Belviq (lorcaserin hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Belviq (lorcaserin hydrochloride)

Body ache, back pain. (I have no other health conditions except HTN and depression.)

Suppresses appetite and cravings. Example: I walked through a candy and ice cream store to buy a gift. Nothing appealed to me. Bought only water for myself. Sometimes forget to eat.

Down 40 pounds. I’m only 5’ tall. I needed the loss, but now seems I’ve plateaued. Still taking it. Haven’t gained. Helps me to maintain my loss.

Ive lost over 65 lbs on this medication! Feel like a normal person again! No cravings, eat what I want in smaller portions

Love it I have lost 40 pounds in 5 months

I did not experience any side effects

The medication did nothing to change my appetite or my energy level. In short, it did not work

The first 4 days were horrible -- headache, fatigue and VERY dizzy. I was taking 2Xper day as prescribed but I cut back to once per day and the side effects vanished.

In this short time (1 week) I've lost about 5 pounds. (I lost 5 lbs. per MONTH on Weight Watchers) It's not that my appetite has completely disappeared; it hasn't, but it restrains it enough so that I'm not always looking for high carbohydrate snacks. It also seems to squash any desire for alcoholic beverages. I have always worked out at least 1 hour per day so that helps too I'm sure. So in short, it's not a "miracle pill" -- you still have to eat right & exercise but it gives you that edge to resist high calorie foods. And so far, it seems to be very effective.

I eat a normal (think nice restaurant) amount of food for each meal and i feel satisfied. As others have said, you never really feel stuffed...but I don't miss that feeling.

Very effective in controlling my hunger. Caloric intake is next to nothing and no discomfort or hunger pangs.

This is working really well, I am loosing approx. 10 lbs per month and no longer have a constant feeling of hunger, just not on my mind. No longer chain smoking and My doc says he has heard it helps smokers but not designed for that. I'll continue until I reach my goal of 150 lbs, started at 195.

no hunger pangs, loosing weight

This drug works wonders. I have lost about a lb per day since june 14th.If you start it you will not want to ever stop, because you eat much less and no side effects.the lack of craving food, and feeling full after half my plate, I have not had that for over 20 years. I sleep better, and no more grazing the fridge all day long.

BELVIQ (LORCASERIN HYDROCHLORIDE): Lorcaserin is used with a doctor-approved exercise, behavior change, and reduced-calorie diet program to help you lose weight. It is used by certain overweight people, such as those who are obese or have weight-related medical problems. Losing weight and keeping it off can lessen the many health risks that come with obesity, including heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and a shorter life. Lorcaserin belongs to a class of drugs known as serotonin receptor agonists. It is thought to work by affecting a certain part of the brain that helps control your appetite. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Euphoria, decent pain relief, mild itching, constipation, vivid/strange dreams while asleep

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The medicine worked to reduce my GERD symptoms, but after a week on it I started feeling intense feelings of doom and anxiety that were unexplainable. I tried to stop taking the medication because I suspected it was triggering the anxiety, but the GERD symptoms would return and I would end up taking the medicine. Yesterday I realized within an hour of taking it I began to experience anxiety, so I didn't take the second dose and will not be taking it again. If you've never had anxiety/depression and suddenly experience it after taking this medication seriously consider talking to your doctor about an alternative. Don't let it ruin your life.

It seems to work, my b12 levels have risen to the normal range.

Life is too short. I am going to love life just because, just for me and not induced by a created "hapiness" caused by a medicine. I am more thant that.

Bad taste in my mouth when I wake up in the morning. Other than that, none.

Overly emotional, moody, anxious, cries constantly, severe depression, headaches.

Insomia, had to switch from taking it at nights to morning because of this.

It cleared up my infection but wow did the side effects make me wish I just let the infection run it's natural course. I stopped taking after 4/5 days I just couldn't deal with it.