Lidoderm (lidocaine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Lidoderm (lidocaine)

As I drive a heavy vehicle I am limited in what drugs I can use to satisfy my employers drug policy. I have found this medication in conjunction with over the counter pain medication most satisfactory. The down side is my neuralgia is on my head and I need to keep my hair (luckily I don't have much) shorn to allow the patch to stick. Micropore tape helps immensely.

Spinal stenosis, disc diseas, spond

None at all. It has allowed me to function on a daily basis

Now I'm on Medicare and they refuse to cover for spinal problems. Therefore I have to pay full price. I had spinal surgery 3x in 70's and 80's. I have severeDegeneration of lumber disc disease, spondylosis, aracknoiditis, Severe arthritis. Lidoderm gives me tremendous relief.Burning of cervical spine. I refuse to take OPOIDS.

multiple spine surgeries,musclepain

I used 3 patches for 12 hours on 12 hours off. It helped me only on my rib area, not the back or hips.

Lidoderm feedback same as others. That's why most of the years that have been using pain patch has been Watson brand which sticks as long as needed, in fact have to remember it's there and take it off after 12 hours. All are too expensive!

I have suffered no side effects.

Seems to be no reason not to reuse the patches as long as user continues to adhere to dosing instructions and safely stores the patches, i.e., don't store them where your children can access them.

Stomach pain indigestion, diarrheaVery tired,exhausted. Nervous and anxious.

2nd night using patch. Less pain and long does this last .

Fracture t5 vertebrae and rib fract

Worked very well for my localized pain!

Have been experiencing tingling, numbness, burning, sharp pain for 1 1/2 yrs. Pain meds did not work enough to make them worth taking and my stomach doesn't do well with them. I asked for something to give some relief. I was happy to be able to function better and be able to think about anything other than the pain. Used them 12 hrs on 12 hrs off and noticed pain returning a few hrs before able to reapply. Would recommend someone to try them.

neuropathic pain secondary to lobec

It appeared to make me light headed, actually blacked out as I took the patches during the day when my pain was at it's highest level, now switched to nights

Seemed to make me drowsy when I first woke up

bad sacral and neck from car wreck

Don't apply it where it isn't needed - it hurts!

They helped me to regain my life back. They do maybe make me a little sleepy in the first few hours. Knock on wood my insurance is paying for it.

Chronic back pain from car wreck

I've experienced mild headaches and sleepyness, and the price is high, but it's worth it. Numbs my back and completely relieves pain.

Seems like I get real sleepy. I don't understand it though. This is a new side effect for this new med.

SPD (sympysis pubic disfunction)

This patch helped me so much, that it took me off of bedrest and I was able to take care of my two year old. Only bad thing is that it makes me not want to walk around, it makes me sleepy. I would highly recommend this for sciatic pains or and other pelvic bone, lower back pains.

RA, Titanium Prosthesis L Humerus

No side effects; I always use maximum # allowed/prescribed by my Rheumatologist; up to 3 - 10cm x 14cm 700mg patches transdermally; 12 hrs on, 12 hrs off PRN for pain; they work for as long as they stick, which isn't long; how do they make them stick for 12 hrs?; I've tried Micropore tape (& other tape), but it's too harsh on my skin; I've tried using alcohol on the the area first but it extends patch life an avg of 10-15 minutes; It's VERY FRUSTRATING! I have insurance, but my co-pay for these is the highest level, $65, on top of $800 monthly insurance premium! So I *think* it's better than having to pay full price, but it's still A LOT of $ when they have no sticky left only an hour or so after putting them on & then I'm left with a patch w/ almost 12 hrs of medicine on it that's useless because it won't stick anymore, let alone for 12 hrs! If it last 2 hrs I'm thrilled even though I know it's not acceptable. I rely on the patches as part of my pain rescue plan, along w/ oral meds. when I desperately need to take the edge off. I can't complain because I want to keep my script. While I REALLY wish they'd stick a full 12 hrs, I also REALLY don't want my Dr to d/c my script. They don't work 12 hrs, but for now 1-2 hrs is a Godsend with my meds! Maybe ENDO Pharma will read the reviews & make a change! ;)


None. This is the first medication that significantly helped my foot pain. Narcotics gave me bad side effects, so my doctor recommended the pain patches. They are great for everyday constant pain and have given me no side effects.

