Versed (midazolam hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Versed (midazolam hydrochloride)

I have received Versed several times over the years and never connected the dots that it was the drug until the last time it was given to me. The first time I started to react negatively, I was having an EGD with dilation, I got very aggressive with the nurse and I wouldn't let her put the bite block in. Afterward, my doctor said it took 10mg of Versed and 150mg of Demerol to be able to do the procedure. Next time was when I was having oral surgery and having my wisdom teeth removed. I woke up during the procedure, moving my arms and trying to tell people I was awake. They just held my arms to the chair and kept on...I remember everything. The next time, I was having lumbar injections. They had given me the usual dose, then started. I told him I felt what he was doing. He stopped, gave me more meds. He started again, I told him I felt it still. He said he couldn't give me any more. He continued while I literally bawled my eyes out. He told me afterward that we would do Propofol for procedures going forward. I agreed with him. The last time is very vague, but I was having injections with another doctor. I had been given demerol, then they started injecting the versed. I could hear them mentioning by heart rate increasing, asking me if I was nervous. I said no, I was a pro, and laughed. I could see my heart rate was 120 and going higher, they were still in the process of putting stuff on me, but they hurried and put oxygen on me. That's the last thing I remember. I woke up and

By the way, I'm a nurse and worked with the doctor and nurses that continued to inject even though I had pain. I understood that he had to do this, and I did give consent for him to go on, because I knew that the steroid would eventually start working.

I was slightly off balance physically for about an hour afterwards, but I had been told to expect this. I was a little sleepy for the rest of the day.

This medicine is primarily used to reduce anxiety during medical procedures or before surgery. It can also cause amnesia, but that is not the primary use. It didn't induce unnatural compliance or anything like that for me, and I actually remember a portion of the colonoscopy, just not all of it. The whole thing was not traumatic and I feel pretty strongly that this is due at least in part to the Versed. I know it's possible for people to have paradoxical reactions to medications, where they get the opposite of the expected effect, but this is rare. I wish people would stop trying to scare others away from truly helpful medicines.

Colonoscopy, dental extraction

Very traumatic experience. Woke up during colonoscopy, fully aware, frozen, unable to speak or move, yet screaming inside & making obvious grunting and groaning sounds and could see them and they knew and I was ignored. It was like being drugged to,paralyze and raping me. I was fully awake but could not stop them, they had zero respect for me and the trauma and pain they subjected me to. I experienced horrific nightmares and daytime memories with visuals for a year and a half after that. It created ptsd and I had crying spells and fear of dr.s and procedures. It took a dr really listening to my story and acknowledging my fears as valid to help me thru this with his kindness. No one warned me versed would be like this.

I came out of dental surgery & slept a day & 1/2. I woke & couldn’t get easy instructions or remember things. I tried cooking & couldn’t. Follow directions. I drove to an appt. nearby and got lost. I go there often, I had forgotten how to use the gps. I tried calling home but couldn’t use the cell phone. I pulled into a parking lot and cried. I didn’t know they had used versed. I only found that out a week later after being subjected to criticism and being laughed at and talked about within earshot as I went to a medical facility and tried getting help.Versed robbed me of my dignity. It dumbed me down and made me appear to others as though I was losing my mind and/or on drugs. I was embarrassed/humiliated & traumatized by this very unpredictable, very damaging & disabling drug VERSED. take my advice and run as fast as you can in the other direction. It took a month to fully return to normal. I’d also like to recommend prior to any procedures when anesthesia will be used, always hand write it on the anesthesia consent form that you forbid the use of versed. if they do use it against your word they are liable.

Aggression and confusion when waking up from surgery and long-term aggression and tantrums.

My sweet little boy had multiple surgeries over the years with no problems but when he was 5 he had a surgery where versed was used and he woke up aggressive, hysterical, and confused. He has never been the same sense. He never threw tantrums before this surgery and now he has frequent tantrums to the point he turns red in the face and gets violent. I attribute it to the versed because prior to that surgery he was absolutely fine. He is now 8 and just had surgery last week where I refused to allow them to give him versed and he woke up just fine.

