Brevital sodium (methohexital sodium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Brevital sodium (methohexital sodium)

No side effects for me. Was up and about within about 45 minutes after the procedure. Not drowsy later or nauseous or anything. In fact I went to work right afterwards.

Not used very much since Propofol came about. But as I understand it, the Methohexital does not interfere as much with the seizure as Propofol does, so it is preferred for this procedure.

Side Effects forbrevital sodium (methohexital sodium) - User Comments


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Please try taking MSM to alleviate joint problems caused by this family of antibiotics. It seems to have helped reverse damage. Spread the word--others should try it. MSM is very inexpensive and is not harmful to humans, so it should be ok, but I don't make blanket recommendations. Let's keep our joints happy and healthy. Good luck!

Disgusting medication.Tastes like s***. Making my heart thump like crazy. Insomnia. Lose stools. Excessively increased appetite. Puffiness... Can't wait to be off. More cons than pros... Solumedrol for short period at higher doses is way more effective than this constant medication at gradual decreasing doses.If I knew it would have been like this, would have never started taking it.

Side effects seem to be moodiness,constipation(first couple days I tried to take a dump and thought I was forcing out a small, and elevated temper. Normally I'm a happy, fun guy, but Oxy has made me dull and blah, and sometimes a prick(although the car accident and the trauma doesn't help) Friends and family call me "contin head" when I'm in a daze due to it.

mine seem to stick very well, no problems there. and i like that the patches are large bc i have a large area to cover. didn't notice any side effects at all.

I've been taking a suppressive dose (1/2 pill) for 6 months and never had any side effects until yesterday. I am still getting an occasional small outbreak so the doctor said to up the dose to one pill twice a day X2 days if I get a flareup. After taking the last pill yesterday, I got quite dizzy although not enough to make me ill. I'm hoping this is not going to continue because this drug has helped me very much even though I'm not cured. Obviously there's no cure for herpes but reducing the outbreaks is very important to me. I get a secondary skin condition as a result of herpes that's much worse than herpes, believe me.

Pain in the joints and mussels, sleeping

I started on 12.5 mg at night and the effect on the paresthesias was amazing. I had been unable to sleep at for almost two weeks because of the intense burning pain and muscle cramps in my legs from loss of nerve innervation. The first night on 12.5 mg I could sleep and the next day my tremor was significantly reduced to the point that i could perform surgery. For me it was a miracle.

I haven't had any side effects until recently. Rage, VERY emotional, feelings of lonliness, feel dead inside, very vivid dreams/nightmares.

Called the doctor in the AM, he told me to stop immediately and phoned in a muscle relaxant for me. Worst drug reaction I've ever had, even worse than an antibiotic that made my face swell. I now list this among my allergies. This drug may be good for some people but I really think this is prescribed far too freely considering the side effect profile and really should only be restricted to people who have ACTUAL mania and psychosis.

ELMIRON works for me immensely. I took it for a year three years ago when I was going through chemotherapy (which caused the IC). Now that I'm undergoing chemo again, I'm back on Elmiron, and once again, Elmiron has worked its magic. I can sleep at night, and can have a functional day without urinating every few minutes. WONDERFUL.