Ketalar (ketamine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Ketalar (ketamine hydrochloride)

Very vivid 'dreams' even when I just closed my eyes when I was awake and not pleasant 'dreams' very violent and horror movie (think Stephen king) like. Also when I was being visited by a relative I had to ask him to leave because he had a cartoon T shirt on and everytime I closed my eyes and reopened them he had the face of a different cartoon character and I remember constantly having to tell myself that it was ok, I knew who he was and he was safe.It's totally beyond me why people would want to abuse this drug.

I had it as a continuos infusion on a reducing dose over abot five days (twice in 4weeks) it certainly worked and I would be willing to put up with the side effects again as it played a strong role in saving my life.

DDS snuck it into my dental anesthi

I had a full mouth rebuild under general anesthesia, and before I was medicated, I told the Dr to NOT give me ketamine- he pushed the IV into me.

This crap is supposed to help people re emerge from full sedation-It turned an otherwise pleasant experience into a nightmare- As soon as I woke up from the dental work,- I was agitated and horrified for many hours afterwards- I even contemplated suicide- take this at your own dire risk.

I didn't have any major side effects - my vision went blurry - but this cleared after a couple of months - otherwise it was very useful in managing the pain from RSD/ CRPS.

Side Effects forketalar (ketamine hydrochloride) - User Comments


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I got bad cramping when my period would be coming. My periods were regular and short. Did gain weight which is common with most/all birth control methods. I didn't struggle with acne and never have. I tend to get some pimples during my period but that has always been the case.

I took 10 mg for 9 day. I was supposed to take it for 10 days but I've gained 5 lbs in a week and it is in general interfering with my ability to get everday activities done. Plus, I still haven't got my period.

sweating,decreased sexual function,itching,dental carries at the root of the tooth beneath the gumline,dry mouth, constipation

All side effects are very beneficial:* More focused and alert at work* Decreased sleepiness during the day* Decreased appetite which helps in controlling my weight* Able to sleep at night (usually sleep 7-9 hours)* More energetic and happy!* Effectively cleared all my allergies* No negative side effects* Mentally more calm and able to make sound decisions

Hair loss, weight gain (20 lbs in 5 months), serious tremors.

I didn't notice anything until a couple weeks into my first pack. My breasts started to get swollen and tender, but that went away after a few weeks. I've had spotting pretty much this whole time (i'm almost done with my first whole pack). And for a little over a week I had a full out period, which was irritating. I've also noticed mood swings, which could change within a days time. I've even broke down crying in front of my boyfriend for no reason. I'm hoping most of this will go away since this is the first birth control I've ever been on.

This drug made me feel so bad, it was not worth living. I could not function properly. I was so physically tired and could not think straight. The worst was the last day when I became paranoid. That night I kept my husband awake, as I had numerous nightmares. I can't believe it is on the market. Unbelievable that I just read this drug is being prescribed for hyperactive children. Is the medical community crazy?

None-in fact I feel wonderful.

When I took Xanax, Greenstone, or Sandoz, it worked great. I told pharmacy(s) to only give me Greenstone or Sandoz, but they gave me this Dava alprazolam anyway and now it's causing terrible anxiety and panic. Dava brand should not be sold.

This is my second time to take provera. The first time was after being on hormone medication to get rid of hyperlasia cells in my uterus. The medication messed up my cycle. After the 10th day I got my period about 14 days later. it took longer for me because of my hormonal embalance. The waiting for my period is terrible. I am going to start IVF after this cycle. Can't wait!