Benicar (olmesartan medoxomil) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Benicar (olmesartan medoxomil)

Increases heart rate..unwell feeling..seems like it increases ur bp..

Severe shoulder and neck pain, extreme fatigue, blurry vision, hair loss, pain in fingers, bleeding gums, loss of appetite, anxiety, weight gain, generally feeling unwell and like I was coming down with the flu or a head cold but never did, sinus pain, hot flashes, dryness in nose

My doctor first prescribed amlodipine and after 4 months of severe chest pain and thinking I was having a heart attack, I went for tests...heart checked out fine. Dr suggested it was reflux and not related to the meds. Sent me for an endoscopy. It was clear. I begged to try new meds and she put me on Benicar at 10mg. Withing 24 hours, all chest pain was gone. I seemed to tolerate Benicar well. A few noticible side effects that I did not initially attribute to Benicar. It did not lower my BP enough so she increased me to 40mg. Within a week, side effects were exponentially worse. Shoulder pain was so bad that I was worried my breast cancer had spread to my bones. All my scans show that is not the case. I finally thought to research side effects and came across this site. I told my doctor to find something else immediately. She switched me to Lisinopril & HCT. It has been 4 days and many side effects have noticeably improved. Shoulder pain has gotten better but still nagging me. Hoping the remainder of the side effects go away soon.

Dizzy can't walk straight, Gait is off, Weight Gain. Vision blurred. Tingling in hands & Feet.Cut i 1/2, to 10mg.& my BP went down?? I tried Amirodiane and I felt like less sick!! After reducing to 10 mg. Now my Quads are Cramping?? Pure Torture! I have taken CO Q10, Fish Oil, Vitamin C, and rehab my heart, that's why my heart is Excellent according to My Cardiologist!

debilitating years-long diarrhea like celiac, now liver issues (adenomas and inflammation); and gastroparesis

I've been using the generic. Have had so many issues over the last 6 years and not a single dr contributed to this drug. Stomach issues got so bad, I finally went to gastro and stopped all meds by mouth. It took almost 2 weeks for the D to stop, still dealing with the rest and its been 2 mos now. FDA warning in 2013 on Benicar but it didn't seem to get on generics.

Hair loss, elevated liver enzymes, liver adenomas

Joint pain: hands, groin, knees, ankles... abdominal shooting pain (random). Belly cramps, stomach cramps, gas, loose stool. Aggravates my sciatica: pain down my leg, inner thigh, vaginal bone, that radiates to my low abdomen. Front thigh pain in both legs (that stopped for now). It changed my ovulation. I feel 100 years old. It aggravated my anxiety. More stressed.

It helps for my BP but it kills me otherwise. I take three more BP pill with Benicar. I take Benicar in the morning with diuretic.

I take this med with metropole 50mg in the A.M. At first I hesitated taking this med. Hmmm, maybe there is truth behind that hesitation. So the bottle sat AND sat unopened.. Doc said I need to use it. So, I did. It lowered my bp to decent numbers, not GREAT but decent. Then the side effects hit. Dizziness, awful nights sleep, the runs, Runny nose, over all feeling of not being well, super tired for several hours after it kicks in, odd random pains on each side of my waist area that come out of no where.So,,,I started taking this every other day. Knowing I need to take it daily, I recently started biting off 1/2 of the pill. This is nuts. I have been on so many different bp med's over the years and NONE one of them have ever given me such awful side effects as this. The only reason for so many different meds was to find one that lowered my bp to decent numbers. Something about this med and me, is very wrong. It's poison. And frankly my quality of life is in the ditch

Muscle cramps, headache, tiredness, ear problems, lump in throat feeling, added to my anxiety.

This medication was pushed on me despite having a previous bad experience with another ARB. Absolute garbage.

No energy and shortness of breath.. Brian Fog.

works great to control blood pressure.

Bladder infections, muscle pain, pins and needles, joint pain. GI issues. Overall weakness

Headache and confusion. Gut pain wrapping around to the back. Muscle jabs. Kidneys hurt. Nausea. Couldn't eat much so I lost weight. Constant thirst despite drinking several liters a day. Sinus pain. Irritated IC terribly. Would never take this again. Switched to Telmisartan and I have been fine.

It stopped working so Dr doubled dose. I then started to get dizzy and fast heart rate in a week, was then put on a beta blocker. I really got dizzy on beta blocker so stopped. The next week the low back pain from SI joint to tailbone started hurting. It got so bad the dr did a MRI and found normal wear and tear, but also major inflammation in low back. We decided to try an injection which helped SI joints for 3-5 months but the tailbone area was worse. Started on Tramadol which didn't help. So stopped the benicar as that is when it went south doubling it. BP dropped to normal and heart rate went to normal. 50 percent of pain left and now tramadol helps. It has been a year off and residual pain is still there and have the take tramadol. Dr says might eventually get better and maybe not.

Do not let this drug steal your life

Severe abdominal cramps in lower left side. Painful gas & constipation.

I feel like I have a hangover. All day! Headaches, tired, weak, just feel awful!

