Losartan potassium (losartan potassium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Losartan potassium (losartan potassium)

LOSARTAN POTASSIUM (LOSARTAN POTASSIUM): Losartan is used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension) and to help protect the kidneys from damage due to diabetes. It is also used to lower the risk of strokes in patients with high blood pressure and an enlarged heart. Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. Losartan belongs to a class of drugs called angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs). It works by relaxing blood vessels so that blood can flow more easily. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA) Download our Free Resource Guide:


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I had the typical die off reactions of the yeast being finally supressed. Yes, I had some diarrhea, and I didn't feel that great while it was killing off the yeast that was over populating my system. But once I finally got over the hump, I felt better than I had in a very long time. My allergies improved, my asthma finally improved, the lung infection cleared, the total body itching finally seized. I needed a long term course to cure it, as the short term Diflucan regimen just didn't cure it. Yes, there are probably a lot of other satisfied people out there and I thought I should let you know. Seems we only hear from the digruntled people these days and the drugs that help are quickly taken off the market for those it helps.

I believe prometrium has literally given me my life back. It is that simple. For those of us in perimenopause, prometrium or progesterone of some kind must be added to obtain optimal health IF your progesterone is low. It must be checked by a dr that is knowledgable in estrogen/progesterone balance. That for me was the most difficult.

I'm on 300 mg of wellbutrin and 100mg of lamictal. So far the combo has really helped. I still have my ups and downs but I found combining these meds with cbt and meditation has been a really effective treatment plan.

Tried a couple of years ago when docs thought I was having pseudo seizures and had those side effects. Then tried again bc it's part of the new weight loss drug, Qysmia. Days after I stopped taking it, I'm still having side effects.

Brief pinch pain during injection. Mild soreness at injection site for brief period ...24 hrs. No other side effects.

I have been taking Meridia for five days, and so far I do not feel any less hungry, as I am hungry all the time. Please share your experiences with me! I have added my email address. Does it take longer than five days for the appetite suppressant effect to work?

i havent taken it yet, reading all this has made me scared

This drug has devastated my life.Dr. Poorkay writes down that "patient seems to be high" - I wasn't on any medication to make me "high" - I took thyroid med, insulin and Lexapro - same for many years. I have not been able to function to clean my home at all. Worst of all, the hospital did not believe me when I said I was not absorbing nutrients from my food. Cleveland Clinic told me I was "absolutely correct in my diagnosis of myself" - I had not been in a Louisville, KY hospital for 15 years because of incompetence like this. I've always come out in worse shape. Now, my life has been destroyed and I am devastated at what this drug has done to me. I had a photographic memory - It is gone. I could write anything, spell anything and now nothing. I didn't sue him. It would not bring back my sharp mind. I am very upset and ill with other things. This should never have happened when he didn't even do the correct testing. My body is very ill after 35 years with Type I diabetes and now collegenous colitis. After Cortef I have lost total bowel control at 57 years old. I've lost two years of my life. Pfzier should pay me as I live on Disability and this doctor wiped out what little savings I had for trial and error drugs I couldn't afford. Now, it is either food or meds for me. The Hospital doesn't care either. The worst part of this is that I felt God with me every day. It was Joy not being "high" - Pure Joy. I have been hurt

Ive been on this SR for 4 days now. My side effects seem to be different from majority on here. Anyone else experienced same side effects? My B/P is never high but seems to be around 148/110 on this drug, accompanied by headache, low back pain, muscle pain generalized, blurred vision and heart palpitations! I think I will stop this drug tomorrow before I have a stroke or heart attack.

i thought i was going crazy as i have been bleeding for 3 weeks and counting, had mood swings and feeling very tired which is definately not me and having 3 children and husband to run around after its not good the slightest thing makes me angry.