Cozaar (losartan potassium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Cozaar (losartan potassium)

Headaches, stuffy nose, upper respiratory infections, aching muscles and joints, upper back pain, stomach bloating and cramps, constipation, jittery anxiety feeling, moody, hot flashes, and the list goes on and on

Too many side effects, I need to change to another med not doing well finding one that suits me, all those side effects and it really doesn't do a great deal for my blood pressure, it's all over the place I sometimes get a decent reading of 125/85 but it's mostly 146/94 or higher it definitely doesn't bring it down and keep it down, time to try yet another bp med.

Started out ok but after first month extreme bloat and edema! Gained weight and super puffy. Tremors, insomnia and dizziness. Did help to bring down BP but added so much weight on me!

Significant loss of libido and ED-like symptoms after a week. Effect on blood pressure was positive but not satisfactory.

I'm no longer taking this medication.

If you think you're having some bad side effects from this drug, and the doctor says it's completely safe do not take his word for it

Headaches, stomach pain, constipation alternating with diarrhoea, absolutely awful hot sweats lasting all morning after waking up, upper back pain, chest pains, insomnia, very fuzzy spacey head, lightheaded, stuffy nose, bp bouncing around.

This is the 4th bp med I've been on and to be honest they all seem to come with unpleasant side effects, but my bp I was 180/112 so I definitely need to take something, I feel generally unwell most of the time, but not sure if it would make much difference changing meds again, actually just fed up of taking meds that make me feel so crap, genetic hypertension so lifestyle changes make no difference for me, also had to add 40mg of propranolol to lower heart rate which works like a dream, my bp seems to bounce about though highest has been 135/91 and lowest 109/79 but I take that over the 180/112 without meds, just wish I didn't feel so bad on it .

I have had a lot to f side affects. Weight loss, dry mouth, indigestion, constipation, nausea, tingling and itchy skin, insomnia, loss of appetite, can't taste or smell

Hate losartan. Have had problems with amlodipine, lisinopril, and metoporal also.

Extreme fatigue, backache, anxiety, moody

After reading comments, wondering if impaired concentration & suicidal thoughts related to this drug

Extreme headaches, debilitating dizziness, major anxiety, Spacey headed feeling, numbness and tingling in face, legs, and feet.

I've been on cozaar since 2010 but I was taking a very low dose of 25mg. I developed anxiety in 2016 along with burning legs, but always thought it was the statin that I was taking. Because of the anxiety ( which I did not relate to the cozaar at all) my blood pressure went higher, so then I went to the 50 mg. Ever since I've been on the 50 mg my anxiety has been through the roof! Horrible headaches that would begin an hour and a half after I took the medication like clockwork! I started documenting when I took the pill and when the headaches started. The dizziness and vertigo has been extremely bad and I still have the burning sensation in my face, legs, feet along with numbness. Felt like I was going crazy. My head felt so strange ,floaty and spacey. After reading so many people talking about their anxiety being bad on this medication I have cut back down to 25 mgs to see if there's any difference. Since I drop back down to 25, the anxiety, dizziness and headaches have lessened so much that I think it has everything to do with that increase of the cozaar. Going to talk to my doctor about this because the side effects are just too intense. I can now safely say that extra 25 mgs is the culprit. I'm going to see if I can switch to a different blood pressure medication entirely. Anyone with existing anxiety or migraines, stay away from this medication!It lowered my blood pressure but the side effects are not worth it.

Severe lower back pain. Burning tingling numbness in feet legs and hands. Headaches. Severe fatigue. SOB on the least exertion. Bloating and gas. Abdominal pain. Cough with phlegm in throat causing constriction and difficulty breathing. Sore eyes. Painful knees shoulders and hands.

Was on 25mg for 5 years with some side effects - but tolerable. My BP went up so I was put on 50mg. Still it went up so increased to 100mg 3 months ago. The SEs have become unbearable. I can't go on like this. Yesterday I went back to 50mg and in a couple of days I'll drop to 25mg and see how I do. I'm checking my BP at home. I really want to get off this Med if possible and get my life back!

Facial flushing with burning, sometimes BP uncontrolled depending on day.

The symptoms I was having that the cardiologist put me on this for were for palpitations and light headedness, in addition to bp in the 144/85 range. I have been on it for 3 days and the those symptoms are worse and my bp is unchanged. I would like to stop taking it and have a follow up in a few weeks. Do I need to check with doctor first before stopping cold turkey?

Dose varied from 25mg a day to 100mg a day over those years. Effects varied by dose. Positional hypotension and insomnia at higher doses.

Took once a day at bedtime for a few years and worked pretty well on its own. After about 4 years or so I was getting HIGH BP in the mid-day and afternoons. Tried increasing dose from 50 QD to 100 QD but got dizzy spells and insomnia and some E.D. like issues. Went back to 50 QD at bedtime and same HIGHS in the early PM came back. Tried adding Amlodipine which did nothing. Then I had an idea that my doc did not suggest... I started splitting my 50mg tab in half and taking it BID at breakfast and dinner. Been stable as heck ever since. 115/72 when calm, all day. So my sweet spot is STILL 50mg a day, just divided in half in AM and PM.

