Avapro (irbesartan) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Avapro (irbesartan)

AVAPRO (IRBESARTAN): Irbesartan is used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension) and to help protect the kidneys from damage due to diabetes. Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. Irbesartan belongs to a class of drugs called angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs). It works by relaxing blood vessels so that blood can flow more easily. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA) Download our Free Resource Guide:


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skin infection, mostly preventative

Absolutely horrific experience with Aldara. I have a chemical burn on my vagina. It looks like herpes but it is my reaction to the Aldara cream. Extremely sore and painful. I can't walk comfortably, going for a wee is like being sliced with razor blades, looks horrific, I can feel a constant burn down there. Just is awful.

short, random bursts of depression; weird salivary gland pain (??); decreased appetite; occasional hopelessness

Doc said I have arteries of a 65 year old...but today I ran 2 miles and I am working up to a sprint triathalon in june.I am also taking vytorin 10/40 and lopressor 25mg 2x a day. total chol is now 103, ldl 61, hdl 29, trig 113. I can live with the brusing.

I'm now on day 3, and I have constant stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting, anxiety, diahorrea, headache.

Had become very tired at end of day. I take it at night. If I just sat still or laid on the couch in the evening (sometimes as early as 7:30) I could fall asleep for 2-3 hours. Before Zyrtec it was at most 10 - 20 Minutes. Also I would become very irritable by days end. However during the day it almost affected me like a mood elevator. I have been feeling very good and hope it was me rather than the Zyrtec.I didn't take it one night and slept fine. The next night I awoke around 2:00A.M and couldn't get back to sleep. Had anxiety and some wierd thoughts and also felt fearful. I had similar feelings when getting of of xanax many years ago. I am on no other meds than zyrtec now! Anyone else have similar feelings getting off of Zyrtec?I am trying to find the best and safest way to get off. Any suggestions are appreciated. My sleep had become so good with zyrtec I hope some previous episodes of insomnia do not return.D.

Extreme vision problems, headaches, and joint pain.

I think most of us who are caught in Hmo system, are stuck to take whatever the hmo doctors gives us,without question! when the simple thing to do is demand!! to read about the medication,and side effects the pill has. then make your mind up if you want it! as we must remember people, we are paying for a service Hmo or not ! we have the right to demand good and safe service. these hmo doctors iv run into are mostly pill pushers, who do not take the time to read or study up on what they are giving out to people. they dont care ! its a fast buck! they have lied to me over and over about drugs they hand out! and iv lost faith in the Hmo system today! as I find more and more people are dieing from idiot doctors.

Relief from allergies/sleeping

Swelling of legs, blood pressure