Citanest plain (prilocaine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Citanest plain (prilocaine hydrochloride)

I started to feel really agitated shortly after having two injections, one on each side of my wisdom tooth. I made it through the extraction, but I started to feel worse and worse, so I asked the doctor to let me take a break. I sat up for a second and had what they call an "absence seizure" for about a minute. I came back to consciousness, more or less, but I thought I was dying. I was disoriented, weak, and sweating profusely. They called an ambulance for me, and I was taken to the emergency room to be monitored. After a couple hours of lying down hooked up to an EKG with regular checks of my blood pressure, and I eventually started to feel better. Thank God, I was able to walk out of the emergency room after awhile. All I can say is, make sure you have a good dentist who knows how to call 911 when things go wrong.

had a badly infected tooth pulled

I did not have any side has no epinephrine so no racing heart etc....

I loved this stuff.i have horrible anxiety and this did not cause any anxious feelings.

This anesthetic did NOT cause the typical racing heart and anxiety I feel with novocaine. It has no epinephrine, so it takes more to numb you, but for me it was absolutely worth it. Made this dental experience a breeze!!

Side Effects forcitanest plain (prilocaine hydrochloride) - User Comments


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What's in this medication to cause a person to feel so bad after taking it? Aren't the purpose of taking medications to make you feel better? Never will I take this again!

I find if I cut the pills in half and take 4 times a day instead of 2 times then I dont have the stomach upset

I took generic made by Mylan Labs. When I finally convinced my doctor that it was these pills he took me off them. I checked with him 2 weeks after and then another month after that and my pressure was normal. He's letting me stay off meds until we do some more checking. In the meantime, I was in touch with one of the gals at Mylan who is apparently a chemist or something degreed like that and she went down the list of ingredients with me. She thought that of all the ingredients they use, the blue dye might be the offender. But, as one lady my age commented here, it has taken 6 weeks plus for the itching to stop and the scabbing from the blistering to be healed. I am wondering if there are any people who might be suggesting law suits about this.

pregnant & got an yeast infection

Really bad rash on torso and legs. Eventually weakened muscles in legs, dizziness, inability to walk without leaning on something. Hot water made the rash worse.

Extreme fatigue and sleepiness. I would take a 2 - 3 hour nap and still sleep 8 hours or more at night. I would have things planned to do during the day, and would suddenly fall asleep while sitting in a chair. I would often have to lie down and sleep for a few hours. I'm going back to Amlodipine and larsartan. They both worked fine for me, but my doctor thought this beta blocker would also help my chronic migraines without causing erectile dysfunction.

As a chronic depressive who has tried many head meds with few lasting results, I thought I had found my miracle cure in this odd place -- a pain pill.

this drug made me sleepy the first few days. However; I would recommend this drug for anyone who needs a strong antibotic.

This is an evil drug and should be banned. The ER Doctor said severe allergic reactions "only" occurred in 1 out of 100,000 (that's right 100,000) patients ... That is too many vile reactions happening to too many people and I think it's criminal to allow this medication to continue to be prescribed!

I have taken betaxolol off and for over 5 years. I stop it now and then to see if I can ha sleep blood pressure and svt without it and always end up back on it.