My father was given versed for a stent surgery. He woke up during the surgery and began screaming and hitting the Dr. After the surgery, he lost his mind. He became a dementia patient in less than an hour. My father went from an active, intelligent man to being bedridden and totally out of his mind. Full blown dementia was caused by this horrible drug. Just days before receiving this poison, he represented himself and won an IRS audit. Afterwards, he couldn't read, write, and became violent. He died 7 months later.

Woke up during WPW heart surgery, pulling at the wires attached to my heart. All I remember is the Dr's terrified face and his words of "STOP, YOU'RE GOING TO KILL YOURSELF". I had an adverse reaction to Versed so it wired me instead of relaxed me.

Axillary node dissection surgery

Made me have racing thoughts while in operating room prior to having surgery.Following surgery I experienced anxiety and hyperactivity at home

I am fearful of having another surgery or procedure because I am worried the medical personnel will insist I must have versed.

After being given 1mg of Versed I experienced ADD characteristics and racing thoughts in the operating room prior to intubation, then I experienced ADHD characteristics at night after being given 2mg more prior to extubation. I was racing around the house cleaning and doing laundry 12 hours after major surgery.

I realize now that some other strange reactions I've had with colonoscopies and cataract surgeries might be due to negative reactions to versed. But none of the reactions I've had are life threatening, just weird and bothersome.

I said I wanted no preoperative sedation. They put this in my iv anyway. When I found out afterwards that I had this drug that left me conscious and communicative but so that I had no memory of it, I freaked out. Have been terrified of versed ever since and make a point of telling medical folks that I refuse it before ANY procedure for anything.

Violence and vomiting, always tell them NO and they give it to you anyway, it should be illegal.

First time I had versed I was 12 and having a tooth pulled I remember the whole thing. He said "oops" and drilled through my jaw, I still have a hole.The second time I had Versed I had my wisdom teeth out, I spent 5 hours dry heaving.The third time I had versed, I told them this and they gave me phenergan and Benadryl. I fought with the nurses, puked in the car and then tried to jump out of the car on The highway on the way home, then spent 4 hours dry heaving.The fourth time I had her said I told them NO! I was having a Bier Block, dude gave it to me anyway, I kicked the surgical tools on the floor, puked on his shoes and called him an asshole. Fought my husband all night.and now I have to tell every anesthesiologist the whole story to get them to take me seriously. Do not give me versed, violence and vomiting, think the exorcist. Someone's getting a black eye I'm ripping out my IV someone's chasing me down the hallway and I'm getting a straight jacket.

Used during a dental procedure for repair of a cracked tooth. I have an undiagnosed issue (at the time - now suspected to be use of epinephrine) with fight / flight after 'novocain' use. I remembered a part where they inserted the needle for 'novocain' after a blackout period before. Then nothing more. The next day was the worst, as I had periods of uncontrollable crying and fear that I could not function as the bread winner in the family and would be unable to support them any more Suicidal thoughts ensued. It was 24 hours before I 'came down' and was able to function properly.

Total procedure time as less than 60 minutes. Premedication consisted of Halcyon table 1 hour before (only cause aggrevation), and Nitrous Oxide immediately before procedure (with no awareness if it was effective in any way). I can not cope with this kind of response and it will forever be listed as an allergy. (Epinephrine goes on the list for emergency use only as well). I do have a diagnosed BiPolar condition that may contribute.

bone marrow biopsy & aspiration

still had pain. Extreme pain, visual change (saw all white) amnesia ( told I was seeing in colors) nausea, very poor motor coordination, diarrhea, abdominal pain. With stomach, not sure if med. lethargic.

I take Topamax. It says adverse reaction if given with seizure medication. I take meds high in serotonin, which may have cause serotonin syndrome reaction. The doctors need to read the chart.