Caused blocked ears and tinnitus. Ear issues went away after going off this.

Dizziness .Aching muscles.Tingling in hands and feet.Headaches.Stomach pain.Tinnitis. Blocked sinuses.Blocked ears.Throat tightness.Burning in gullet..Insomnia.Nervousness.Still have raised no.Raising dosage makes no difference but makes side effects worse.

Extreme tiredness, lethargy, insomina, headaches uncontrollable BP after various doses. 100mg had unacceptable side effects that doubled the above.

For me this is not an appropriate drug unless all possible deep investigative actions have been completed by a seasoned cardiologist!

Terrible insomnia, I just dont fall asleep unless against the morning for a few hours. I finally tried 10 mg diazepam but still: no sleep. Further, restless legs, rashes, itchyness and loss of appetite (which i like actually for i would like to loose some weight)

Light headied,sinusitis, sore back, shaky, heart flutters or racing,generally crummy. Did lower bp

Talk to Dr. In Dec.about switching to something else. Did try lisinopril first and that was a no go!

Hostility, anxiety, fatigue, depression, insomnia, muscle aches, weight gain!!!, dark thoughts. This is a horrible drug at least for me it was. It did lower my BP and heart rate to an optimist level but honestly I would rather have it be a little higher than be on this drug

Mental drug !! Was on 25mg moved up by heart surgeon to 50mg for no real reason only a slight higher Number on Dys ! Then on to 100mg !! I feel absolute ill with this drug I'm stopping and going back to 25mg DONT take it unless you want back pain fatigue tiredness going to the toilet anyone else had loo problems with this ?? And anxiety big time

COZAAR (LOSARTAN POTASSIUM): Losartan is used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension) and to help protect the kidneys from damage due to diabetes. It is also used to lower the risk of strokes in patients with high blood pressure and an enlarged heart. Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. Losartan belongs to a class of drugs called angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs). It works by relaxing blood vessels so that blood can flow more easily. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA) Download our Free Resource Guide:


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Balls ache, no libido, trouble maintaining boner or even getting one, feels like I'm losing my voice and it's not as deep as before.

This drug increased my libido, a welcome effect, as the depression had completely killed any sexual desire. It also seems to have reduced the amount of acid my stomach produces, and thus has cured many gastrointestinal problems I've had over the years. I have lots of energy and great concentration. After taking Wellbutrin, I have entered the most productive and creative time of my life.

I dont recommend this product, ive been taking it for 4years and the results were great at first but it has slowly taken its toll on me. In the begining i didnt gain weight i was happy sex was great but i have slowly realized the toll it has taken on my mind and body. i weighed 125 when i started taking it and i now weigh 155. ive never been this big and i am not getting another shot. I now see that im not alone in this. i just couldnt find out why ive gained so much weight. i havent changed eating habits or activity levels at all and somehow ive put on some major weight. DO NOT TAKE THIS FORM OF BIRTH CONTROL!!!!! You will regret it, i promise.

Constant cold, sinus congestion, sore throat, voice loss for the 5 weeks I was on Crestor. Also, achey legs that turned into severe upper front thigh and front calf pain, mostly in left leg, but pains traveling in right leg - calf area. The pain in upper thigh brings tears to my eyes. I used to walk 4 miles a day and have been unable to walk even a block for the past 3 weeks. There is no relief to the pain (ibpropen, alleve...). It somewhat subsides while I am sitting at work, but standing, walking and lying down bring on severe pain. I did not want to take this as I have had side effects from Zocor, Lipitor...I would rather take the risk of heart disease/stroke than suffer though this.

Yes it has brought on early menopause but im hoping it helps to clear my endo and if it doesnt then God be with me👌 as i really want another baby 😯

I am on day 2. Unfortunately, I wasn’t seen for a week after my outbreak because I thought it was just a very deep pimple in my forehead. Once blisters and the severe pain started, I knew it was shingles and was prescribed the medication. I can’t speak to how well it works because it’s only been two days and may not work given the time lapse from onset. I could live with the side effects to clear up shingles, for sure.

This shot is awful, had the 1st dosage and was wondering what was going on with me and I realized it was this shot, I have body aches, headaches, breast tenderness, loss of apetite, nausea, fatigue, mood swings etc, I would not recommend this to anyone :(.

i have to use 40 mg of paxil it certainly makes me feel better but i sleep 10-12 hours a day, sometimes even more. more importantly i can't orgasm at all!neither by sex, nor by masturbation. i can't feel anything. this is solved when i reduce the dose to 20 mg but then it doesn't seem to be enough..

To prevent pregnancy During GBP

Severe muscle & tendon pain, difficulty walking or standing, Dr. took me off med.I am still trying to get over side effects