Prescribed for joint pain/arthritis

The patches only numb out my skin. They do not even begin to give relief for the constant aching, bone deep pain I am experiencing.

These patches are worthless for real pain. They cost way too much and do nothing.

no side effects, took tonight with a tylenol plus codeine #3 bc i had SEVERE pain. so it's hard to say just how well it is working on it's own but seems to be at best about the same as voltaren gel, for me biofreeze is best as it numbs the area. (but biofreeze wears off fast ,has a medicinal smell., not easy to apply to my scapula area) i think for my particular injury/problem these aren't the best solution....

mine seem to stick very well, no problems there. and i like that the patches are large bc i have a large area to cover. didn't notice any side effects at all.

LIDODERM (LIDOCAINE): This medication is used to relieve nerve pain after shingles (infection with the herpes zoster virus). This type of pain is called post-herpetic neuralgia. Lidocaine helps to reduce sharp/burning/aching pain as well as discomfort caused by skin areas that are overly sensitive to touch. Lidocaine belongs to a class of drugs known as local anesthetics. It works by causing a temporary loss of feeling in the area where you apply the patch. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I have developed mild arthritis in my left knee, with a severe inflammation which resulted in a cortisone shot. I have always excrercized reularly and am not overweight with no history of arthritis in my family

I took my last dose last night...i have to go back to doctor for a follow up in a few weeks, but as for side effects...they were dark urine, itching, dull head ache, dry mouth, nasty taste..severe thirsting. Itchy head. But overall not anything that i couldnt handle again if needed.

Not too bad, all things considered. I can usually sleep with it but I'm usually always up during the night going into the hot tub, getting something to eat, or the like. I wish I didn't have to take it especially with the amnesia. I try each night to sleep without one but never make it. You do get more used to it and have to take more of it than is prescribed. I tried Lunesta and that wasn't bad but not as effective. I tried Rozerem and that was horrible. It kept me awake all night like it was a benzedrene. Have tried all the others: Melatonin, Valerian Root and two or three more that I can't remember now. Have avoided all the things that are supposed to cause it. Have done allthe things that are supposed to help you sleep. Have read all the books & techniques. So, like it or not, I'll have to try to keep using it until something better comes along or my condition improves for some reas15on. Thanks for sites like this where we can help each other.

None. It helps me fall asleep when I wake at 3, 4, or 5am and have to be up in a few hours.

Cured my gerd, no more burning pain in the sternum area (which was most likely caused by taking ibuprofen for too long). I not only felt physically and psychologically good but I also had more regular bowel movements with less cramping.

I took the once a week and followed the instructions perfectly.

Prescribed 150 XL taken in the AM. I have taken this for a week and it made me feel much worse than before i started taking it. Sleep is simply not possible unless i take something to knock me out. I took ambien the other night - slept 3 hours and was up since 2:30 AM. Last night I took a muscle relaxer to fall asleep, then another to go back to sleep after i woke up in 4 hours. Wierd dreams but that doesnt bother me. I was prescribed this for work related anxiety but it has made me so moody and sensitive and depressed. I cried at work yesterday which was really embarassing. I just dont feel like I have anything to be happy about which was not the case before I took this. I also got a big boost of energy - lost 5 pounds already because my appetite has deminished/ i forget to eat. I am going to try and make it to four weeks to see if it does anything for me - the insomnia is the most difficult side affect to deal with.

I was given this drug as a precaution against infection after a lanced boil because I am a type 1 diabetic.I had awful heartburn when on this drug but that was nothing compared to what I have now, which is c diff.As I write this today, I was just discharged from the hospital. I was so dehydrated and had such electrolyte imbalance that I was going into shock.Now I’m having to take flagyl to combat the c diff.I wish I had taken my chances and NEVER put this medication in my mouth.The risk of c diff is very, very real. I do not recommend this drug.

Didnt help migraines, no better than excedrine migraine. Imitrex is better with compozine. But i am discontinuing compozine1

extreme nausea, vomiting,total loss of appetite,dark urine, liver pain, chest wheezing,fever (at it's worst up near 104), head inflammation, neck stifness, and finally I developed rashy pink red skin over my entire body.