Daytrana (methylphenidate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Daytrana (methylphenidate)

loss of app., emotional, started to develop OCD behaviors

This is the third AD/HD medication my son has been on since his diagnosis at 3 2 years old. Daytrana seemed to be a life saver for the first 3 weeks. It worked great my son was back to being a happy little boy who wasn't getting trouble all the time. I though we had finally found the right med for him. At around the 4 week mark he started developing some more serious side effects. He looked sad all the time, a little spacey and he started some OCD type behaviors like picking at his toes and his fingers obsessively. I stopped the patch for a day and the OCD stuff stopped, Contacted the Dr. and they said to stop it completely. Next step... we are going to try Focalin XR. He's already tried Ritalin, Ritalin LA and now Daytrana. Hope the next one works with little side effects. He also lost two pounds on the Daytrana. Ritalin worked great it just did not last long enough. Even the LA was only lasting 5 hours.

My son took Daytrana for two years {8-10}. His focus improved and his reading levels and grades improved significantly. He did very well on it with few side effects until recently. He started having bouts of vomiting and weight loss. He is switching to Vyvanse. I'm worried about it but his ADHD is severe and medicine has definitely helped him succeed in school.

(7 y.o.) mod ADHD/mild Asperger Syn

kills appetite dead => fight ag. weight loss constant & never-ending, but ultim'ly worth it for us; drug slow to take effect; mild skin irritation (managed w Aquaphor); patch applicat'n tricky@1st; drug *not* metab thru liver (YAY!); can remove patch early/late if day's sched requires.

This drug saved my son (dx'd 3.5yo). Our mild-mannr'd boy's struggle w moder hyperact'y/severe impulsiv'y hurt his ability to form social relat'nshps & func't in (pre)school=>anxiety/self-hatred - sd he was a bad person. We refused meds 'til 5yo - no regrets, but started just in time. Now doing well in gifted/talent'd program. Brief switch to Focalin (last Dec-Jan) saw wt gain, but he bounced off walls/no self-regul'n/conversat'n skills deterior'd/poor grades. Happy to return. Daytrana 1 Intuniv Boost/Ensure Plus/late dinner = incred. great results.

Lack of appetite, insomnia, extreme mood swings, emotional outbrusts.

We put our 6 year old son on this drug for 2 weeks. At first he was doing great, especially in school. He didn't eat much and had trouble sleeping. He talked daily about killing himself as in walking in front of a car or something like that. Towards the end of the 2 weeks on meds he started having trouble controlling his emotions at the end of the day, he would not take no for an answer when he wanted something and outburst would continue from there. If we were disciplining him he said we were trying to kill him and said he was going to run away. He is only 6! We took him off the drug immediately at the end of 2 weeks. He started eating great,less emotional, but hearing from his teachers that he is having trouble focusing again and of course they want him on the meds. I started giving him drink this week with vitamins, amino acids and small amount of caffeine (in the morning after breakfast) and was told he did ok in class. During homework time though he was back to having alot of trouble tuning out external stimulus. Most likely because caffeine wore off. Went to see Dr. who gave us another med to try called VyVanse. Have not started it yet.

My 8 year old son takes this medicine. I love the results. He can focus at school with out making him a zombie. It wears off by supper time so he sleeps good at night. It only works while his wearing it. He doesn't wear one on the weekends or summertime. It doesn't have the withdrawal issues like some of the other meds. He's smaller than other kids in his class because he doesn't eat much is the only side effect that he experiences.

easily upset, "no body likes me" syndrome, skin irritation

My 6yr old was put on this patch and I see small differences, but she has become an emotional wreck otherwise.. now she needs antidepressant? go figure. Not sure if it is right for her because she has anxiety to begin with.. but know others who like it

DAYTRANA (METHYLPHENIDATE): This medication is used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - ADHD. It works by changing the amounts of certain natural substances in the brain. Methylphenidate belongs to a class of drugs known as stimulants. It can help increase your ability to pay attention, stay focused on an activity, and control behavior problems. It may also help you to organize your tasks and improve listening skills. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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2.5 mg just mild depression and occasional funny heart beats. At higher dose constant dry cough, sleepiness, zombiness, weepiness. All other BP drugs horrible. Almost in a stupor from most of them.

I only made it to day four. I took both doses on day four and had a friend watch me that night because I felt slightly suicidal. I could not sleep, I had horrible night sweats, vivid dreams, bad chills, and I ran a low grade fever the entire time I took it. It cleared up the sinus infection so far- still have the sniffuls, but no congestion, no more pain- however- with this antibiotic- I would rather have still had the sinus infection and it was severe- with a high fever. I would never recommend this drug to anyone, nor will I EVER take it again.

Horrible insomnia, anxiety, weakness, shaky, cheeks look sunburned. Worse medicine next to prednisone. Both equally as bad for these side effects.