Extremely claustrophobic and can't do an open MRI due to heart monitor implant, so I had to do the MRI that looks like a doughnut hole opening where it looks like being in a tunnel. Was given Versed IV to calm me. It worked. I was awake (conscious sedation) and the 35 minute MRI felt like 10 minutes. Nurse was there beside me whole time monitoring heart and blood pressure levels. No side effects. Was sleepy at home for a couple of hours as they said I would be. I'd never have made it thru without the Versed.

slight lack of coordination for 30 minutes, slightly sedated for several hours

The medicine snips 10 minutes out of your memory. It is as if the scene changes in a millisecond without you even closing your eyes. A very unusual effect! A few times it didn't work. But, it has worked every time that fentanyl was added.

I was having anxiety about a cancer

I have PTSD because of this drug, memory loss, irrational behavior, violence, paranoia, extreme trust issues, and now I’m in therapy for it all!

I had to have a procedure but I was nervous so they said they had something to take the ‘edge’ off.....and it was three days before I knew my own name!!!! I had my husband with me, but because I could talk and carry on, he thought that everything was fine..... NEVER AGAIN! OMG I was so scared, angry, felt betrayed, insecure!!! I drove around for days, don’t know where I went, who I saw, NOTHING!!!!

This drug caused me to black out, it was giving to me when I asked to reschedule and I was told it was to relax me and easy my anxiety. I woke up with flashes in my head of my procedure, swollen lips, blood shot eyes. I must have been screaming and during my procedure to bust blood vessels in my eyes. I have terrible feelings of dreed and desperately continue to try to put the pieces together. Versed is not standard procedure, it was hand written in on my list of medications on my discharge sheet. It was given for the staffs convenience so I would shut up. I am sickened by the thought that I was most likely awake the entire time and just don’t remember, meaning I felt all the pain and was traumatized. 5 days later I am still have terrible headaches and have trouble with motor skills and definitely have cognitive impairment.

On Wednesday I went to our out patient surgical center for a hysteroscopy with polypectomy and truclear cutterage. I was scheduled to arrive at 10:15 and should have been home by 1pm. I requested during scheduling to be first in, first out due to fasting, hypoglycemia and couldn’t take my anxiety meds or Vyvanse for ADHD. When I arrived early at 10am I completed the paperwork and was told the doctor was ahead of schedule and they would be out to get me shortly. At 11am they finally call me back. Weight, vitals, and IV. I told the nurse they need to get this show on the road and that I requested to be first and why. She told me that unfortunately I was the last patient for the day and it would be a little bit of a wait. I was also having severe back pain and seeing the chiropractor regularly, I told her the bed was miserable and I couldn’t lay down or sit up without pain. At 1pm I pressed the call the button and asked to reschedule. I was at the end of my rope and was supposed to be outta there by then. They said they would give me something to relax me and the doctor would be right in. The events that followed are extremely disturbing. I woke up with the right side of my face swollen, lips puffy and bloodshot eyes tender to the touch. I filed a complaint this morning. I am bothered by the lack of explanation regarding the side effects of this drug. I tried to go to work on Friday and had to leave early because I couldn’t do my job, I was struggling to make

Sedative before general anesthesia

Refusal of versed because of negatives with family members. CRNA gave me a mg anyway. Told him I refused it and he said the MDA hadn't told him then yelled at me blaming MDA and others....trauma was extreme and I froze up, totally terrified. Thought he was going to kill me to cover it up. MDA tried to cover it up later in record. No lawyers will touch this as no physical injury but PTSD for 6 months.Memory very "loose" and cognitive ability off a bit too. Not depressed but lots of flashbacks, crying (so unlike me!) And had thiughts, night terrors and constantly reminded if the event.Hospital did full audit but "cant tell me anything" as it might violate rights of clinicians.....but nothing for me. they closed my complaint and legal dept shut the door on any answers for me. Just not right and so not fair!

