Adderall 10 (amphetamine aspartate; amphetamine sulfate; dextroamphetamine saccharate; dextroamphetamine sulfate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Adderall 10 (amphetamine aspartate; amphetamine sulfate; dextroamphetamine saccharate; dextroamphetamine sulfate)

With undiagnosed ADHD and Narcolepsy until adulthood, my focus issues and excessive daytime sleepiness were overwhelming. I would forget important things within minutes, making it nearly impossible to work and leaving me feeling like I was in a constant fog. Adderall was life-changing initially, but over time it became less effective in managing both conditions. The immediate-release (IR) version worked wonders for about a year, whereas the extended-release (ER) version had little effect. Adderall did not make me feel like a zombie or as if I was on speed; it helped me retain information longer. On days I missed a dose or delayed taking it, my symptoms, especially excessive daytime sleepiness, would return, though my mental clarity was less affected unless I reached a point of extreme fatigue.One crucial piece of advice: before trying medications, ask your doctor about a Genesight test. While it won't provide all the answers, it can help medical staff understand how your body processes medications and your likelihood of side effects based on your DNA. My Genesight results revealed a significantly reduced ability to convert folic acid and provided insights into how my body would handle different medications. I receive no kickbacks from Genesight, but it was instrumental in helping me achieve my 'new' normal.

Heart palpitations, vertigo, makes Dystonia worse, muscle tension, squinting in face, tongue thrusts moodiness angry feelings late in the evening. Insomnia especially if I have caffeine with it.

If I have a project or task that needs doing for a long period of time, it helps keep me on task, otherwise I feel scattered and am all over the place. I can read a book and understand it, it helps a lot for reading comprehension.I've been taking it for 10 years but NOT daily, usually only the morning dose.

ADHD, strong inability to focus

Sleep is affected - as an early bedtime is no longer an option. However, if you use this to your advantage and somewhat plan your day with this in mind, it's a value adder. Loss of appetite- never a huge eater but you will find yourself not even thinking about food. Need to be strategic about when you're eating and when you're taking your doses. I typically will eat before to avoid missing meals. The focus and inability to manage your day to day is incredible. I always felt I was way more intelligent than my output and now my day to day contribution to myself, my work, and overall life aligns with who I knew I was.

Be mindful of times you take this prescription. I also find it important to try to not take it everyday. Your tolerance for the prescription can increase pretty quickly. Slight euphoric effects which is why it can be abused by non ADHD users. I have found myself using it to stay up later a few times which can get dangerous. All in all, it works beyond how I ever expected to.

I tend to get the yawns and sometimes will deal with jaw clenching/general tension if I take my doses too close together.

I take the IR and it's an absolute godsend. For the first time in my life I'm a functional adult that can hold down a job and isn't a depressed and anxious self-destructive mess.

ADHD Autistic spectrum disorder

Fast heart rate, anxiety, dry mouth

I have taken this for many years for autistic spectrum disorder and ADHD. It is very important to note that generic drugs are not similar at all. The most efficacious generic Adderall IR found is manufactured by Teva.

Hungry for carbs, dry eyes, slight fatigue after it wears off.

Generics are NOT the same as real Adderall. I had both, there is no comparison, generics are useless so disregard any reviews of generics if you are considering brand name Adderall. Breaks are necessary, for instance, take 2 or 3 days a wk without taking it. Drink a lot of water and eat high protein, fats, containing meals. Also be aware that many ppl who had bad experiences or serious issues were on a plethora of other drugs be it prescribed and/or recreational. Do not go over 30-40mg per day.

I was put on this medication as a child for 8 years, forced to take it. I now have arrhythmias and permanent heart damage, which my cardiologist says is most likely caused by my many years on this poison. It's addictive and was hard to get off of it, but I refuse to threaten my life anymore. I will probably die early because of this and it terrifies me to think about it.

