Carbocaine w/ neo-cobefrin (levonordefrin; mepivacaine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Carbocaine w/ neo-cobefrin (levonordefrin; mepivacaine hydrochloride)

In Nov. 1993 I had a severe drug reaction to a dental drug "carbocaine w/neo-cobefrin. After I was given this drug over a two day period for extensive dental work I developed bruising marks ( irregual and various sizes)all over my torso which remain today 2006.

Side Effects forcarbocaine w/ neo-cobefrin (levonordefrin; mepivacaine hydrochloride) - User Comments


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Extremely high blood sugars. Will go to bed at 83 and wake up at 350.

night wakening, decreased appetite, lower leg cramps, a bit foggy headed/confused and decreased sex drive.

General malaise, depression, crying, easily irritated, general feeling of weakness, random chest pains-like someone is poking me in the heart...not severe pain but enough for me to stop and take notice.

My son experienced hallucinations, confusion and episodes of panic.I do not recommend this drug to anyone. It really scared us!

I have been on birth control for about 9 yrs and my OBGYN switched my from Yasmin to Loestrin about 3 months ago (because of decreased libido on Yasmin). I didn't have a period the 1st month. I had a period the second month. I had increased acne the 1st month but that seem to work itself out. But now I am realizing what a bad mood I am in all the time and how much weight I am gaining - I just don't feel like myself. I am glad I found this site to know I am not the only one. I thought this BC was suppose to be better than the others - it's not. I am stopping.

My initial visit to the doctor was for a lump feeling in my throat. I have been taking prilosec for two months, the lump is still there, plus its worse than ever. I now can feel the liquid coming up my esophagus into my throat, and now I have a terrible taste in my mouth every day and am worried that my tastebuds are ruined. I feel so confused, like I have to think about everything I put in my mouth, which isn't much lately, and wake up worrying every day if I will feel terrible again. I am trying something called orange peel extract you get at the health food store, and also reading up on changing diet and meditation, since stress has a terrible effect on digestion. Oh, and also I have read that probiotics(like yogurt) and a digestive enzyme supplement are very helpful. I'm going to the natural food store today to ask some questions. You think you are helping yourself when you listen to doctors orders, but what they give you might just be exacerbating your condition. If you even have a condition! How can I be so much worse than when I initially went to the doc?? Oh, and also, I HAVE noticed lots of knee pain, but thought it was just over-exercising. I have felt like I have no energy, go to the gym and just feel exhausted. I'm going off of prilosec today and I'll report back and let you know how things are going. I know how desperate you all feel.

major problem is two damaged shoulders, torn rotator cuff, from dry rot of my tendons in my shoulders, which is crazy since i am or was before this drug,, an athlete, martial artist, now, i cannot hold up 2 pounds with my arms. i also got diverticulitis, which the yogurt, and acidopholous has been unable to help. NEVER NEVER take this drug, if only somebody had told me that the side effects were going to happen. IT was not worth it, I would have rather pulled the tooth. super rash, on back, damage to my kidneys, and pimple breakout all over my extremities, and I do mean ALL over.

dizziness, inability to find correct words, sleepy, kind of like a dazed state but all side effects went away after a week

Went from 2-3 nightly trips to the bathroom to none over the last few months. Has been life changing. Did not realize at first that tadalafil is the generic of cialis, so I was not expecting the sexual benefits. I did not have issues getting hard, but even at this low dose it is very noticeable. Frequency and hardness of erections are borderline annoying.

Acne, Terrible mood swings, weight gain, spotting the entire first month, severe pms symptoms, etc...