, it had worsened with life-stress and peri-menopuase. I am SO Thankful for Lunesta I can't begin to describe...

Didn’t really experience much side effects. My only concern was the extreme night sweating

Genitals shrinking, spaced out, hard to think, drooling and sweating when sleeping, apathy, craving drugs to feel good, unsociable, weight gain, vivid dreams

Burning, the most uncomfortable burning and itching within 20 minutes of insertion. Now I'm swollen and struggling to use the bathroom. Would not recommend and for those who can, please just go to a doctor it's not worth trying to cure on your own with side effects like this.

suicidal thoughts, mood swings, anger, violent outbursts, crying

In spite of the above coments, it has helped me.