Amidate (etomidate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Amidate (etomidate)

I lost 3 days memory - day before, day of surgery, day after.

I asked not to be given an amnestic, and this was as bad as it could possibly have been for that. As far as induction, I was out instantly, so that was OK, but it wasn't pleasant like some others are. One second awake, next everything black.

Side Effects foramidate (etomidate) - User Comments


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This is by far the WORST drug I have ever taken in my life. Everytime I took Focalin I had these HORRIBLE jitters and I couldn't stop yawning uncontrollably. I was also very thirsty and had to drink several glasses of water all day long. I had episodes where I would get very VERY angry and aggressive and felt like I could go on a shooting spree or kill myself. I could feel blood rushing through my body and and I would get so hot to the point where you could see my hands would be very red in color. I would also get very moody (as if I were bipolar) and anxious and have awful panic attacks. I was on a normal dose for my weight. This is a dangerous drug. Don't take it -- AVOID FOCALIN. It's HORRIBLE!

after awhile you build up a tolerance, and it is not as powerful. i have no dreams on this which i am glad but i do get hungry and imnot een truly awake, weird. but sleep is a must gor me with the ms and pain.

After taking Pexeva for 3 months or so, at first I though things were great. I could deal with dry mouth no problem. Then my dosage was upped to 150. I started feeling this sense that nothing had concesequences, at least in terms of purchases. Late nights on ebay, you find a kitchen set you want but it's only a single piece, so you get it, but then you find a complete set and you must get it too, and so on til you feel like you're hoarding the stuff. Oh forget about that little thing called money. So I'm tapering off pexeva (which leaves me dizzy if i go too fast) and onto wellbutrin 150mg 2x/day,I'm hoping that the weight i gained from pexeva will be countered by the wellbutrin (and my workout regime).

Severe edema (swelling), joint pain, gas, nausea, flu-like symptoms, dry mouth, feeling disconnected from self.

SIDE EFFECT: Loss of coordination. Description: Loss of coordination means one cannot operate an automobile. Loss of coordination means one cannot SAFELY operate motorized machinery.

My lady Parts don't work :( :(

Severe headaches nearing sexual climax.

I had taken Benadryl occasionally for allergies in the past, but recently began taking it regularly due to pain-induced insomnia. The side-effects increased gradually. I did not immediately realize that Benadryl was the cause of what was happening to me. I felt I was losing my mind, to the point of considering seeing a doctor about it. Thankfully I forgot to take it with me on on vacation and went without it for a week. When I resumed use of Benadryl, forgetfulness and confusion returned. I had complete inability to concentrate. I would begin to do something, and forget what I was doing - begin to make a phone call and forget who I was going to call, etc. I will not use this product in the future!

I had to stop taking Fosamax because after MRI's, cat scans, bone marrow tests, and xrays, nothing was found except benign bone marrow conversion in lower spine. Eventually the pain went away on its own. I started taking monthly Boniva in March 2009 and I am having the same sympthoms as with Fosamax. I can only attribute it to Boniva. I am not doing any more cat scans, etc. I am just going to stop taking Boniva. I wish they would have found out if the Fosamax was causing the bone marrow conversion. Scarey!

We got pregnant with my son with no problems, and have gotten pregnant very easily two times since, but both ended in miscarriage (6wks and 4wks), possibly due to low progesterone or poor egg maturity. Doctor said to give Clomid a we're on the 2ww!