Please for the love of GOD do not put your child on meth. I am so angry at my parents for forcing me to take this horrible drug which caused me permanent damage almost every day of my life since I was a kid

It helped get me going and motivated but it took a really high dose for it to work for me. Even the XR did not last very long for me causing me to take more mid-day. Had to remind myself to eat or drink and would get dehydrated very easily.

At high doses I would have semen leakage at the end of urinating. Very thick semen.

To help grades improve and to focus

I am 24 and I have taken Adderall over two years ago, I'm just going to say that it is the absolute WORST drug to take. It made my stomach hurt, gave me intense anxiety, made my eyes water like crazy, lost personality, Constant migraines everyday, Eating disorder, major weight loss, lost emotion, Just felt numbed. I felt like a literal robot!! I usually talk ALOT! But when I was on it, I just Barely talked. DO NOT GO ON THIS I also missed sleep because of it.

Please don't take this drug. IT IS VERY BAD.

I take it to enhance my sex drive

Hyper focus and increased sex drive.

Because I am on government assistance and stay at home I use this to take my edging fetish to unbelievable levels. Never been happier with my life.

-long and short term memory improvement-Massive Increase in focus-Massive decrease in fidgeting and impulsivity-Massive decrease in constant running thought process. (Brain chatter)-Increase in organization-Diet, sex drive, and mood unchanged

At a young age I knew I acted differently than the average kid. My extreme case on ADD and ADHD enabled majority of people I met, treat me less of a human. Impulsive actions without thinking 30s into the future, Unable to sit still for more than 15mins, Unable to focus at all, Forgetfulness, Couldn't stay on a single task for vary long. The list goes on. I never understood why I acted out irrationally, or why no matter how hard I tried or got punished I was still doing everything I described above and more. My teachers HATED me and would treat me like an animal, and for a growing child thagcan cause other issues in their life. Up until college I decided to get Adderall prescribed and my whole world turned right side up. The way I describe it is insane what Adderall did for me. I understand not everyone has the same experience with this medication, however for me it was a miracle! I can focus for extended periods of time. I dont fidget anymore when I'm sitting. I dont act on my impulses as much as I used to. My schooling comes noticeably more naturally. Even when I take a week or more brake from the medication, I still own those normal human quality's that I learned from being on Adderall. My diet hasn't changed, sex drive still the same, mood unaffected nothing has changed besides my mental cognition and my ability to function like a normal person. Adderall isnt for everyone, but with my bad case it's the perfect medication.

Loss of appetite (seems to be getting better though), extremely distracted, OCD is really, really bad, I cant stop cleaning everything I see, hot flashes/sweats, jittery, cant remember anything, I forget what Im talking about in the middle of talking and cant seem to stay on topic for my life, insomnia (I would stay up all night, one night I didnt even sleep at all and remained awake for 2 whole days).

I hated taking this. It really doesnt help me at all. In fact, it stops me from doing my work and makes me more anxious as a result. I dont know why anyone calls this a miracle drug because I cant even stay focused on any task. I am constantly getting distracted and I am very forgetful. One minute Id be on a zoom meeting and the next Id be talking to whoever walked in the door or doing the laundry, completely forgetting I was in a meeting. It was ridiculous! This just did not work for me. Granted, I wasnt tired. But I couldnt sleep and was feeling terrible dealing with all these symptoms.

I took it for years it helped me concentrate. I never lost weight on this medication, my appetite never changed, I only stopped because I don't feel comfortable taking it at my age because of the possible increased heart rate and blood pressure that could result

Loss Of Emotion, Became Mono Toned, Felt Like A Robot, Increased Anxiety, Zoning Out, Self Doubt, Mind-Racing, Chest Tightening, Cold Skin, Partial Appetite Loss, Headaches, Dry Mouth, Crash Headache

