Bontril (phendimetrazine tartrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Bontril (phendimetrazine tartrate)

Increased heart rate and increased blood pressure. I need to take it even only after 6 days.

It is a GREAT appetite suppressant and gives good energy. In 6 days I lost 6 pounds. It is not giving me extra anxiety or panic attacks like so many other weight loss products have. I recommend it!! It works!!

Sleep disturbances if taken late at night

I was using this along with phentermine. It was prescribed to me after I started to slowly regain my appitite back once I grew a tollerance to the phentermine. It helps somewhat when I feel a strong urge to eat sweets in the evenings, but if I take it past noon, I toss and turn all night. Its a very mild appetite suppresant for those who may get too jittery on other diet medications.

LOVE IT... It really helped me. Gave me energy but didn't make me crazy.

The only side effect if any is slight constipation which is remedied by drinking more water and or adding more fiber to an already sensible diet. NO jitters, or sickness, as with some.

Jan 1,2005 wt.239 March 21,2005 wt.218

Side Effects forbontril (phendimetrazine tartrate) - User Comments


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I am sitting here struggling to breathe i cannot get a good deep breath through nose or mouth, It should be banned i was left on this for too long.

I found a website with studies of Seasonale and hydronephrosis was a side effect for a small number of women. I suppose all medication reacts differently in different people, but this really sucked for me. I was afraid for my life. I strongly recommend that anyone who tries Seasonale should monitor their blood pressure.

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