Overall better than other BP meds, but now I'm starting to develop stomach and GI tract issues. My BP is okay on benicar.

I need advice...has anyone else developed GI issues after taking benicar? I have had symptoms that actually made me go to the emergency room one day. Burning cramping in left abdomen, stomach indigestion and acid reflux, constipation. They took a CT scan of abdomen and everything was normal. I had stool in my colon so they prescribed a laxative. Did a video visit with my PCP he's sending me for a colonoscopy and endoscopy. I asked if it could be meds, but he didn't want to change my meds until I had the tests first. I scheduled test and will see the gastroenterologist next week. Tests aren't scheduled until November. I'm sure the gastroenterologist will know about the stomach side effects of benicar. There is a black box warning on the drug from what I understand. I don't want to just go off of it, my BP will shot up like a rocket. Should I try to contact my PCP? I'm at a loss.

Physician started me on Benicar 20/12.5 HTZ for my Blood pressure of 189/101. The medication worked great at lowering my Blood pressure to 120/74. But the side effects are unbearable, left arm numbness,ringing in the ear, leg cramps,shortness of breath! I stopped taking it and my symptoms went away in a few days, I was prescribed Losartan 50 mg.

Loss of ability to walk without pain in lower back hips sciatica both legs, aches/pains in all muscles.needed steroid injections both sides of spin didn't work, then b.p dropped dangerously. sick, been off this drug for 7mths but still so unwell...damage done. I'm so angry for putting my trust in doctors & drug companies...all just a money incentive for them!

Puke that's my life now. Can't we sue drug company or doctor?????

Legs hurt at nite nausea fast heart rate in the 100's at rest difficulty sleeping anxious

Been ill for 2 years! Severe body pain, BP plummets suddenly, constipation, headache severe insomnia, major fatigue, weakness is miserable. Dr. wants me to continue taking it!!!

Been ill for 2 years! Severe body pain, BP plummets suddenly, constipation, headache severe insomnia, major fatigue, weakness is miserable. Dr. wants me to continue taking it!!!

BENICAR (OLMESARTAN MEDOXOMIL): Olmesartan is used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension). Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. Olmesartan belongs to a class of drugs called angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs). It works by relaxing blood vessels so that blood can flow more easily. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA) Download our Free Resource Guide:


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Headaches/Lethargy/rumbly guts

Has definitely reduced anxiety (though I am still taking 2mg/day of Klonopin, which I have been on for several years. However last year the Klonopin became much less effective and Lexapro is a definite help--slowly going off the Klonopin. Started on 5 mg for first week, then switched to current dose of 10 mg. MUCH improved in week 2-3, but now have the morning fatigue, weight gain, and feeling more depressed (though not anxious)....ramping my exercise program up which I'm hoping will help with all of the side effects.

I have tried to get in touch with my Rheumatologist with no luck. I'm scared to try to take it anymore.

swollen gums from wisdom tooth

Prescribed Bactrim after having I&D in the ER for a small perianal abscess. Two days after starting, felt slight itching of penis but wasn't worried. This turned into extremely painful blistering that then became skin peeling, dark red rashes. Stopped Bactrim right away, primary doc confirmed reaction and switched to doxycycline. I'm 3 days out having stopped and things are starting to heal but still very red and raw and painful from the blisters and peeling skin.

1st shot was 4 mos ago. No issues other than a sore arm for 5 days. This second shot was way worse.Received shot at 8am Monday morning. By late afternoon, my arm started to hurt. By 8pm I developed a fever and had uncontrollable shivers. Following morning was ok and wasable to work, however by mid afternoon the fever returnedand delirium set in. Was unable to eat anything and couldbarely speak in coherent sentences.Third day started feeling better. Only issue is now the sorearm which is swollen and has a red welt about 3 inches indiameter.All in all about what I expected given the reactions I had with the covid boosters. Still better than getting the disease.

Headache for the first week, and some insomnia.

It allows me to work letter w/ more alertness. It helps me get up and start my day. I am self employed and wihtout Provigil and may not be ready to leave the house to do work until 2-3 pm.

Flashback and hysteria prior to loss of consciousness. Unaware of surroundings for several hours post surgery followed by fog, nausea and indigestion. Had constant hiccups (and unable to sleep) for over 24 hours and didn't eat for 48 hours after that. Sense of fear and anxiety for a week.

Took Methylprdnisolone 4 mg. dosepak. Pyramid of 5 pills first day, 4 second, 3 third., etc. for inflammation following surgery. Felt awesome the first week. Had multiple surgeries that I expected to be flat on my back for days from. This medication gave me unexpected energy and strength the first week. Then, the beginning of the second week the negative side effects hit me hard and fast. As soon as I was done with the 5 day treatment I woke up with severe suicidal depression for about a week followed by a constant 24/7 extreme anxiety disorder for another 5 - 6 weeks after that. I lost 20 lbs. in one month due to the high anxiety level. It did finally start to level off after the 6th week but if you don't know how this medication will affect you then take it with extreme caution. I have been tested for genetic polymorphisms that are known to affect behavior which resulted in three clinically significant results for me personally which can cause or make one susceptible to diso