Psych provider initially prescribed Adderall IR 20mg tablets to take three times daily. This improved focus "some what" but frequent moments of "zoning out" lingered. At next follow up appt after explaining my experience, she switched me to trial Adderall XR 30mg capsule once daily. Focus was improved, zoning out limited (but still dozed into), cold skin to the touch, everything I had said or whatever I was conversing with someone else about my voice projected very "mono toned" which is unusual due to normally I'm the most animate, enthusiastic and bubbly individual you'd cross paths with. I seemed to become more confrontational and blunt whereas my usual self if extremely passive/reserved. I became impatient and frustrated with just daily normal things... for example... road rage (I never had before to a point where I felt as angry as I did in this occasion) to a point I began screaming and laying on the horn!!!!! Adderall induces PMS?!?! Lol. I felt like I was trapped in a robot... It was so foreign for me and to the other around me, family, friends, co workers, they even asked if I was going through something? When in fact I was quite content on the inside and just wanted to get whatever tasks done efficiently and completely. I crashed hard after the 6 - 6 1/2 hours of the XR being in my system... long story short

It works, however, the withdrawal is horrible. I felt depressed after it wore off. I don't recommend, look for alternative ways to stay focus.

Dry mouth, facial flushing, absolutely no appetite, weight loss and feeling that my throat is closing, chest tightness, feeling like I can’t catch my breath and social withdrawal. Toward the end of the day after taking it I notice vision changes (it’s hard to look at my phone/computer.)

I am taking 20 mg XR once daily! Overall it has helped me tremendously with my nursing school exams, and focusing at the clinical site. I feel that I need to talk to my doctor about the feeling of my throat closing/tightening because it makes it hard to catch my breath.

The only side effect I am feeling is an insatiable appetite for sex. It’s all I think about.I suppose this is not a problem since it is working so well otherwise. I have clarity, focus, I listen to people..

Inability to sleep, jitters, anxiety when trying to relax

I took this when I was 15 to 17. Apparently I was ADD according to my mom. When I took it, my room was always clean, my homework was always done and I wanted to do chores. My mind always wanted to be occupied, I always wanted a task. It was awesome and made me feel super productive. I was not motivated if I wasnt on adderall. The only problem was that I could not relax. I couldnt watch tv or wind down for bed. I got this extreme anxiety if I wasnt doing something. That’s why I stopped taking it. I’m back to my old ways of being pretty generally unmotivated. But that’s just who I am and I don’t need medication for it.

A lot of energy and motivation that I have lost for over 30 years.Now I am very dynamic and feel great with myself.Sometimes a little increase in blood pressure and jittery feeling.

If you use generic Adderall XR, please make sure it does NOT come from IMPAX GENERICS.I almost died using the one from this Pharmaceutical at the point of very close to having a heart attack.

Side Effects foradderall 10 (amphetamine aspartate; amphetamine sulfate; dextroamphetamine saccharate; dextroamphetamine sulfate) - User Comments


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Fine first 4 days, then suddenly came down with chills and fever of 101 and flu-like symptoms and I couldnt get out of bed for a day. I never run fevers. Stopped taking it and then became itchy for 2 days. Im on no other meds and am otherwise healthy and allergy free. This drug should be removed from the market. I can't find any positive reviews on he internet, and it's already banned in UK.

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Unless you have an extreme medical reason that no OTHER DRUG cannot help, do not take SEROQUEL. With this much weight gain you could literally be killing yourself slowly.

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My 5-yr-old daughter has seasonal allergies and we tried OTC Zyrtec for the first time. It worked great on her allergy symptomms, however her behavior changed and I couldn't tell why until weeks later a friend of mine told me about her daughter's experience with Zyrtec. My normally happy and sociable daughter was cranky all the time, and would have meltdowns similar to those of a 2-year-old. She was crying non-stop on some days, and just seemed overall miserable and depressed. I have stopped giving her Zyrtec 2 days ago and am hoping to see improvement soon. I am glad I stumbled upon this website and read all the comments. I'm not alone!!

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