No need per MDA ever for thus drug but given all the time to maintain a pliable and agreeable patient. Now have it listed as an allergy and that I refuse it, but may work against me if I ever need conscious sedation. Time will tell.Wish the drug could be banned. Does way more harm than good.

I am very resistant. My new doc knows and gives me a cocktail. I no longer remember the procedures.However, it’s either from remembering the times I didn’t have enough or actual pain during, I now get terrible panic attacks before.

The panic attacks are starting earlier and earlier.This time it’s been two days and I go in in an hour. :(

Was given versed for a c section and it was terrible. I "came to" in the recovery room and immediately asked my mom if I had my baby. When she told me I had, I started crying because I didn't remember having him. That's one of the few things I actually remember while in the hospital. The crazy thing is once family members had the photos developed, I saw pictures of myself wide awake seeing my 1st born son for the very first time and I have absolutely no recollection of it. I forgot almost everything during the 5 days I spent in the hospital and forgot alot of my first week or so at home. Its been 18 years and I still have memory issues. I had been told by my doctors prior to his birth that I should have a fantastic easy birth because my baby was so healthy, I was so healthy, and because I walked so much. I believe the only reason I had a c section was because it was late on a Friday night, I was on Medicaid, and my doctors were clinic doctors. I believe they gave me versed as a convenience to them.

Foggy headed the day of the procedure; Amnesia

I thought I was dreaming when I saw a big tunnel on the TV monitor in front of me. A massive cramp a moment later as the camera in my colon was moved told me I was not. I was given this drug in combination with fentanyl for my colonoscopy and promised that I wouldn't feel or remember anything. Unfortunately, my memory of waking up came back in a flashback well after the procedure (I already suffer from medically triggered cPTSD from inattentive medical "professionals" in early childhood). I gave it two stars since at least I wasn't panicking when I woke up during the procedure. I definitely DO NOT recommend this drug you have any reason to think mere "twilight sleep" will not suffice for your procedure.

Side Effects forversed (midazolam hydrochloride) - User Comments


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I highly recommend trying this especially if it can prevent surgery.

Since I taking Lantus o have gained 20 b pounds and always hungry. My stomach looks like if I am 9 months pregnant. Also, I always feel dizzy after taking it.

I LOVE Zofran ODT. I have debilitating emetophobia (fear of vomitting) and a very sensitive stomach on top of that -- my doctor prescribed Zofran for me and it has really given me back my life. I take 8mg PRN ... works in as little as 10 minutes for me.

Having been treated for an emergency and on morphine for pain, I decided to stop my Remeron. Where I live, we have a health care crisis and it takes up to six months to see a doctor, and that's for those who have a family doctor, mental health problems are NOT a pritoty. So I decided that my physical health is important so I stopped remeron on my own and after one month I have lost 12 lbs. just by appetite suppression.

heavy feeling over my eyes has if i was tired for the first 2 weeks i was on them

severe abdominal pain,headaches,lack of concentration ,agressiveness,low self esteem,spacey,tics,suicidal thoughts and depression.

My doctor prescribed this for insomnia and while I guess it helped somewhat, it wasn't something I'd rave about, either. I thought it was the dosage, as 50 MG seems like a small amount and my sister used to take 300 MG for her insomnia. The good news is that I had no side effects. Eventually, due to its lack of effectiveness on me, I asked my doctor to switch me to something with a bit more "kick" and he put me on another medication. Maybe it would have worked better at a higher dosage.

The only side affect I had was a burning around my anal area. I found it tasted like the sea. I found out that I did not add enough Crystal Light. I also found out that Baby Wipes would have eased the "burning butt" feeling.

No problematic side effects and I loved that my period was only 1 or 2 days long. I've stopped taking to to have another child but will likely go back on it afterwards.

I was on 20 Monopril Plus and lately it has been increased to 40 Plus with no ill effects and an improvement in BP control and arrhythmias