Desoxyn (methamphetamine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Desoxyn (methamphetamine hydrochloride)

DESOXYN (METHAMPHETAMINE HYDROCHLORIDE): This medication is used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - ADHD. It works by changing the amounts of certain natural substances in the brain. Methamphetamine belongs to a class of drugs known as stimulants. It can help increase your ability to pay attention, stay focused on an activity, and control behavior problems. It may also help you to organize your tasks and improve listening skills. This medication is also used along with a doctor-approved, reduced-calorie diet as an aid to help significantly overweight (obese) people lose weight. It should only be used for a short time (a few weeks) in patients who have not lost enough weight with other treatments (e.g., dieting, other drugs, group programs). It may work by decreasing your appetite. This medication should not be used to treat tiredness or to hold off sleep in people who do not have a sleep disorder. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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