Bupivacaine hcl (bupivacaine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Bupivacaine hcl (bupivacaine hydrochloride)

None, unless not having the toradol injection burn like the dickens is a side effect

1ml bupivacaine drawn up in the syringe with 1ml (30mg) Toradol made possible my first painless Toradol injection. (I self administer IM Toradol under close medical supervision for recurring kidney stones and their accompanying and very debilitating pain. Adding the Bupivacaine (trade name Marcaine) to the injection was recommended by a pain specialist, and also relieves the lingering injection site sorerness that can persist for a day or 2.

Side Effects forbupivacaine hcl (bupivacaine hydrochloride) - User Comments


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This medication frightens me. I don't think I'll continue taking it. I am on 100 mg; and within 15-20 minutes of taking this drug, I literally pass out. I'm not just saying it makes me groggy/sleepy. I mean, pass out and loose the ability to do anything, and I am not able to be woken from this coma like sleep for hours. That scares me. Also, this medication leaves me extremely 'spaced out' the following day. So while it does provide me sleep... its the kind of sleep that wouldn't alow me to be woken, even if my house is on fire.

I have IBD and supposed to stay completely away from any NSAID. The surg ctr gave to me for post procedure pain. No pain relief at all, but now I'm dying from severe abdominal cramps and liquid diarrhea.

Complete loss of taste. Took daughter to airport could not remember if home was north or south. Short term memory awful. Helps slightly with pain but my ability to lift left arm and feel any fingers totally gone. Extremely depressed.

I've been taking this medication for over 2 years now. My hematologist ok'd me to come off of it or to remain on a prophylactic dose; which I've been doing now for well over 6 months. Fear keeps me taking the medication but I'm stopping it now.In all honesty, I didn't experience any bad side effects with this medication and if I did they were already symptoms and or side effects experienced from other medications. I had bilateral pulmonary embolisms and a blood clot that went through the right side of my heart. Pulmonary hypertension was ruled out but for over 2 years I've had a racing heart rate and shortness of breath. I attributed those symptoms to the PE's and damage to my heart. However, my heart rate has slowed since going from Eliquis 5mg twice daily to once daily. So perhaps there's some correlation. It's difficult to say whether or not this medication caused weight gain or increased depression because I was already on an antidepressant for major depression and often took prednisone for a bad back injury. All and all I would recommend this medication. I didn't bruise very much unless I really banged into something and my blood always clotted properly if I had a cut.

I am VERY thankful for Levaquin. I have taken it a number of times. Every other antibiotic I have ever taken has made me sick to my stomach, but Levaquin doesn't bother my stomach AT ALL. And I start feeling great after a couple days. Very effective drug.

I take half in the morning and half in evening, within an hour of taking I'm asleep. I have no energy, in bed a lot. My hair is falling out ,have a few bald spots in back now. My bp is sort of steady but not worth what this med is doing to my body.

Rapid eye movments consintraion moter skills sleep I can go on and on lol for real I need help can't stop bupe or k pin

Best cough meds! Only one that works bc it is slow releasing. 2011 a generic form finally came out. Works the same but doesn't taste as good. I have been taking this drug for 14 yrs. the key is 20 mins before you take this drug go ahead and get in bed. Once you start feeling tired go to sleep and then you will find yourself in a deep sleep. Otherwise if you try fighting it by still working or laying there fighting it, you will have more side effect issues. Like maybe more anxiety if you are prone to that. Restless sleep, tossing and turning and feeling the heaviness on your body. Do not take this and think you can drive!!! I promise you this if you are coughing nonstop this will stop it within 5 mins. It will last anywhere from 8-10 hrs. It's liquid gold so once you get over your cold, if you can keep the leftover - do!! Insurance will not allow for refills until the day yours expires. It is a narcotic. My doctor has known me for over 8 yrs and has seen nothing else work. I have severe lung issues. So when I start I get it in a bottle of 120 qty. they can tell if a cough medicine is helping or not.

I started taking cytomel because I suspected hypothyroidism. And although I am not "technically" at that point, my levels are high enough so that I feel off. Within the first two weeks I lost eight pounds and had more energy, but it hasn't helped enough with the depression. I may try to have the dose increased soon.

vivid dreams, nightmares, night sweats,loss of libido and ability to orgasm, constipation, occational brain zaps, weight loss then a ton of weight gain.